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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SAPP hoping to ensure straights fights in GE

Azman Habu

SAPP willing to help Pakatan Rakyat secure parliamentary seats while it eyes majority of state seats.

TAWAU: Sabah Progressive Party’s (SAPP) Merotai branch hopes to see a straight fight for state and parliamentary seats in the coming 13th general election.

Kenneth Goh, the newly-appointed branch chairman, said SAPP would work with Pakatan Rakyat to ensure a one-on-one fight in the constituency and in parliamentary seats.

This was one of two resolutions passed by 150 members of the branch from Kampung Sin San, Kuhara Road, Kampung Pitas and Hotspring Road at its AGM here on Sunday.

Goh, who is also a member of SAPP supreme council, said: “The members do not want to see three-cornered fights.

“They decided that the majority of parliament seats be given to Pakatan while SAPP goes for the majority of state’s seats in the coming 13th general election.

“This is to ensure a straight fight between the opposition and Barisan Nasional (BN).”

Goh said they chose the majority of the parliament seats to be given to Pakatan so as to help it on quest to Putrajaya, and SAPP will assist in the campaigning.

However, SAPP is eyeing the majority of the state seats.

He said the resolution reached by the grassroots of Merotai SAPP branches will be brought to SAPP congress to be deliberated on a date to be determined by the SAPP supreme council.

The AGM was also attended by SAPP treasurer-general Wong Yit Ming who said as long as SAPP wins, it’s a loss for BN and a win for Pakatan.

“So we have to work together and continue for a one-on-one fight. We support Pakatan’s ambition to capture Putrajaya,” he said.

However he said Sabah cannot be under Pakatan and its two party system, as it is different in terms of people culture. He gave examples where Pakatan led state’s policies were similar to BN’s.

“In Penang under the DAP/PR government, the policy is like BN’s. Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng is a good minister but the system is more or less BN’s.

“Ninty-eight percent of projects are awarded to Bumiputera contractors. DAP has always been fair, but they still use the Bumi system,” he said.

SAPP-Pakatan coalition

He said in Sabah, when SAPP leader Yong Teck Lee was the chief minister, a lot of projects were awarded to non-bumiputeras and local leaders did not raise any objections.

“Of the 20,000 low cost housing built, 40% given was to Chinese chamber of commerce, 30% to Bumiputeras and 30% to Kadazans. This does not happen in West Malaysia,” he said.

Touching on the recent raid by JAIS on a church in Selangor, he said this too, does not happen in Sabah but will happen if Pakatan leads the government here.

“In Sabah you can see Muslims having tea with non Muslims at kopitiams, many non Muslims helping Muslims. All this you will not see in West Malaysia,” he said, insisting on autonomy.

Wong said DAP’s Teresa Kok had talked about giving eight plots of land to Chinese schools in Selangor but after three years this had still not happened.

“When Yong was CM he gave five acres of land to a Tawau Chinese school in Kampung Titingan and now the school is generating income,” he said.

He stressed that all these may not happen if Pakatan takes over Sabah.

Tawau MP Chua Soon Bui, the SAPP vice-president, in her speech said the party has declared that it will work closely and support Pakatan.

Chua said Yong had on numerous occasions said SAPP wanted to work with Pakatan but maintained that the party insisted on autonomy for Sabah.

She said as SAPP hopes to go for state’s seats, Pakatan will work together with SAPP and help to change the government through a SAPP-Pakatan coalition.

“It is a win-win strategy for the people. No doubt the two party system vision of Pakatan has gained momentum in the peninsula but Pakatan must know the complexity and political background in Sabah, and as a local party SAPP is fighting for one country two systems and maintain the state’s autonomy,” she said.


  1. Sabah PR do not have a leader. Sabah DAP consisted with a bunch of opportunists with Fake Phd Holder Hiew King chiew, Fake Sino Kadazan Cert and Fake title Sir. The rests are rejected donkeys from Sabah UMNO and joined PKR.

    How can Sabah PR to lead Sabah? I can foresee Sabah will be WORST than BN if we let a bunch of rubbishes from Sabah PR to govern Sabah.

    We need to be realistic. I would rather vote for local opposition party SAPP instead of any party from malaya continue to colonize us. Only those mentally blocked and stupid dumb dumb idiots would continue to promote their party malaya in Sabah because they got NO IDEA on how to govern Sabah and need instructions from their TUAN from malaya. What is the difference between party malaya UMNO or PR to Sabahan? They are the same species!

  2. All the party malaya puppets from Sabah either from PR or UMNO are a bunch of sluggards and they would surrender the Sabah sovereignty to their Tuan from malaya as if Sabah can only be survived with the party malaya leaders either umno or PR.

    I want to ask them to go home to read the history of Sabah was one of the most richest and developed place in Malaysia during 1970-1985 when Sabah was ruled by local Sabahans party which has proven Sabah party are more than capable to govern and manage our own state than any party from malaya.

  3. SAPP bullshits a lot.Talk of cooperation but later turn their back and criticise PR.Go back to your BN lah better still.PR can fight alone .

  4. Party malaya PR puppets in Sabah are no difference like UMNO puppets. We Sabahans do not need those PUPPETS only know to kow dow to their TUAN from malaya to lead us to HOLLAND!

    Get lost those traitors from Sabah and get your boat back to malaya to join your Tuan there instead of behave like an IDIOT in Sabah.

  5. PR was given a chance by Sabah people to fight against UMNO 1 VS 1 in 2008 but LOST BIG TIME in Sabah. PR chance is OVER. GET LOST back to your malaya.

    Sabah people will support our local opposition SAPP this time to fight 1 VS 1 against BN.

    If PR put a candidate to create 3 cornered fight, we can proved that PR Sabah is trojan horse planted by BN just to split the opposition votes.

    PR Sabah is a rubbish party with FULL OF useless people, opportunists and Frogs.

  6. PR was the ones who backstabbed SAPP first in the Batu Sapi by-election last Nov ....

    Never trust semenanjung parties be it UMNO, PKR or DAP .....

  7. Betulkah SAPP sanggup bekerjasama dengan PKR? Macam tak percaya.

  8. Selalu saya dengan SAPP menolak parti semenanjung seperti PKR, DAP dan Gerakan. Tapi sekarang mahu kerjasama pula.

  9. bukankah sebelum ini SAPP memang sudah merancang untuk bekerjasama dengan PKR untuk menentang BN?

  10. PKR Sabah sudah kalah 2 kali dalam PRU Sabah selepasnya dan sudah terbukti PKR Sabah hanya bikin semak saja di Sabah dan tidak diterima oleh rakyat Sabah terutama pribumi di Sabah dan Sarawak.

    Lebih baik PKR Sabah dibubarkan.

  11. SAPP terpaksa bekerjasama kerana tidak mau persaingan 3 penjuru.

  12. parti dari semenanjung biarpun PKR atau UMNO semua sama. Kaki pengampu mereka hanya jadi seekor kerbau dan mengikut arahan dari bos mereka dari seberang. Tidak mana maruah mereka ini? Sanggup jadi pengkhianat?

  13. It is good for them to be allied. Maybe more luck!

  14. But before they made up a decision, consideration is needed.

  15. Whatever it is, Good Luck to all parties!

  16. sekejap bekerjasama dan sekejap saling berlawan pula nanti..

  17. tunggu dan lihat sajalah apa yang berlaku nanti..

  18. Make a wise decision before SAPP decides to cooperate with PR. Who knows they will backstab SAPP.

  19. PR will not be a better government.

  20. PR is not relevant anymore in sabah...PR is now 'bikin kacau daun' in sabah political..PR better focus on peninsula..

  21. biarpun SAPP dan PR bersatu, adalah susah untuk menjatuhkan kerajaan BN sabah..sebabnya, rakyat sabah kurang yakin dan percaya dengan kewibawaan SAPP dan PR untuk menerajui sabah..dan rakyat sabah melihat, adalah lebih baik mengekalkan kerajaan sekarang di mana pembangunan negeri sedang pesat dilaksanakan..

  22. there's no chances for PR or SAPP to win in sabah..BN sabah is too tough and strong for them..

  23. ya.. walaupun mereka bekerjasama, bukan mudah untuk menentang BN.

  24. Ba semoga impian anda tercapai.

  25. see, the first 5-6 comments above show how fragile both of the party grassroots...while their leader shaking hands, their supporters below throwing chairs at one another.

    So what does the party gain?

  26. Party malaya DAP leader Lim Kit SIAL openly criticise SAPP during DAP dinner in KK. Who is arrogance? Malaya leader to come your house to screw you and those Sabah DAP idiots says THANK YOU.

    Why our Sabahans from party malaya DAP are so STUPID? where is your pride and dignity?

  27. Biarlah mereka dengan labu-labunya. Susah juga nak cakap. hehe

  28. Yang pasti keputusan ada pada tangan rakyat. So rakyat harus bijak menilai.

  29. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  30. I don't think pakatan will let you to have a straight fight for state seats in the next GE..

  31. SAPP sendiri bergaduh dengan DAP di Kemabong mahu berkerjasama pula. Rasanya mesti SAPP hanya akan mendapat sedikit kerusi jika bersama dengan PAKATAN. Jangan sampai tertipu, nasihat untuk SAPP.

  32. Tidak ada guna bagi SAPP bersatu bersama dengan pakatan. Ini akan melemahkan sokongan SAPP itu sendiri saja nanti. Apa kata penduduk Sabah nanti dengan SAPP kerana bertindak sedemikian. Adakah mereka akan memberikan sokongan atau berpaling tabah kepada parti lain nanti. PAKATAN tidak boleh dipercaya sangat terutama sekali DAP. Mereka mempunyai perancangan sulit sendiri.

  33. Guess what? Every single party is the same. Singing the same tune, just rock the diff boat.

  34. Semoga apa yang diharapkan menjadi kenyataan.

  35. yang penting di PRU akan datang, biarlah pertarungan itu adil dan bersih semoga tidak ada 'phantom voters' yang terlibat

  36. biarlah rakyat yang menentukan nasib parti dalam pilihanraya akan datang

  37. kerajaan BN perlu menyakinkan rakyat bahawa mereka jujur dalam matlamat mereka iaitu membangunkan Sabah dan memberi bantuan kepada rakyat miskin.

  38. tak kira siapa yang menang dalam PRU-13 nanti, pastikan janji-janji anda kepada rakyat akan dipenuhi dan bukannya sekadar janji kosong.

  39. Anonymous said...
    Guess what? Every single party is the same. Singing the same tune, just rock the diff boat.

    ya betul!

  40. Apa salahnya jika SAPP & PKR boleh kerja-sama.. berkemungkinan membawa kesan yang baik dan kemajuan yan gtidak dijangka.. Sedia menantikan.

  41. I don't have any prejudice to any parties.. As long as they can fulfilled our needs, speak out for us, fight the best for the people.. These is what I will vote for.. BN, SAPP, DAP make no difference I think..

  42. Pergabungan... Perpecahan memang biasa di dunia politik ni. Yang penting tidak melupakan misi dan janji kepada rakyat. Sebab kami pilih anda untuk berusaha dan berjuang untuk kami.

  43. Pilihanraya yang adil dan amanah yang kami harapkan. Jika nak menang, menang dengan cara yang baik dan jujur. Kami perlukan kerajaan yang boleh berusaha dan membantu kami, membangunkan ekonomi, membaiki kelemahan infra, membasmi kemiskinan dll.. Banyak perlu diusahakan lagi.


  45. Three cornered fight will only lead to BN's winning.

  46. When election comes, the people will vote for whichever party they think its worth voting.
