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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Sabah records highest

Undocumented migrants in Sabah expected to be many many more than what was recorded

A total of 530,625 undocumented immigrants have been registered throughout Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah from Aug 1 until yesterday, Home Ministry senior deputy secretary-general (Registration and Immigration) Alwi Ibrahim said.

He said in a statement yesterday that the amnesty programme (6P programme) was carried out in 206 Immigration offices in Peninsular Malaysia and Sabah, as well as at 1,934 registration counters handled by 336 management companies.

Sabah recorded the highest number of registration of undocumented migrants at 152,588, followed by Selangor (126,094), Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur (103,075), Johor (33,451), Penang (27,046), Perak (19,999), Pahang (18,390), Putrajaya (13,400), Negeri Sembilan (13,065), Kedah (12,703), Melaka (5,842), Kelantan (2,150), Terengganu(1,761), Perlis (962) and Labuan (99).

Alwi said the government gave a strong warning to all management companies not to give any misleading information to the undocumented migrants, employers or members of the public, particularly on the aspect of payment.

"There are companies reported to have imposed a package payment of more than RM35 on each illegal by telling that they were acting on the Home Ministry's instruction.

"They should stop doing this as the ministry has never changed its decision on the service payment for management companies which is RM35 for registration and RM300 for the legalisation process, but only to be paid if the illegals are selected for legalisation," he said.

To ensure there was no cheating, Alwi said Immigration officers and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission would monitor the situation so that the companies concerned complied with the regulations and the law.

Gov't provides same services

He said the same services provided by the management companies were also handled by Immigration offices throughout the country.

"Therefore, there is no question of the Home Ministry imposing extra payment other than what has already been set," he said.

Alwi said complaints could be directed to the Home Ministry's operations room at 03-8886-8110/8112 with the necassary details for further action by the ministry.

In Kota Kinabalu, the Sabah main committee on the amnesty programme has agreed to extend the deadline for the registration process for another two from today until Wednesday.

However, state secretary Sukarti Wakiman in a statement said the extension would only involve four districts, namely Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Sandakan and Lahad Datu.

He said this was because the registration centres in the four districts recorded more than 300 undocumented migrants a day compared to less than 100 in the other districts.

- Bernama


  1. Sabah have highest presence of illegals, no doubt the registration records are also highest.

  2. Hope that this 6P program can solve some illegal immigrants problems.

  3. mmg bilangan PATI paling ramai di Sabah dan amat diharap program ini dpt selesaikan masalah PATI.

  4. tidak hairan jika Sabah paling ramai. rakyat Sabah sudah sedia maklum sebab tu ramai yang setuju & berharap penubuhan SSD.

  5. pati memang ramai di Sabah dan diharapkan melalui program ini masalah pati akan dapat diatasi.

  6. Bilangan PATI di Sabah lagi ramai daripada penduduk tempatan. Jadi, berapa kali kecuaian pihak berkuasa menjaga sempadan daripada dimasuki PATI. Harap2 lepas program ini tiada lagi PATI masuk ke Sabah.

  7. harap objektif untuk membasmi pati akan dapat dicapai..

  8. Diharap dengan program 6P ini dapat mengurangkan bilangan PATI. Sabah memang berharap PATI sangat2 berkurang lepas ini.

  9. Harapan Sabahans, serentak dengan program ni, pihak2 yang berkenaan yang bertanggungjawab menjaga perairan dan sempadan Sabah akan lebih memperketatkan & memantapkan security.

  10. Mereka yang bertugas di sempadan Sabah, macam mana kamu jalankan tugas?

  11. Jangan jadi pengkhianat dengan membenarkan kemasukan PATI secara berleluasa di negeri ini.

  12. Why the federal govt has not given any feedback on the RCI matter?

  13. nampaknya semua yang negatif Sabah dapat. bukan saja negeri termiskin tapi negeri yang paling ramai PATI.

  14. harap program 6P dapat menyelesaikan isu PATI. jika bukan secara keseluruhan tapi sekurang2nya usaha tersebut dapat memberikan impak yang positif.

  15. Mulakan operasi menghantar PTI balik kenegara asal mereka.

  16. Tidak memeranjatkan saya jika dikatakan Sabah merupakan negeri yang mencatatkan bilangan PTI terbanyak. Memang Sabah Juara.

  17. saya tidak terkejut dengan article ini. bejalanlah di sekitar KK pun boleh tahu.

  18. bilangan PATI di Sabah begitu ramai, dan pasti ramai lagi yang belum mendaftar. mereka inilah yang perlu kita kesan.

  19. program ini dilanjutkan hingga hari ini, harap lebih ramai PATI akan mendaftar.

  20. semoga kerajaan mengambil tindakan tegas terhadap mereka yang gagal mendaftarkan diri selepas tamatnya lanjutan tempoh hingga Rabu ini.

  21. empat daerah iaitu Kota Kinabalu, Tawau, Sandakan dan Lahad Datu memang ternyata paling ramai PATI, harap 5P ini dapat menangani masalah kemasukan PATI ini.

  22. harap ini dapat dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan tanpa melanjutkan tempoh lagi dan semoga PATI dapat memberi kerjasama.

  23. semoga masalah PATI dapat dikurangkan selepas tamatnya program ini.

  24. Sabah bah tu.. Entah pemimpin Sabah bangga atau gusar dengan hal ini oo..

  25. Saya yakin banyak usaha dah dibuat untuk tanggani hal ini. Tapi hairan masalah ini tak juga ada penghujung.

  26. Semoga hal ini berjaya juga ditanggani nanti.

  27. Tidak hairanlah.. Tengok ja kiri kanan pasti ada pati.

  28. Semoga semua usaha untuk mengatasi masalah ini dipertingkatkan demi menanggani perkara ini. Kerjasama dari semua pihak haruslah ada.

  29. Sabah always get the bad news..

  30. Now Sabah is the state that gets all the fair is that??

  31. My gawd. How long have these illegal immigrants been in sabah..??

  32. Its bout time to send them back to where they come from.

  33. Sabah is not big yet Sabah is said to have the highest number of illegal immigrants. I do hope the program will help solve this illegal immigrant issue.

  34. It not impossible if Sabah be the higher Illegal Immigrant. We can look geographically that around of Sabah can easy for Philippine and Indonesia to come.

  35. Usdah dijangka Sabah merupakan Negeri yang paling ramai PATI. Baguslah sekurangnya kita tahu dari mana asal PATI yang terdapat di sini. Selepas ini mungkin agak mudah untuk mengesan kemasukan PATI.

  36. program 5P yang dilaksanakan oleh kerajaan negeri sudah mula menampakkan hasilnya..

  37. diharap segala usaha yang dilakukan di bawah program 5P akan berhasil..

  38. make sure in this program Sabah recorded the highest number of immigrants return to their home countries.

  39. Jumlah yang banyak atau jumlah yang kurang tetap kami kena selesai masalah PATI yang berleluasa di negeri Sabah ni. Usaha semua pihak amat diperlukan, kami mengharapkan yang terbaik.

  40. Adakah tindakan diambil terhadap PATI yang masih tidak daftarkan diri dalam tempoh yang ditetapkan?

  41. Apakah sebab jumlah PATI di Sabah adalah paling banyak?

  42. Kami berharapkan "ZERO PATI" di Sabah. Teruskan usaha!

  43. Apakah langkah pencegahan untuk PATI masuk ke Sabah lagi? Pihak mana yang perlu mengambil perhatian dan menjalankan tugasnya untuk memastikan tiada masalah demikian di masa akan datang?
