By Kong Hong Ming
Kong – FELDA, another bad deal for Sabah |
Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) should return 306,000 acres of land to the State of Sabah because FELDA had breach its promise and reneged from its obligations to develop the land given to FELDA intended to serve the interest of the people of Sabah.
At the same time, Sabah BN State Government should be held responsible for its failure to protect the interest of the State and its people in the land settlement schemes undertaken by FELDA.
As the government of the day, BN Government should explain to the people and account for its failure and incompetence in allowing FELDA to deviate from the original objective after having allocated some 306,000 acres of State land to FELDA for land settlement schemes intended to serve the benefit of the people of Sabah.
In 1979, the Sabah Berjaya State Government by the Sabah Chief Minister invited FELDA to develop about 200,000 acres of land in the District of Kinabatangan for the purpose of settlement scheme subject to the conditions of a written agreement signed on behalf of the Sabah State Government and FELDA. The total acreage was later increased to 250,000 acres covering Kinabatangan and Lahad Datu in 1983 and further increased to more than 306,000 acres.
In the written agreement, FELDA had agreed to establish the Selection Committee to manage the selection and engagement of settlers for the settlement scheme. FELDA should appoint at least two (2) members representing the Sabah State Government as members of the Selection Committee consisting of a total of four (4) members with a FELDA member as its chairman.
FELDA had also agreed that a settler selected by the Selection Committee shall be entitled to, amongst other things, be engaged in the development and maintenance of the allocated land subject to payment of wages and dividends. FELDA was required to provide a housing plot of land to each settler and his family together with a dwelling house built on it within the residential land of the scheme.
In fact, FELDA only used less than 10% of the land allocated to it by the State Government for the intended settlement scheme involving only about 1,500 settlers each allocated with 14 acres of land.
All good things came to an end for Sabah after FELDA had taken over the land from the State, the Federal Government, in breach of its obligations under the agreement, decided not to take any new settler in January 1990. The reason given was that the Federal Government wanted to reduce its financial burden in providing infrastructure and basic facilities within the schemes.
But the Federal Government or FELDA did not relinquish or return the land back to the State despite having abandoned its original objective for land allocated by the State Government.
The present BN State Government should explain why it had allowed FELDA to deviate from its original objective and why the BN State Government had failed to enforce the written agreement signed during the Berjaya Government?
Instead, FELDA continued to occupy and develop the massive acreage of land into oil palm plantation as landowner utilizing public funds and generating billions of revenues and profits for the benefit of the Federal Government. I am not surprised the revenues from Sabah had contributed substantially to the RM400 million FELDA office complex built recently in Kuala Lumpur.
Judging from the development within FELDA scheme in Tungku at Lahad Datu which is akin to a township, the State Government has indirectly allowed the creation of a new federal territory within the State of Sabah after Labuan.
In Tungku, FELDA manages its own security force and control and restrict the usage of public road at certain hours of the day. FELDA has its own infrastructure including power plant and water supply whereas ironically, the local communities adjacent to FELDA township are still without any basic facilities such as piped water and electricity supply.
Like the petroleum saga, the FELDA settlement scheme involving the loss of more than 306,000 acres of State land was another bad deal from the Federal Government at the expense of the State of Sabah and its people.
It is grossly unfair and reflects the arrogance of the Federal BN Government towards the State of Sabah.
This is another case of the BN Federal Government having reneged from its obligations to the people of Sabah.
I urge the BN State Government to take immediate step to enforce the agreement including to recover ownership of the land from FELDA for the benefit of the State and its people who are landless since it was FELDA that had abandoned the settlement scheme and did not honour its part of the bargain under the agreement.
It is not difficult to understand why Sabah has become one of the poorest State in Malaysia after 48 years of nation building under the BN government.
It is time for the Sabah BN component parties and their elected members to stop playing lip service to the people when they have been parts of present BN government for years. It is their duty to demand the Federal Government led by UMNO to channel and invest all the revenues and profits taken from FELDA schemes in Sabah to the State Government for development purposes or to demand for the return of the 306,000 acres of land back to the State.
Hope that the Felda will return the lands that are rightfully belong to the Sabahan natives.
ReplyDeleteThe government must enforced Felda to return the lands to the natives.
Deleteno more negative issue about FELDA after this.
DeleteHarap selepas isu ini selesai, FELDA akan terus membantu rakyat.
DeleteFelda should just giving back what is truly sabahan's rights.
DeleteThe Felda settlement scheme should reach their objectives which is to help the locals develop their land for agriculture.
ReplyDeleteIt is a failure if they can't reach their objectives. They must detect the root problem before the situation getting worsen.
Deletecouldn't agree more with you. The land that were taken by FELDA is does not help the people. You can't simply take away whats rightfully theirs even if its for the good caused.
Deletekewujudan felda telh banyak membantu peneroka dan menjalani hidup yang lebih baik.
DeletePromises made to the people must be fulfilled, stop the lip service and walk the talk.
ReplyDeleteaction talks louder than words.
DeleteAgree that the government should start taking actions to enforce the agreement for the good of the people.
ReplyDeletei think the state govt is aware about this..
Deletemost probably the government is coming up with a way to solve dis problem as we speak. most importantly, this issue should be solved before election comes.
Deletepenubuhan Felda adalah membantu peneroka, jadi ia kena fokus pada objektif mereka.
ReplyDeleteFokus pada apa yang harus di buat dahulu, membantu peneroka untuk lebih berjaya.
Deleteya..felda harus terus berusaha untuk membantu golongan peneroka.
DeleteSebelum perjanjian dibuat, tiadakah dinyatakan tindakan yang akan diambil jika Felda tidak memenuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan??
ReplyDeletenatives have the right to protect their rights when they are being oppressed or their rights encroached.
ReplyDeletehopefully the NCR tribunal will be set up soon..
DeleteSemoga perundingan antara dua pihak akan dapat dilaksanakan.
ReplyDeleteHarap hasil perundingan nanti dapat mencapai kata sepakat dan kedua2 pihak berpuas hati.
DeleteIni demi kebaikkan penduduk Sabah itu sendiri. Supaya pihak kerajaan dapat menyelesaikan mengenai masalah Felda dengan penduduk kampung itu.
ReplyDeleteHarap masalah ini akan selesai dengan keptusannya dapat memberi kepuasan kepada kedua2 pihak.
ReplyDeletewin-win solution is better..
Deleteya..sebarang penyelesaian harus memuaskan hati semua pihak.
Deletejanji kepada rakyat haruslah di tunaikan agar rakyat tidak rasa di abaikan.
ReplyDeleteit should be done sooner...however, its better late than never..
ReplyDeleteJust wait if Felda willing to give what is belong to Sabah.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan negeri juga harus campur tangan untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut dengan secepat mungkin.
ReplyDeleteIt is their duty to demand the Federal Government led by UMNO to channel and invest all the revenues and profits taken from FELDA schemes in Sabah to the State Government for development purposes or to demand for the return of the 306,000 acres of land back to the State.
ReplyDeleteHope this will come true so that the local economy being expand and develop too.
gagalkah FELDA bila ramai penduduk tempatan yang telah mengecapai kemewahan di Tawau dan Lahad Datu??
ReplyDeletebila ramai yang berjaya itu menunjukkan sebahagian kejayaan felda dan peneroka.
DeleteFELDA has no rights to take the people's land. The government has to demand for the return of the 306,000 acres of land back to the state.
ReplyDeleteTindakan tegas harus diambil sebagai pengajaran kepada Felda. Siapa suruh senang-senang saja ambil tanah rakyat.
Deleteisu yang berlaku harus diselesaikan dengan baik..yang penting hak dan kepentingan semua terjaga.
ReplyDeleteKenapa lah Felda buat mcm ni? Apa cerita???
ReplyDeleteFelda harus bagi penjelasan mengenai hal ini. Jnagan biarkan spekulasi buruk makin merebak.
ReplyDeleteHarap perkara ini dapat ditanggani dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteThose of you who are numb or pretend to be stupid, no sense of pride being sabahans should stop giving idiotic comment. If you don't want to help Sabah, don't join the crooks to destroy Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBawa perkara ini ke meja perundingan supaya ia dapat diselesaikan dengan baik. Kalau tidak juga, gunakan tindakan yang keras supaya milik Sabah dikembalikan.
ReplyDeleteonce it is all listed in the stock exchange in May this year, Felda is gone from Sabah for good. No more chance to runding. Open your eyes and see, listen with your heart. Act before it is too late. No point talking here. join up and fight the corrupt.!!
ReplyDeleteHope that FELDA will return the land to Sabah if they are unable to achieve their objectives in Sabah.