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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Desperate Najib resorts to 'Ponzi schemes' to raise funds

RM13,000 in 5 Years? The government is at it again, calling something other than what it really is.

The scheme, known as “Skim Amanah Rakyat 1 Malaysia” or “Sara 1 Malaysia”, allows households earning RM3,000 and below to purchase 5,000 units of Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia (AS 1 Malaysia) at RM1 each and earn guaranteed returns of double their investment after five years.

“You cannot find a package like this anywhere else,” said Prime Minister Najib Razak at the launch of the scheme at Putra World Trade Centre.

Under Sara 1 Malaysia, applicants can choose to invest RM5,000 of their savings to purchase the units or apply for loans from participating banks. According to the PM, those who invested in the scheme using their savings will be given a fixed dividend of RM134 monthly. But if they choose to reinvest it in the scheme, they will stand to receive RM13,000 at the end of the programme’s five-year lifespan.

Those who obtained loans, however, will have to pay RM84 monthly as repayment, leaving them RM50 to reinvest and a RM10,000 payout in five years. The scheme is however limited to 100,000 households.

Stop embellishing and cosmeticizing

First thing first, SARA 1M is not an investment scheme.

And this is clear when it is clear that there is a fixed dividend return. An investment does not have fixed returns, because investments are dependent on market forces which determines the value of a commodity over time. When one buys shares of a particular business entity, one is subject to that business entity making a profit and this determines the returns on your share purchase. This is not the case with SARA 1M. You purchase a unit of the ‘saham’ and you are guaranteed a return of RM134 monthly. Whatever the government is investing your money on, it has really bad ROI for it to only give you back RM134 per month.

Secondly, in calling it an investment when it is not, SARA 1M is almost like a Ponzi scheme. Ponzi schemes have fixed returns upon the investments put in by the buyer. The buyer is sold on the idea that their money is being used to purchase a high-yield product. Yet, in the case of SARA 1M, we have no idea what the government is investing in, in order to produce a fixed yield. Where is the funding coming from in order to return RM134 per month and eventually grant the buyer a profit of RM8,000 at the end of five years?

Thirdly, SARA 1M encourages the buyer to take a loan out in order to purchase the 5,000 units of the shares. This is bad financial advice. Purchasers should never take out a loan in order to make an investment. At the repayment amount of RM84 per month, the total repayment is RM5040 is paid out to the bank; with a RM10,000 payout. For poor families, a commitment to pay RM84 for five years may put a strain on their finance, especially when the only clear return if RM50 per month. And would they have any thought of reinvesting the RM50 back into the scheme? So it is clear, that without reinvesting back into the scheme, the family stand to have nothing at the end of five years.

Simply put, Najib is asking people to borrow money to lend to him

SARA 1M is not an investment scheme but is rather a government bond issue.

A government bond is a bond issued by a national government, generally promising to pay a certain amount (the face value) on a certain date, as well as periodic interest payments. Bonds are debt investments whereby an investor loans a certain amount of money, for a certain amount of time, with a certain interest rate, to a company or country.

Government bonds are usually referred to as risk-free bonds, because the government can raise taxes or create additional currency in order to redeem the bond at maturity. Some examples do exist where a government has defaulted on its domestic currency debt, such as Russia in 1998 (the "ruble crisis"). Another example is Greece in 2011. Its bonds were considered very risky, in part because Greece did not have its own currency.

And since SARA 1M is a government bond issue, is it protected against inflation? Many governments issue inflation-indexed bonds, which protect investors against inflation risk by increasing the interest rate given to the investor as the inflation rate of the economy increases.

BUT SARA 1M is not even adjusted for inflation, since the returns have been fixed at RM13,000 over five years or RM10,000; if you take out a bank loan to invest.

Thus, SARA 1M is merely an exercise to raise money to fatten the government coffers, which by now must be desperately low. This is evident with it being limited to only 100,000 households. It is to show that there is already a fixed amount raised by the government, and when people start pumping in their money, cannot the threshold be raised?

This is not an investment scheme, but merely a clever way for the government to raise money. The sad part is that the poor are mislead to think that they are getting a good deal when in fact they are being bled dry to raise funds for the government.

Written by  Maclean Patrick, Malaysia Chronicle


  1. Ohh! Saya pernah dengar nama Rosmah dalam program cepat kaya tahun 2009 dan ramai telah teripu di Sabah!
    Mungkin Bank Negara yg hipokrit boleh bebaskan individu2 yang dikatakan menipu seperti Awang Binting dalam program Gemilang Mirza kerana PM sendiri secara terang2 mengumumkannya sekarang untuk 100,000 orang terpilih sahaja! Ini mesti dikhaskan untuk pengundi baru di tempat2 tertentu untuk mengundi BNUMNO khususnya di negeri2 yang mana BNUMNO kurang pengundi.
    Bijak, bijak tapi jangan fikir semua rakyat bodoh!

    Kalau betul2 jujur , mestilah terbuka kepada semua yang tidak berpendapatan khususnya belia2 yang menganggur!

    Ataupun rumah percuma seperti penduduk PTI di Semporna.

    BNUMNO=Bank Negara=Perompak!

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  3. cerita-cerita seperti di atas berlaku dan telah terjadi kepada orang india Malaysia di semenanjung di sabah juga telah bermula dan sudah pun terjadi. inilah usaha orang UMNO/BN mula-mula baik-baik lama-lama memijak dan menganiaya. apa sudah jadi dengan kita di SABAH.... UMNO/BN ini adalah musuh dalam selimut....PBS,UPKO,LDP dan PBRS apalagi cium cium tu....janganlah mengecewakan rakyat sabah lagi. Hatimu hati kami juga.

    1. Ini cerita sebenar UMNO BN yang sudah jauh terpesong hinggakan kutipan Zakat yang hanya khas untuk kategori tertentu sahaja penggunaan.

      Jamil Khir seorang Menteri,Pesara Major Jeneral dengan gaji mencecah RM 20,000. dengan segala senang dan mudahnya menggunakan wang Zakat RM 63,000.

      Kita di Sabah untuk pakai atau memohon RM 100. pun terlalu banyak rintangan.Zakat ini boleh diLoan untuk beli kereta oleh orang orang MUIS,boleh digunakan jadi biasiswa oleh pegawai pegawai N 43/N 41

      Baiklah jangan dulu bayar zakat melalui Tabung Zakat MUIS ini.Semua karut.


  4. What a joke. its mere a bond. to bailout the incoming expenses of the umno for the GE i think. lets calculate it. 100,000 limited participants. maximum "investment" are MYR5000.00 per household/participant. 5,000.00 X 100,000 = MYR500,000,000.00@MYR500K. Its half a billion. Enough to cover umno expenses during the general election.

    1. Not sure if there's many people who are willing to invest in this scheme.

  5. apa kata anak petagas?

  6. Skim yang baik dan memberi pulangan lumayan di katakan 'PONZI' pula.Pembangkang hanya tahu mengkritik tapi kalau di tanya apa yang 'alternative' terbaik tidak pula dapat jawab.

    Skim ini adalah terbaik dari kerajaan dan tidak ada kerajaan di dunia dapat menandingi nya.Yang suka kritik itu hanya cemburu dengan perancangan yang rapi dan 'idea' yang bernas dapat di kemukakan oleh PM.Tidak syak lagi rakyat akan menerimanya dengan baik dan penuh kesyukuran.

    Ini lah dia kerajaan UMNO/BN yang sentiasa berfikir dan merancang segala-galanya untuk rakyat dan mempastikan apa yang di lancarkan dapat memberi manfaat yang berguna dan berkesan kepada rakyat.Kerajaan peka akan rintihan dan kesusahan segelintir rakyat oleh itu PM terus berusaha memperbaiki segala kecacatan dan kelemahan dalam pentadbiran kerajaan.

    Walaupun belum sampai sepenggal dalam mentadbir negara PM sudah nyata serius dan memberi tumpuan yang berkesan dalam memperbaiki hidup rakyat.Malangnya segala usaha ini di sangkal oleh pembangkang sebagai usaha penuh tanda tanya tapi lupa yang mereka mentadbir negeri mereka tanpa sebarang halatuju yang memberi manfaat kepada rakyat.

    Rakyat sedar dan tahu antik pembangkang dan hanya menanti masa untuk mengubah pentadbiran mereka kepada UMNO/BN.Tunggu saja dan lihat.

  7. sebenarnya duit pelaburan ini banyak gunanya. pihak yang menguruskan dana ini pula semestinya dapat mengurus dengan sebaik-baiknya duit rakyak ini bukan sama seperti saham amanah sabah yang merudum sehingga nilai .10 sen yang terendah(current nav 0.3153 on jan. 11).

    jadi apa kebaikan pelaburan sara1M..? RM134 p/m. !!... itu kan % yang baik bagi saya ini sangat menguntungkan tapi bukan kerana terpukau dgn. politiknya tapi bisnes yang memberangsangkan dan saya rasa kita boleh mengimbang keadaan inflasi walaupun hanya sedikit tapi berbaloi-baloi. kalau mahu pelaburan berisiko tinggi pergilah ke Alternative Investment Opportunity(AIO) kerana pulangan emmmm...lumayan...dan ..dan yang lain- lain tu berlambak di luar sana.

    1. Wahai Jainab ADUN Karambunai.Kau ini HAJJAH tapi kenapa PEMBOHONG? Kau tidak takutkah LIDAH KAU DIGUNTING DIAKHIRAT NANTI? Kau sama Jumat sama saja.Asyik asyik BERJANJI.Siapa lagi dapat kalahkan kami kalau FASAL BERJANJI?

      Kau janji bantuk orang EKASIH,habukpun tiada.PEMBOHONG PENIPU.Inilah ketirisan kamu Jainab.UMNO BN pun sama juga.Kau ini kalau dikasih tanding PRU 13,betul betul kasih laluan mudah untuk PARTI LAWAN.

      S BALAU

  8. Is it wise to borrow RM5,000 to invest in this scheme? Any financial analyst to give their opinion on this?

  9. skim yang baik harus kita ikuti.

  10. Harap skim ni dapat membantu Sabahans yang berminat.

  11. Yang berminat boleh la melabur dalam skim ni. sesiapa yang rasa tidak menguntungkan tidak payah melabur.

  12. did the interior peoples understand with this new scheme??

    1. Those in urban areas also might not really understand with this scheme. Better to have the explanation. Some say 'yes' to this scheme, whilst some say 'no'...confusing.

  13. so many '1 Malaysia' these day. hope this scheme is really work and effective.

  14. I support the skim plan by PM. But why need have limited only for 100,000 people can join this skim.

  15. First come, first serve?

  16. bagus invest dengan kerajaan daripada invest dengan skim cepat kaya yang banyak membuat penipuan ..
