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Friday, January 13, 2012

Ini Kali lah! – Don’t Forego this Opportunity to Save Sabah?

By Awang Ahmad Sah

“Sabahans must stand united in the coming elections and vote for an alternative government, irrespective of their political ideologies, if they want to SAVE SABAH from further damage and deterioration.  Ini Kali lah” reached out Awang Ahmad Sah Datuk Awang Sahari, Deputy Chairman of STAR Sabah.

“Imagine if the Malaysia Agreement had been complied with!
Imagine if the 20-Points were implemented!
Imagine if Sabah were in control of its revenue, development funds and tariffs!
Imagine if Sabah collects at least RM15-20 billion each year instead of RM3.6 billion”
Imagine if Sabah did not give up its oil resources OR got more than the current 5% royalties!
Imagine if Sabah were in control of its immigration, borders and security!”

Sabah should be better far off than what it is today! Definitely not not the poorest but comparable to Brunei and Singapore.

For the past 48 years, the older generations were ignorantly blissful on State rights while the younger generations were harbouring under misguided and twisted facts of history on the original intentions of our founding fathers and the Malaysia Agreement on the formation of Malaysia.

However, thanks to the enlightening Borneo Tea Parties conducted by the United Borneo Front (UBF) and the untiring efforts of UBF’s founding Chairman, Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan, and his UBF’s dedicated team of “penyelaras” merry-men,  Sabahans at all levels have awakened from their ignorance and naivety and see through the marginalized and unfair treatment of Sabah and Sarawak through the campaigning for the adoption of the BORNEO AGENDA.

Sabahans, young and old or middle-aged and from all walks of life are fast learning to understand the tBorneo Agenda and the issue of State rights and autonomy.

Not only are Sabahans been flocking to the Borneo Tea Parties and fully supporting the Borneo Agenda, they are now enlightened and are seeking the restoration of Sabah’s rights and autonomy.

In addition, many young intellects have stepped forward to help spread UBF and the Borneo Agenda and to help educate and enlighten the others in their respective localities.

The support and enthusiasm of the people enlightened by UBF is reflected in the successful launching of the State Reform Party (STAR) recently.

“To me the more than 5,000 strong crowd is not the yardstick for the success but the manner of the attendance of the crowd” explained Awang Ahmad Sah.

“Unlike other political parties who provide transport, food, free accommodation and even cash to the attendees, STAR supporters had to get their own transport and buy their own food” added Awang.

At STAR, we are championing for “Justice for Sabah” and State rights and autonomy and the people understand that they are stakeholders of their and their children’s own future.

As a result, instead of spending for the launching, the people were prepared to bear their own costs whether it was RM1 or RM10 or RM100 to lighten the financial constraints and stand together, physically, emotionally and financially, to struggle for a brighter future for Sabah.

STAR’s struggle for Sabah and the future of our future generations has captured the hearts and minds of Sabahans.

The thunderous applause and the vociferous shouts of "KALAU BUKAN KITA SIAPA LAGI, KALAU BUKAN SEKARANG BILA LAGI" and "INI KALI LAH" at the launching of STAR says it all.

History has shown us in the successful ousting of USNO by BERJAYA and the downfall of BERJAYA caused by PBS.

The presence of illegal immigrants with dubious ICs and voting rights, gerry-mandering of constituencies and boundaries delineations have been done by the powers that be at the expense of Sabah and ordinary native Sabahans.  Why must we standby and continue to let this evil scheme continue?

While on paper, the defeat of UMNO/BN may not look easy, it is not impossible.

Unless UMNO in Sabah is stopped and the Government replaced, the colonization way of Sabah by the Federal Government will continue unabated and it may soon be beyond rescue.

Petronas and the Federal Government receives more than RM15 billion from our oil resources annually while we receive a fractional 5%.   Yet, Sabah leaders have to literally beg for that few billion in development funds.  There is nothing to be ashamed of in getting a few billion in development funds as the Federal Government takes more than RM36 billion annually from our taxes and oil resources.

In Indonesia, Acheh Province is autonomous and gets back 70% of its oil revenue.

In the Russian Federation, Muslim Republics manage their own oil resources through their own oil Ministries.  They even sign bilateral agreements with other countries on a country to country basis in dealing with their own resources.   Although Russia is not an Islamic federation, it uphold justice, at least by convention, on their oil resources.

A time will come when our oil resources are depleted, Sabah will be a liability to the Government and may be left to fend for itself.  By then it will be too late.

STAR appeals to all fellow Sabahans to use what we have left, that is unity among us that cuts across religion and race, to stand united and not to waste the opportunity in the forthcoming general elections to support State rights and effect a change of the Government.


Deprivation and hunger is indiscriminate and not race or religion based.  Neither it is not God caused but human caused.  One simple and shining example, as envisioned by STAR, Sabah would instantly be transformed to be the richest State if oil royalties is increased to 50% and Sabah collects its own taxes as per Point 11 of the 20-Points.

GE-13 is the last chance for us to oust UMNO and BN from Sabah.

“We must not forego this opportunity to stand united to oust the UMNO/BN regime and SAVE SABAH from further destruction” appealed Awang Ahmad Sah.


Awang Ahmad Sah Datuk Awang Sahari is Deputy Chairman of STAR Sabah Chapter


  1. Ok ba kalau untuk kebajikan rakyat Sabah Bro!
    Kerjasama saja kita sama barisan pembangkang untuk tumbangkan ini BNUMNO terkutuk ini!

    All the best!

    1. tapi SAPP cakap dia mahu 2/3..PR cakap dia mahu 1/3...mana ada untuk Star..jadi adakah pembangkang ni adil?

  2. Saya ingat penulis ini syok sendiri saja.Dulu dia dalam UMNO tapi sudah tidak pula kena pakai,lompat pergi PKR untuk jadi calon dan kalah teruk dalam PU.Sekarang ini dia mempromosikan STAR dan beri kepujian pada boss dia JK dengan harapan jadi calon lagi.Kalau dulu dapat tidak sampai 1000 undi ini kali saya ingat lebih teruk lagi lah.

    Yang saya dengar tidak sampai 3000 orang datang pelancaran dan lebih separuhnya juga penyokong SAPP dan Pakatan Rakyat.

    Sudah lah tu.Jangan telampau merepek untuk cari satu kerusi di Keningau.

    1. Kalau mahu kerusi Keningau kena lawan dengan Upko dulu dan PBS.

  3. Sya setuju misi sekarang kali ni lah tapi kalo terlalu banyak ímagine tis and tat pasti tdak bulih halao kurual tu UMNO dan kalahkan BN!

    Turus Sabahan terutama pemuda-pemudi sekarang mau tenguk perjuangan atas asal kerjasama antara parti bangkang biarpon PR,STAR Atau pon SAPP 1 to 1 menghadap BN ok!

    Jangan mana mana parti bangkang mau telan semua saja tdak bulih!

    1. SAPP sudah mahu telan semua mcamana..Star dan SPF dipinggirkan..

  4. Katak si katak lompat.kalau JK sudah lompat 5 parti Awang Sah sudah berapa? 4?

  5. “Imagine if the Malaysia Agreement had been complied with!
    Imagine if the 20-Points were implemented!
    Imagine if Sabah were in control of its revenue, development funds and
    Imagine if Sabah collects at least RM15-20 billion each year instead of
    RM3.6 billion”
    Imagine if Sabah did not give up its oil resources OR got more than the
    current 5% royalties!
    Imagine if Sabah were in control of its immigration, borders and security!”

    -Very catchy yet thought provoking...

  6. Pembangkang kini hanya mementingkan diri sahaja dan bukan ikhlas hendak memperjuangkan kebaikan Sabah.

    1. This is so present in Sabah there are TWO opposition fronts: PAKATAN RAKYAT and PAKATAN BORNEO. Each with their own agenda. Only God knows what those agendas are.

    2. Not onlt they will have to fight against BN in GE-13, they are fighting among themselves to get ellected.

    3. betul tu...sudah terbukti bah..tu SAPP terang2 cakap mahu 2/3...tu PR dapat tempias lah 1/3...lain2 pembangkang kena reject..kalau bukan pentingkan diri, jadi apa la ni? tamak haloba? tu Star pun diam2 saja..tidak kuat mahu lawan..

  7. JK sudah banyak kali lompat parti, tidak tahu selepas ini JK akan lompat ke mana lagi?

    1. harap beliau akan tetapkan pendirian untuk berjuang dalam parti dan pertubuhan yang sudah disertainya. no more 'jumping'.

    2. jika selalu lompat parti, rakyat pun ragu samada dia serius atau tidak dalm berjuang.

    3. kali kalau Star kalah nanti, JK terus lompat punya lah...tu SAPP cakap sedia mahu terima JK, kali JK lompat landing dalam kolam SAPP..

  8. Is Star capable to shoulder that responsibility? We heard a lot of actionless rhetoric...

    1. I wouldn't vote for party that only knows how to talk but no action done.

    2. mungkin tidak...pemimpin2 dalam Star pun rejected punya..bukan parti yang reject tapi rakyat yang reject..

  9. End of the day, we let the people decided as to who is worthy to take the helm

  10. To wake up after 48 years ?? people already grow "roots" in Sabah. Nothing will change unless God's willing

  11. It is not easy for people to have confidence on the new candidates.

  12. sebaiknya kita tunggu dan lihat perkembangan dan pencapaian STAR di Sabah dalam 1 tahun ini.

  13. perjuangan star kita belum tau lagi bagaimana.. kta tgklah bagaimana.

    1. kalau kau tidak tahu kau diamlah! dasar iblis menyibuk perkara orang2 jujur!anak babi

  14. Everyone has to start thinking about it.

  15. I hope Sabahans will make the right decision this time if they want to have a good outcome from all of this.

    1. sabahan is wise worried..wait and see who will win in sabah next GE..

  16. Yes, it's our time to make the next right move.

    1. if umno/bn win again, don't blame us.. blame the many opposition parties in sabah.

    2. Pembangkang sendiri yang menyebabkan pecahan undian di Sabah, inilah strategi mereka.

  17. Apa lagi mau cakap pasal parti STAR.Mereka berada di Sabah tanpa kelulusan ROC.Mereka ingat mau berkembang di mana-mana negeri di Malaysia boleh tanpa pengetahuan dan kelulusan ROC ka?

  18. Let the people decide who they want as leader.

  19. The Sabahans should make the right decision as it is in the hands of the people to decide.

  20. Let’s make the right move now…so vote wisely!

  21. We should all pray for the state (Sabah) and its people.

  22. The government is not an exception to this, so pray for the state government as well.

  23. Imagine kalau dapat 6 joker di slot mesin D Junction.

  24. Imagine kalau double-up dapat 3 joker di D Junction.Berapa bayar tu? Mungkin Awang Sah boleh kasi tau.

  25. Habislah kali ini.

  26. Orang Islam yang melanggar ajaran keagamaan nya tidak layak menjadi pemimpin kerana tidak mempunyai akhlak dan moral yang baik.

    Umpamanya seorang itu terjerumus dalam kanca perjudian maka sekiranya dia ini mempunyai kedudukan dalam kepimpinan masyarakat maka dia patut undur atau di tolak oleh masyarakat kerana melanggar perintah Allah dan seterusnya menjadi teladan yang buruk kepada masyarakat yang di pimpinnya.Allahualam.

  27. Jangan kita peduli si Anak petagasu yang baru keluar dari Bukit Padang! Dia punya gila belum sembuh itu!

    Hidup ABU!

  28. Pembangkang telampau banyak bah, so kalau undi pembangkang poun pasti undi itu pecah2. huhu

    1. Terlalu banyak parti yang mengundi, undian rakyat pasti akan pecah belah maka lagi susah jika mahu menang nanti.

  29. Sekarang ni sendiri mahu ingatlah apa yang patut dilakukan.

  30. Harap hal sebegini dapat perhatian sewajarnya.

  31. Sementara itu, rakyat perlu tahu apa yang hendak dilakukan seterusnya. Jangan biarkan fikiran kita dipengaruhi oleh mana-mana pihak.

  32. Apapun, kita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti.

  33. star masih baru dan terlalu awal untuk bercakap tentang keupayaan parti ini.

  34. apa pun tunggu dan liihat sajalah sama ada JK mampu mendapatkan sokongan atau pun tidak.

  35. ok bah kalau kauuuu,,most importantly you show us the people that ure not just another party who only after power.

  36. its too early to tell whether star is the right party for sabah.

    1. Star masih perlu membuktikan diri mereka kepada rakyat Sabah, harap rakyat akan membuat pemilihan dengan bijak nanti.

  37. it would be better if all the opposition parties come together as one.

  38. Pembangkang akan mendapatkan peluang yang lebih cerah jika mereka sanggup bergabung, tapi ini tidak mungkin akan berlaku.

  39. Star tidak perlulah tembirang sangat. Baru saja ba tu. Belum tahu lagi sejauh mana kemampuan dia. PRU13 boleh tengok pencapaian Star.

  40. Boleh kh Parti STAR di terima di Sabah...??

  41. Suka lompat parti..macamna mau dapat kepercayaan dari rakyat.

  42. Banyak Parti baru di tubuhkan di sabah.. masing2 dengan cara sendiri untuk memikat hati rakyat.

    1. memang banyak...kalau macam ni susah mahu pilih lah...

  43. Banyak cakap kosong... kita tunggu sajalah PRU nanti..

  44. Bolehkah STAR mendapat undian di sabah..masih baru lagi dan JK pula susah untuk di percayai..suka lompat parti.

  45. nanti masa pru, akan ada 3 atau 4 penjuru...tu undi untuk pembangkang pecah..jadi ini satu kelebihan kepada BN...mana mungkin akan ada sepakatan di antara pembangkang di sabah sebab awal2 lagi sudah terkeluar tu yang tamak (SAPP)..dia sudah awal2 bagi warning sama tu Star dan SPF yang dia mahu 2/3..

  46. saya rasa tiada akan ada Pakatan Borneo Bersatu..kalau ada pun hanya Star saja..

  47. JK merupakan antara individu yang mempunyai pengaruh yang besar di Sabah. Maka BN tidak boleh memandang ringan dengan persaingan yang diberikan oleh parti STAR ini.

  48. Kerajaan BN pasti akan dapat memberika yang terbaik untuk penduduk Sabah. Dibawah kepimpinan Datuk Musa pasti akan dapat membantu menaikan kepercayaan rakyat.

  49. I hope no more confrontations after this.

  50. Sabah needs to be save once and for all.

  51. Jangan persendakan Sabah.

  52. BN harus prihatin dan membuktikan bahawa BN ikhlas untuk semua orang di Sabah.

  53. Rakyat harus diutamakan.

  54. Semua muncul untuk menambat hati pengundi, tetapi masalah sering diabaikan.

  55. Semoga Sabah tercicir dari golongan termiskin.

  56. Orang berkeupayaan membuat perubahan dari undiannya.

  57. Parti yang tidak bertanggung jawab pasti dibubarkan oleh rakyat.

  58. Terasa banyak akan melompat.

  59. Perjalanan STAR di Sabah masih baru, susah untuk diramal.

  60. Kalau sanggup pinggirkan kebaikan diri sendiri, pasti pembangkang mendapat kerusi yang tidak terjangka.

  61. Adakah JK & STAR masih dapat sokongan oleh rakyat? Imej JK kurang baik sebenarnya.

  62. kenapa JK perlu bawa parti dari Sarawak masuk ke Sabah?? tidak adakah parti tempatan di Sabah?? atau dia mahu jadi presiden parti bagi membolehkan beliau mendapatkan jawatan KM Sabah??

  63. sebelum ini pun JK sudah menyertai banyak parti. kali ini entah dia akan kekal atau tidak.

  64. semua parti mahu menang. macam-macam janji yang kita akan dengar. tapi nilailah dengan sebaiknya sebelum membuat pilihan.

  65. parti mana yang berjaya mengambil hati rakyat, maka itulah yang akan dapat sokongan. tapi parti yang hanya sekadar pandai bercakap pasti akan kalah.

  66. KO ini maam gaya orang ayam mati bila bagi komen. Taulah penyokong BN bahkan! Mana dia mahu sokong Sabahan punya party. JF kalau tiada niat ikhlas untuk bantu rakyat Sabah mana mahu rugi2 jadi pembangkang!

    Dia boleh join saja abangnya yg Tamaha itu!
    Hei, namapun sudah KO, apa lagi mindapun KO juga.

  67. rakyat sabah sudah berpecah belah.sudah hilang kepercayaan terhadap pemimpin terdahulu. Malah byk orang sabah yang ignorance, tidak tahu apa-apa, katak di bawah tempurung dan bodoh sombong. Apa yang rakyat sabah mahu ialah bukti yang Sabah boleh menjadi negeri maju setaraf dengan negeri lain. implement 20 perkara sabah. dapatkan royalti minyak sebanyak yang mungkin. orang sabah sudah banyak yang terpelajar. tetapi semuanya atas pagar. confuse mau sokong mana sebab TRUST sudah tercabul. 48 tahun merdeka dan Sabah is still the poorest country despite abundant natural resources. Sabah for Sabahan! Sabah negeri merdeka. Sabah tanah airku.
