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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Incidents in Selangor rerun of what happened in Sabah

Phantom voters, Christian bogey a 'flashback' to Sabah

By Aidila Razak

If the Sabah PBS government's experience is anything to go by, the timing of the church raid in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, may not be entirely coincidental, veteran Sabah politicians say.

According to SAPP president Yong Teck Lee, the "Christianisation bogey" is an old tactic that shows "parallels between Selangor today and PBS-era Sabah".

According to Yong - who with former PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan had in the 1980s unearthed 33,000 alleged cases of 'phantom voters' - "Christianisation" on PBS' watch was used as a form of distraction.

"The Christianisation bogey was used... to drive Muslims to Umno, (while) the abuse of phantom voters, using foreigners, was done covertly," the former Sabah chief minister told Malaysiakini in a text message.

Jeffrey, who was part of the PBS government in 1994, agreed that the incidents in Selangor today were "an exact rerun" of what had happened in Sabah.

Who gains from proselytisation issue?

Jeffrey, who led the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) in the 1980s, together with Yong found incidents of duplication, and triplication of identity cards on the electoral roll, and this was met by the BN side with allegations of bigotry.

"Islamic NGOs linked to (then Berjaya-chief) Harris Salleh turned the issue around to make it racial and religious, saying that we were only focusing on the growth of the Malay-Muslim population," he said.

However, both the Sabah strongmen believe that such old tactics are unlikely to gain much traction today as the electorate is more sophisticated and can see that the Christianisation bogey is "merely political".

Nevertheless, Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad is a bit more wary, saying that the timing of the church raid - when Pakatan was bringing up alleged cases of permanent residents found to be voters in Selangor - has managed to throw the opposition back on the defensive in the lead-up to the general election.

The Selangor PAS deputy commissioner added that subsequent attacks by BN on the Islamic party raises suspicions of the raid being engineered for "political mileage".

"How can such a raid happen without the knowledge of the Selangor exco member on Islamic affairs and the Jais director, who were only informed after the incident? It implies the possibility of outside interference," he said.

Can PAS maintain a united front?

Attacks from the BN, however, did not only drive a wedge between PAS and its Pakatan Rakyat partners, but also sowed rifts within the Islamic party.

Youth chief Nasruddin Hassan, for example, said that he supported the church raid, despite the leadership reserving judgment until they have spoken to the Selangor Islamic Affairs Department (Jais) and the Damansara Utama Methodist Church (DUMC).

"The youth wing wants to show that they are taking the issue seriously, but the party wants to be fair on this.

"Our stand has always been the rejection of proselytising of Muslims, as stated in the federal constitution, and anyone who is guilty of doing so should be dealt with accordingly," Khalid said.

However, the allegation of proselytising must be backed up with evidence.

The effective and convincing delivery of this united stand, said political scientist Wong Chin Huat, could determine whether BN could regain ground lost after the July 9 rally, particularly among Malay voters.

"If PAS is divided on this, then it can partially undo the headway it gained post-Bersih 2.0, although I doubt this will happen in Kelantan and Terengganu.

"Some effect is, however, expected among Malay voters on the west coast, including Kedah, who have shown a greater tendency to feel under siege when it comes to issues of religion," he said.

Malaysiakini News


  1. jgnlah nak manipulasikan lagi hal ini.

  2. apa pun isu yang berlaku ia perlu diselesaikan dengan baik dan tidak perlu disensasikan.

  3. harap rakyat pandai menilai

  4. Isu perkauman/keagamaan sering dimanipulasikan oleh pihak tertentu yang berniat jahat untuk menceraikan keharmonian di Malaysia.

  5. janganlah menggunakan taktik jahat hanya semata-mata untuk memancing undi dari kaum lain.

  6. harap peristiwa sedemikian tidak berulang

  7. yes, if it is true, then the allegation of proselytising must be backed up with evidence.

  8. same issue...boring...

    can YTL find a new issue?

    repeating the same issue over and over again, will not give any solution..

  9. politik dan agama tidak patut dicampur adukkan..

  10. now maybe YTL want to use on what happened in selangor as his poltical tools..

  11. YTL, no need to manipulate the issue..

  12. Banyak isu yang dikaitkan, satu demi satu isu di kaitkan. Kita jangan menambahkan lagi api sebaiknya kita mencari jalan untuk mengelakkan perkara ini daripada terjadi di kawasan kita.

  13. Setiap apa yang terjadi pasti ada sebabnya YTL jangan cuba untuk memanipusi isu ini....

  14. Anonymous said...

    Isu perkauman/keagamaan sering dimanipulasikan oleh pihak tertentu yang berniat jahat untuk menceraikan keharmonian di Malaysia.

    Saya sokong Anonymous.. Jangan lar ungkit isu-isu yang menyakitkan hati terutama berkaitan dengan agama. Kami harap kesemua masalah dapat ditanggani.

  15. Agama vs politik. Apa kaitannya? Pandai-pandai kami nilaikan.

  16. Masing-masing guan taktik semata-mata untuk menang dalam PRU tetapi ungkit isu-isu yang meceraikan ketenteraman Negara. Siapa yang menang sebenarnya?

  17. Kami semua hidup tenteram walaupun berlain bangsa dan agama, ada juga sebilangan orang mencungkil topik sensitif merosakkan keharmonian negara. Apakah tujuan sebenarnya? Semua ini seharusnya tidak berlaku.

  18. Harap-harap bukannya semata-mata untuk mendapat kemenangan pilihanraya dan unkit isu sensitif. Walau bagaimanapun, selesai lar dengan hati yang tenang.

  19. Betul tu Bob. Memang kita hidup aman damai walaupun berbeza agama... Cuma yang bikin panas tu bila agama dipolitikkan. huhu

  20. Kalau ya pun nak pancing undi, rasanya tak perlu gunakan taktik yang mengaitkan sesuatu isu dengan agama kerana ia mampu mengundang padah.

  21. Setiap masalah yang timbul, selesaikanlah dengan baik. Jangan biarkan ma.salah itu menggugat keharmonian negara.

  22. Jadi rakyat pun harus tahu menilai senario sebegini dengan adil. Jangan buat kesimpulan yang melulu. Pastikan segala sesuatu dipertimbangkan sebaik mungkin.

  23. Apapun kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti and YTL janganlah banyak cakap!!!

  24. Semua itu terpulang kepada rakyat itu sendiri nanti untuk menilai siapa yang terbaik untuk mereka. Jadi undilah dengan bijak dan bukan atas hasutan pihak lain.

  25. YTL seperti menuduh dirinya sendiri yang tidak sedar perkara ini berlaku pada dirinya sendiri juga.

  26. Having the same problem happening again, hope peopl really knows what's happening here...

  27. Let's be patient and solve this problem....YTL please do the right, keep your mouth shut...

  28. YTL patut cerminkan diri sebelum menunding jari ke arah orang lain.

  29. Setelah apa yang YTL lakukan bila menjadi KM Sabah, dia masih mengharapkan sokongan dan keyakinan rakyat?

  30. tidak perlu timbulkan perkaitan antara isu di semenanjung dengan di Sabah.

  31. Diharapkan rakyat menilai sendiri apakah yang sedang berlaku!

  32. Paquin said...
    Kalau ya pun nak pancing undi, rasanya tak perlu gunakan taktik yang mengaitkan sesuatu isu dengan agama kerana ia mampu mengundang padah.

    Betul kata Paquin, tidak seharusnya berkaitkan dengan agama yang bersifat sensitif.

  33. Negara kami memang tiada isu atau masalah walaupun berlainan bangsa dan agama, tidak seharusnya menimbul masalah terhadapnya semata-mata itu taktik politik.

  34. Apakah tujuan and motif berkaitkan unsur agama dengan politik? Masing-masing fikir dan soalan terjawab juga.

  35. Semenanjung dengan Sabah tidak sama. di Sabah tidak akan ada serbuan ke atas aktiviti2 yang dijalankan oleh sesuatu agama. Kristian dan Muslim saling menghormati.
