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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Bringing back the real Malaysia

Stephanie Sta Maria

Umno veteran and Amanah deputy president Kadir Sheikh Fadzir isn't bothered about hiding his allegiance to civil society even if it means being critical of Barisan Nasional.

Kadir Sheikh Fadzir may be an Umno veteran and former Cabinet minister, but he has no qualms about walking the tightrope between political allegiance and civic-consciousness.

“Help the opposition,” he said within seconds of settling down for an interview at his office in Sazean Holdings.

Then, perhaps accustomed to having such requests being laughed off, he reiterated his call: “Help the opposition, they need it. Especially when they are denied coverage in the mainstream media.”

Kadir doesn’t bother hiding his allegiance, which incidentally is to civil society.

Kadir left Parliament’s circle of top echelons seven years ago after holding six ministerial positions and a successful tourism campaign that put Malaysia on the world tourism map.

The former Tourism Minister, with a penchant for bow ties, has however spent the last few years in the quiet folds of Sazean, of which he is the executive chairman.

Last July, an NGO named Angkatan Amanah Merdeka (Amanah) trotted through Sazean’s doors. Kadir is now among a string of Barisan Nasional veteran politicians who make up Amanah’s central council and himself sits in the seat of deputy president.

The NGO is headed by another Umno veteran, Gua Musang MP, Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, and aims to return Malaysians to the spirit and roots of togetherness that flourished during the early days of Independence.

Candid Kadir

And to Kadir that means taking a huge step beyond the 1Malaysia concept to create a level political playing field where the power to form a government lies solely in the hands of the people.

“People power” is a looping soundtrack played by Pakatan Rakyat and civil society groups but it is when a prominent figure from the other camp starts singing along that it takes on a whole new beat.

“Times have changed and the world is now in revolt,” Kadir said.

“The point to note in these uprisings is that the world belongs to its inhabitants and each country to its people. Many have forgotten this.”

“Our founding fathers respected the people’s rights and gave them freedom to analyse and debate before choosing their government. In those days the opposition was allowed airtime in the mainstream media, and political parties were given room for dissent and debate.”

“But over time the media fell under the ruling party’s control and only one voice was allowed to speak to the people.

“Their rights were slowly eroded to the point that there are no longer free and fair elections. So the elected government doesn’t represent the people’s true choice.”

It isn’t the first time that Kadir has been candid in his criticism of BN and commiseration for Pakatan.

His recent media statements have revolved around BN’s open secrets including media restrictions on the opposition, the use of government agencies to fish for rural votes and bribery during elections.

Najib’s aware of BN’s shortcomings

When it was pointed out that he too was once a part of this system, he readily acknowledged to having gone along with it in an effort to be a “good team player”.

“At the time it was easy because there was no viable alternative to BN.

“PAS and DAP were seen as extremists so we went along with whatever was available. But it is different today,” he said.

That difference is in the evolution of Malaysian politics into a two-party system where both sides are championing almost identical objectives.

The pertinent questions therefore are which is the better side and how can the people be given a fair system to make that decision.

The Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) was set up for the purpose of answering the latter question and its report is expected to be ready by the end of March.

But Kadir will continue holding his breath until then for fear that talk of a general election being called before that will materialise. If that happens, he warned, it would not bode well for BN.

“The fact that (prime minister) Najib (Tun Razak) has set up the PSC shows he admits to serious shortcomings in the system.

“So if an election is held before the PSC completes its work and if BN wins, it will be a stolen election and all Najib’s efforts to form a PSC will be nothing more than a drama,” he noted.

Right now, however, the PSC has proved it is doing more than just giving lip service by pushing through the use of indelible ink for the upcoming elections.

Amanah isn’t a political entity

Bersih can now strike one demand off its list of eight but, according to Kadir, indelible ink isn’t the most important of the lot.

“What is of greater importance is fair access to the media,” he stated.

“The government should give the opposition at least 10 percent of airtime for the three to six months preceding an election.

“Then the people can give serious consideration to whom to vote for and we will be one step closer to free and fair elections.”

Kadir’s frankness is reflective of Amanah’s strife to be the voice of conscience and neutrality in Malaysian politics. But it has also given rise to various speculations of hidden political manoeuvring.

Talk is that Amanah has political aspirations despite its insistence on remaining an NGO.

Speculations are rife that it is aligned to the opposition and that its BN leadership are politicians who are struggling to remain relevant for the next election.

Kadir, however, brushed aside all three presumptions.

He agreed that a majority of Amanah members were in favour of the party shedding its NGO status, but said that no decision had been made on the matter as yet.

“We are very new and we’re unsure of where we are headed but right now we know that we have to bring the country as far as we can back to our roots,” he said.

“Tengku Razaleigh and I have gone through it all. We know that unless we bring back the people to the true spirit of independence, our country will shrink in its values.

“And we hope that more Umno members will agree to our views so that there will be change within,” he said.
Tunku’s wisdom guides Amanah

For now, Kadir claimed he has the support of many “dear Umno friends” who silently agree that the party’s “endemic” practices of corruption, nepotism and cronyism must come to an end.

Funnily enough, he also claimed to not have received any brickbats from those who are livid at his washing of Umno’s dirty laundry in public.

“If they want to criticise me, then they first have to criticise many of the Umno leaders,” he said.

“Najib and (deputy prime minister) Muhyiddin (Yassin) have themselves been shrieking ‘kita mesti berubah, jika tidak kita akan diubah’.”

“They are saying that the people are aware of Umno’s bad habits which is exactly what Amanah is saying. And if we are seen to be pro-opposition it is only because we support the issues that they raise.”

To further emphasise his point, Kadir launched into his favourite story of a conversation with former premier, Tunku Abdul Rahman, after the latter’s retirement.

At the time Tunku had left Umno to become a member of Semangat 46 of which Tengku Razaleigh also belonged.

Kadir, who was then deputy foreign minister, sought him out to convey a message from Umno members asking him to rejoin the party.

According to him, Tunku replied: “Kadir don’t you think I love Umno? Umno is the party that helped me gain independence for this country and made me prime minister. Surely, I love it. But if Umno has obviously gone astray and cannot perform its functions, then the country and the people should come first. Remember that, Kadir.”

Umno must do the right thing

Those words have undoubtedly burned themselves into Kadir’s memory as he uses them as a guidepost in taking Amanah forward.

He shared that the NGO’s next step is to open state and district branches so as to further spread the spirit of independence.

“In Amanah we are guided by Tunku’s saying that if we are all to live together as one family and under one roof, then we must be sincere to each other.

“The only way that Umno and BN can continue to be in power is to act sincerely and do the right thing,” he stressed.


  1. If malaysia still running by a bunch of racist monkey from umno and everyday shouting malayu, melayu and melayu.

    How could you bring back real malaysia?

    1. Many has forgotten the aspiration (respect for each others and the common interest of the people). They need to embrace the past and understand what made MALAYSIA in the first place. Salute and standing ovation to the founding fathers of MALAYSIA.

    2. sifat rasis memang terdapat dalam individu seperti Ibrahim Ali. whenever heard issue about him, it is no other than race and religion.

    3. Those who purposely creates racial tension should be jailed.

  2. Malaysia sudah jadi Layu...layu..dan layu disebabkan melayu dalam UMNO ni....
    BN...BN..and Be End all the way on PRU13
    dan tukar nama Malaysia... pembangkang akan jadi pemerintah baru selepas PRU13.
    "UMNO hancur disebabkan orang UMNO/BN sendiri"
    sila komen siapa berani....!!!!

  3. UMNO/BN bukan lah mempunyai kelemahan yang tidak boleh di perbaiki.Pembangkang juga mempunyai kelemahan dan kecacatan yang ketara.

    Penyokong pembangkang hanya cuba menunjukkan semangat sahaja tapi pada masa p/raya nanti yang menang adalah UMNO/BN.Pembangkang ini hanya menang sorak tanpa memahami bahawa sorakan itu hanya dengan sebelah tangan dan sampai masa nya nanti dua tangan akan bertemu,bertepuk dan membuat sorakan di pihak UMNO/BN.

    1. jgn terlalu yakin. yg kelemahannya jelas ketara adalah umno/bn. mata dan pemikiran seorang yg waras akan mengakuinya. sukar utk diterima tapi kenyataan selalunya memang pahit utk ditelan.

      perbezaan antara penyokong fanatik umno/bn dan penyokong kuat PR/Pembangkang adalah kerana penyokong fanatik umno/bn sekadar berusaha utk mengekalkan status quo manakala penyokong kuat PR/Pembangkang pula inginkan perubahan. maksudnya adalah jelas. tapi yg pasti reformasi besar2an akan berlaku kerana negara ini lemah dlm segala bentuk di bawah umno/bn selama berpuluh tahun. akuilah bahawa segalanya harus diubah. enjin lama biasanya menelan kos senggaraan yg tinggi serta menggunakan minyak pada kadar yg nyata agak merugikan@boros. kita perlukan enjin baru di mana menggunakan minyak sejimat isuzu d-max dgn purata kos senggaraan yg rendah, berteknologi tinggi termasuklah sistem kunci keselamatan ( luar & dalam) , SRS Airbag, EBS, EBD, frame & chasis yg diperbaharui, dsb.

    2. UMNO perlu perbaiki segala kelemahan mereka, jika ia berjaya diperbaiki, pasti UMNO akan menjadi parti yang lebih hebat.

  4. Ceh! Bedebah kau Anak Petagas! Semakin kau buka mulut kau semakin besar Toli kau!

    Si Kadir inilah yg menyokong PATI diberi IC masa dia menteri pelanongan! Mana boleh lupa itu!

    Tapi jika dia sudah sedar kesilapannya dan bertaubat seara terbuka bolehlah dimaafkan tapi kalau si Anak Syaitan Petagas, yg mulutnya macam pantat ayam betina lu berambuslah balik philipin!

    1. Masih hiduplagi kau wahai Anak Petagas? Kau tahu kah Kg Petagas itu masih Setinggan.Berterima kasihlah pada BN UMNO sebab Petagas Masih Setinggan.Kalau berlaku kebakaran habis itu petagas.


  5. Walk the talk and fulfill the 1 Malaysia concept towards a fairer country for all races.

  6. The BN government must do the right thing if they wanted to achieve 1 Malaysia.

    1. should know what is 'the right thing' that we must do to achieve 1 Malaysia.

  7. They must revert back to the aspiration which leads to the formation of Malaysia.

    1. True. As the time passed by, many had forgot the real aspiration.



    Read this revealing article:


    We had 48 years of this failed UMNO project called “Malaysia” which was suppose to be an equal partnership venture for us in Sabah and Sarawak for “democracy, progress and prosperity”.

    Instead what we got is totally different from what was promised.The Malaysia Agreement and 18/20 Points agreements have all been honoured in the breach. We now have an apartheid system imposed under UMNO Malay supremacist ideology and the UMNO Malay monopoly of the common wealth in Malaya, Sabah and Sarawak.

    The current widespread perception is that Sabah and Sarawak have in reality become Malayan colonies. This seen in the the multi-billion theft of our oil resources to develop Malaya and make many UMNO Malays billionaires and turning both territories into oil palm plantation economies. We have been recolonised.

    This was the basis of the opposition by the Borneo independence movement to the British Malayan Malaysia Plan.

    “Malaysia” was promoted by the British to its sponsored political leaders in Sabah and Sarawak under a number of rationales:

    1. “Malaysia” would provide security to the Sabah/Sarawak people because of the threat of communist or other invasion.

    In the Borneo colonies the local independence movement was anti-colonial and not friendly to the British. So Britain and its stooge UMNO hatched up the “Malaysia plan” for Malaya to take over colonial control of Brunei Sabah and Sarawak.

    The independence movement immediately opposed this plan as a neo-colonial plan to re-colonize the 3 colonies.

    Their counter proposal for de-colonization to form a North Kalimantan federation comprising Brunei Sabah and Sarawak was ignored by Britain and Malaya. The British refusal to let the Brunei People’s Party become the government after it won 99% seats in the legislative elections added to the reasons for an uprising on December 8 1962 and later the guerrilla war of independence in Sarawak till 1990.

    The suppression of the Brunei Uprising led to the quick incorporation of Malaysia without Brunei. Singapore left not long after. Because of such events, Sabah and Sarawak leaders allowed themselves to be conned into this idea They failed to insist that the 18/20 Points safeguards were included as terms and conditions of the Malaysia Agreement. Instead they are mere footnotes.

    2. Tunku A Rahman the self-proclaimed Bapa Malaysia re-assured local leaders that Sabah and Sarawak would be treated equally in Malaysia and not become colonized by Malaya. (This is in writing to Sabah CM Donald Stephens)

    Facts: Sabah and Sarawak are today indeed treated equally as colonies of Malaya- all their resources are equally plundered by the UMNO and local regimes. UMNO takes the oil and the local puppets took the timber and turned both country in colonial oil palm plantation economies.

    3. “Malaysia” was a solution for the majority poor in the 2 colonies as the vehicle to eradicate poverty and bring progress and prosperity.

    Facts: Sabah and Sarawak are the poorest colonies of Malaya because of the above.

    The question we should be looking at is why are we not demanding the de-colonization of Sahah and Sarawak?

    There is nothing of value left for us to continue a colonial subjects of Malaya.

    Why throw away another 50 possible good years after the last 50 utterly bad years?

    Why make our people suffer further with this cruel joke called “Malaysia” which the Tunku had re-assured us was not the re-colonization of Sabah and Sarawak?

    (Abridged version of a comment in Hornbill Unleashed.

  10. Komen oleh Anon diatas itu macam di tulis oleh orang yang sudah sewel.Tidak payah panjang lebar dalam hal ini.Cuba menang dulu dalam PU13 nanti dan kalau boleh dapat 2/3 dalam Dewan Negeri Sabah baru jalankan perancangan itu.Sama-sama kita tengok kalau berhasil sebab untuk perkara ynag penulis sewel itu sebutkan mestilah di luluskan oleh 2/3 ahli Parlimen.

    Saya pernah sebutkan sebelum ini bahawa Autonomi dan Borneo Agenda yang di perjuangkan oleh pembangkang adalah langkah pertama untuk mencapai matlamat dan agenda yang lebih besar.

    Mimpi ini tidak akan tercapai selagi UMNO teguh dan untuk mencapai apa yang di maksudkan oleh Anon diatas maka ianya terpaksa di lakukan dengan melangkah 'mayat' UMNO dulu.

    Sekarang rakyat yang waras harus buka mata dan sedar hakikat sebenar perjuangan pembangkang.Mereka mesti di tolak habis-habisan dan tidak di beri peluang langsung untuk menang walau satu kerusi pun.UMNO/BN tetap menang di Sabah tapi untukmembawa makna yang besar adalah kehancuran SAPP,STAR dan Pakatan.Jangan teraniaya oleh janji bulan dan bintang mereka kerana mereka ini hanya manis di mulut tapi busuk di hati.

    1. I agree with you state.. What opposition want is to win the seats and same time they will be do anything plan to make this success. It does not matter to give defamation, giving rumors, give sweet promises to people and etc..This all the opposition do.. So please don't interested 100% what the opposition give..

  11. Untuk menang pada PRU13 adalah perkara utama pihak pembangkang. Sama2 kita tengok sama ada barisan pembangkang dapat menang atau tidak.

  12. Mahu memaki-maki pun tiada gun juga. Semua rakyat Sabah yang layak harus menjalankan tanggungjawab masing2 pada PRU13.
