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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SAPP: DAP don't talk down to Sabahans

By Jaafar Hj Ismail

KOTA KINABALU, Feb 14, 2012: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) asked DAP not to dash the people's hope to change the Government in the upcoming general elections.

DAP was reported in the local newspapers today in saying that Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will contest all 60 State seats and 25 Parliament seats in Sabah and will not talk to SAPP, denying that there has been any discussion between Pakatan parties and SAPP. This is a gross disrespect to Sabahans.
SAPP contended that what Sabah needs to have is to have "one country, two systems". This is imperative because Sabah had been marginalized under national policies and development and resulting in it being categorized as the poorest and least developed state in Malaysia. The recent problems with the open air policy and air routes rescheduling is yet another most recent example of decisions made not in favor of the state which would affect our tourism industry, one of the three
main thrust for development announced by the State Government.

We cannot continue to have West Malaysian politicians coming to Sabah making decisions for Malaysians living in Sabah and telling us what to do and treating Sabah like a colony! What is worse is each time a KL leader comes, each one will say different things that confuse the people.

SAPP is a local Sabah-based political party which left BN more than three years ago with a Eight Points Declaration with the mission to establish a trustworthy government and a progressive, just and harmonious society.

In the run up and preparation to the upcoming election, SAPP is conscious of the people's wishes to have a one to one fight with BN to ensure a change of government.

By insisting to go it along and refusing to negotiate with SAPP on seats distribution reflects DAP's arrogance and their super confidence! DAP must not mistake their so-called success in Sarawak's April State election last year when DAP failed miserably to topple the BN Government.

SAPP reiterated that it is still open to further discussions to finalize strategy and seats with PR and other opposition parties.

Pic: Encik Jaafar Hj Ismail (Centre) YB Melanie Chia (SAPP Ketua Wanita) (L-1) and Peter Marajin (Supreme Councillor)(R-1) during the Press Conference.


  1. If SAPP have not discussed with PR, then it is not confirmed that SAPP will get the seats they wanted.

  2. The people must make the best decision regarding the best party to vote during the next general elections.

    1. Yes and it will be a hard thing to do.

  3. Vote out DAP. Terlampau tembirang.

  4. SAPP yang tamak mau 40 kerusi.Sekarang padan muka.Tidak payah kerjasama tanding sendiri lebih bagus.SAPP parti 'besar perut' lupa tiada rambut.

    1. SAPP mmg tamak, dia nak monopoli semua, jika begitu baik tak payah bekerjsama dgn parti lain.

    2. sesuailah SAPP berjuang sendirian kalau begini. silap2 kalau bekerjasama dengan PR lagilah banyak masalah yang timbul. lagipun DAP bukannya boleh sehaluan dengan SAPP.

  5. this kind of situation really very funny.

  6. SAPP bekerjasama dengan PR tapi ada komponent PR tidak tahu mengenai hal tu? sungguh mengejutkan.

    1. sudah semestinya DAP yang tidak boleh bekerjasama dengan SAPP. sama2lah dorang ni terlalu ego.

  7. DAP just packed your bag and get lost from Sabah. We Sabah Chinese will not vote such opportunists party.

  8. Sabah DAP IS SUCKSSS. Hanya mimpi mau jadi yb. Kamu fikir orang sabah bodoh kah? sedarlah

  9. Ketua dap sabah pun akun dia setengah tiang dalan dewan undangan negeri. palui

  10. Semua orang Sabah terutama cina tahu DAP Sabah adalah parti pengacau diantara pembangkang di Sabah.

    Sudah terang2 DAP ditolak oleh rakyat Sabah selama 40 tahun.

    DAP Sabah lebih baik tutup kedai dan balik malaya. Bikin semak saja

  11. Sudahlah ini parti malaya DAP atau UMNO yang hanya tahu mahu merampas hasil bumi Sabah.

    Aku tetap sokong parti pembangkang local kita SAPP kali ini.

  12. DAP tidak layak untuk Sabah. Itulah yang kebenarannya.

  13. Sabah DAP only make Lim Guen Eng looks stupid!

  14. that's mean, Sabah opposition parties will fail again..

  15. apa boleh buat la.. akur saja la dengan pertandingan empat penjuru..
