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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Double deals kill Sabah's downstream industries

Sabah losing millions due to ‘double deals’ on logs
Uncontrolled log exports have forced many downstream businesses in Sabah to wind up.

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah government is losing millions of ringgit in timber revenue due to “smuggling” activities and “undercounter” dealings. But does it care?

Former Yayasan Sabah director Jeffrey Kitingan thinks not. He alleged that there are “irregularities in the export” of Sabah logs commonly dubbed by the industry players as “under the counter” logs for which no royalties are paid.

He said the state government is simply not interested in how far the local timber industry has fallen following the timber crisis which began eight months ago.

He said he fully supported the recent pleas by the Sabah timber industry made through the Sabah Timber Industry Association (STIA) to reduce, if not ban, log exports to allow the sector to grow.

Last month, the STIA urged the state government to make available 20,000 m3 of round logs per month for the local timber industry, especially factories and sawmills which have been forced to close down over the last eight months due to lack of raw material.

Sabah officially exported 484,457 m3 of round logs in 2010 valued at RM224.84 million, with India and Japan as the biggest importers while sawn timber exports accounted for 423,457 m3 valued at RM641.33 million excluding other timber products, according to Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) figures.

Jeffrey, who is the chairman of Sabah rights NGO United Borneo Front, claimed that UBF had received several complaints from those in the timber industry who have been forced out of business due to what they say is the uncontrolled exports of log.

He said their request is not unreasonable given that the primary objective of the state government is to develop the local industries and to formulate and implement policies to protect local industries from foreign competition.

“This objective is obviously lost on the present state government and its leaders who are blind to the needs of the local industries.

“The local economy will be severely affected by the shutdown of factories, loss of jobs, reduction in income, partial unemployment, and loss of revenue for the state and the federal governments.”

Ban log export

He said the result of the current situation would be a shortfall in local timber and prices would increase and further affect the local housing industry.

“Worst of all, it seems that the state government is not only not supporting the local timber industry but is supporting industries in other countries,” he claimed.

He cited the claims that many furniture products from Vietnam and India, which are exported to Europe, are made from Selangan Batu and Merbau logs sourced from Sabah.

“The question begging to be asked is: Does the Sabah government truly care for the welfare of Sabah and its people?”

Jeffrey said that by ensuring that there are sufficient logs for the local timber industry, the state government would create a spinoff effect on the whole Sabah economy and add value to the products which would otherwise be lost through exports.

“The move to support the local timber industry will further spur economic growth in the state.”

UBF, he said, wants the state government to take immediate action “to drastically reduce if not totally ban the export of round logs from Sabah, with effect from Sept 16, 2011.”

He explained that the auspicious date was chosen as it is Malaysia Day and would mark a new mindset of the state government and Sabahans for a united and progressive Sabah.

Jeffrey also said the move to support the local timber industry would also help the “Cinta Sabah” (Love Sabah) campaign initiated by UBF’s parent body, the Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF).
“The state government and the people should support the ‘Cinta Sabah’ campaign and foster love and patriotism for the state.

“The campaign is to provide a new beginning for Sabah, which will ultimately enable Sabahans to enjoy a better quality of life,” he said.

Queville To


  1. Datuk Jeffery Kitingan tahu cakap saja,sendiri pun pencuri!,Duit Amanah Saham Sabah di kebas berbilion RM..,konon untuk biayai perjuangan membebaskan Sabah daripada Federasi Malaysia..! tapi kena tipu oleh Mafia Hongkong..,duit rakyat Sabah hilang,Datuk Jeffery masuk ISA..,Perjuanga apa..? semua setengah bendera..1 jangan percaya hero2 drp Sabah..,ini bukan zaman Mat Salleh,Antanom... cakap terus buat....,sekarang Malaysia!

  2. isu balak ni harp dpt diselesaikan.

  3. kalau sekadar bercakap atau mengkritik memang mudah...yang penting adalah mencari penyelesaian. apa pun isu yang timbul harap akan dapat diselesaikan.

  4. Bukan sekadar cakap saja atau mengkritik ,penyelasaian dia 1 sahaja KDM angkat senjata..biar Bakakuk...pun cukup.. Malaya terkencing2 ketakutan..,dia orang mana kuat Komunis Malaya pun harap Ranjer Sabah dan Sarawak kasih kalah ! Askhar dia orang tau jaga Sultan boleh lah...

  5. geng, angkat senjata hanya akan membawa penderitaan kepada rakyat..last2 yang rugi ialah rakyat sendiri..

    kalau ya pun, kena fikir cara yang tidak akan menyusahkan orang lain..

  6. kerajaan negeri berusaha untuk meningkatkan kualiti hidup rakyat sabah..usaha kerajaan ini harus disokong oleh semua pihak termasuk UBF agar usaha ini akan memberikan hasil yang positif.

  7. Sabah government do care for the welfare of Sabah and its people...don't worry...

  8. harap kerajaan dapat menyelesaikan masalah industri balak di Sabah.

  9. kerajaan negeri harus menumpukan perhatian dan seterusnya dapat menyelesaikan isu-isu royalti dan industri balak untuk manfaat rakyat Sabah.

  10. jika tiada penyelesaian dan kerajaan negeri tidak mempertahankan hak2 dalam isu-isu royalti dan industri balak ini, Sabah kekal selama-lamanya sebagai negeri termiskin di Malaysia.

  11. masalah ini pasti akan diselesaikan oleh kerajaan negeri..

  12. whatever the problem is, im sure govt will take a serious consider into it to seek a solution..

  13. harap kerajaan negeri akan mengambil tindakan untuk membetulkan keadaan yang semakin serius lebih-lebih lagi masalah kemiskinan masih tidak dapat ditangani..

  14. Kerajaan Sabah dan rakyat perlu bersatu, tanpa perpaduan kita akan ketinggalan.

  15. balak di sabah sudah habis. kena tunggu bertahun2 lagi baru ada balak.

  16. Cari business lain...cari sumber lain untuk menjana pendapatan.

  17. "He said the result of the current situation would be a shortfall in local timber and prices would increase and further affect the local housing industry."

    Keadaan tersebut seharus diberi perhatian, ini sememangnya menjejaskan kenaikan kos perumahan, yang membebankan hanya rakyat.

  18. Aktiviti pembalakan dan pemeliharaan seharusnya diseimbangkan.

  19. Masalah dah timbul... yang penting sekarang, cara penyelesaiannya. kalau semua pihak boleh bekerja sama kan baik.

  20. “The move to support the local timber industry will further spur economic growth in the state.”

    These certainly a good idea where state government should take care of our welfare and put us in the priority.

  21. “The campaign is to provide a new beginning for Sabah, which will ultimately enable Sabahans to enjoy a better quality of life,” he said.

    We all Sabahan should support the program.. Its certainly for the better tomorrow..

  22. "...losing millions of ringgit in timber revenue due to “smuggling” activities and “undercounter” dealings."

    Bikin panas oo!!

  23. Harap isu balak ini dapat ditanggani sebaik mungkinh sebelum berlanjutan lebih lama.

  24. Saya yakin kerajaan takkan membiarkan saja hal ini. Bagaimanapun, setiap usaha itu harus dilakukan segera :)

  25. Semua pihak harus bekerjasama demi menyelesaikan hal ini. Ketepikan kepnetingan diri dan fokuslah pada kebajikan rakyat.

  26. Semoga semuanya akan OK:)

  27. Jangan menebang saja tahu tapi tidak memeliharanya balik. Jika perkara ini berterusan sudah pasti akan memburukkan persekitaran yang ada sekarang ini.

  28. Memang Sabah pengeluar Balak buat masa ini. Tapi bagaimana dengan beberapa tahun akan datang nanti, masihkah Sabah menjadi pengeluar jika perkara ini berterusan tapi tidak ada pemeliharaan yang besar-besaran untuk memastikan hasil kayu balak tidak pupus.

  29. Proper care should be given to avoid any losses. Hope this can be solved quickly.

  30. There's hardly any good news for us these

  31. Harap kempen Cinta Sabah ini akan berjaya membantu rakyat Sabah.

  32. Isu kayu balak perlulah ditangani dengan baik supaya tiada kerugian berlaku.

  33. Isn't there a way to solve this? Smuggling is a crime, we should put it as a heavy detention...

  34. During the tenure of Yong Teck Lee in as little as 2 years, he approved some 265 logging licences covering over 300,000 ha (an area 5 times larger than the island of Singapore). these licences were given to cronies, associates, non-Sabahans included, and is clearly an act of gross irresponsibility at the expense of environmental conservation, sustainability and public interest.

  35. Aktiviti pembalakan seharusnya dipantau dengan ketat sebab ini merupakan sumber pendapat yang lumayan. Jangan terbiar begitu supaya adanya orang mengambil kesempatan untuk keuntungan sendiri.

  36. Betul ke kata Peluru dimana ada 265 lesen untuk cronies, associates, non-Sabahan dll..?? Ada bukti ke statement tersebut?

  37. Jika aktiviti pembalakan tidak terkawal dan pemeliharaan tidak dijalankan, tidak dapat maki bayangkan apa akan terjadi di masa akan datang?

  38. Sokong semua "Kempen Cinta Sabah"..

  39. Demi menjaga harta orang Sabahan, seharusnya kerajaan negeri mengambil berat dan menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Jika dibiarkan begitu, masalah akan berterusan dan menjadi teruk.

  40. industri hiliran di Sabah harus dijaga dan dipertahankan.
