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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Power failure at QEH

Chong: It’s time for the PM to step in to stop the 'killings' 

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has been urged to personally look into the public healthcare fiasco affecting the people of Sabah.

Urging this was Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Information Chief Chong Pit Fah while responding to public complaints over the chaotic situation in Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH) here, last night, due to an inconsistent power supply which started at around 4pm and lasted till midnight.

“The healthcare situation in Sabah has reached a critical stage that there’s no point appealing or even shouting at our useless, incompetent Federal Health Minister anymore. It’s time for our 1Malaysia Prime Minister himself to personally look into the matter now,” he stressed.

He thus proposed that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to make it a point to take some times out during his schedule visit to Sabah this week, to conduct an inspection and an inquiry into the healthcare situation in Sabah, and to immediately come out with effective measures to address the pressing problem.

Chong who is also SAPP Kepayan CLC Chairman also wants the Prime Minister to replace the present Health Minister with someone who is more capable.

“Whoever is in charge of looking after the State healthcare services too should take the full responsibility over what happened in QEH last night,” he added.

He claimed to have received complaints from the various quarters including the patients’ families and some medical staff, over the chaotic situation at the hospital last night, where quite a number of its patients had to be transferred to the nearby QEH II and the Likas Women and Children Hospital, due to an inconsistent power supply there following a power cut.

“I was informed that the hospital’s back-up generator sets were insufficient to cope with the situation. Some patients even had their drip attached when there were transferred. The Emergency Unit stopped accepting patients at around 9pm.

“And what was even more depressing was many blood palettes had to be disposed off in the later part of the night, which is a great waste of the blood donors’ effort of donating their blood to the Blood Bank,” he claimed.

Noting that the incident clearly demonstrated the Barisan Nasional (BN) Government’s incompetence and uncaring attitude towards the sufferings of Sabah people, Chong stressed that the State government too should conduct an independent inquiry into the incident, and to come out with a full report on this.

“As I have said many times in the past since the QEH issue first cropped up in December 2008, and I repeat, all the state BN leaders are no different to accomplices in homicides, as it was a public knowledge that there had been many premature deaths of patients seeking treatment in the public hospitals, largely due to the current poor medical service in the state,” he reiterated.

He hoped there were no cases of serious complication affecting the patients following what happened last night.

Besides this, he also urged those affected patients and their families to boldly come forward to tell their stories over the said incident, so as to compel the Government and the Ministry concerned to take the matter seriously and to take serious measures to prevent it from happening again in future.


  1. "I am very scared"!

  2. The hospital needs an additional power generator in case of emergency. If a power cut happens to occur during a surgery, with the equipments and lighting stop functioning, this could pose a serious threat to the operated patient.

    1. Betul tu, memang susah jika tiba-tiba tiada elektrik masa membuat operation. Keluarga pesakit pun takut.

    2. alternatif lain harus diambil oleh pihak hospital untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.

    3. maybe this hospital need more allocations to solve this problem.

    4. Backup facility needed.

    5. pekara ini harus diberikan perhatian..

  3. The Ministry of Health and the Sabah state government needs to look into this electricity supply issue.

    1. i think the health minister also the state govt aware of this issue..

  4. I think the welfare of the people of Sabah is very important. Both the state and federal government need to look into this matter objectively.

    Please do not mix up this matter with politics!! It is part of humanity and social aspect of the society.

    More doctors and better infrastructure are needed in the hospitals of Sabah.
    Hope the matter could be solved as soon as possible

    1. Betul, masalah ini perlulah diselesaikan tanpa dipolitikkan. Kementerian Kesihatan patut memberi perhatian dalam isu elektrik ini.

    2. its true...i think health issue should be implemented as one of the that, effective solution can be done..

    3. langkah penyelesaian harus dibuat dengan segera.

  5. Indeed, this is a shocking affair.

  6. A critical facility such as this should not face such fiasco. Its's bad enough there are misdiagnosed by fresh doctors, now this?

    1. kemudahan untuk hospital adalah penting..jadi ianya harus diambilberat.

  7. The Health ministry should work hand in hand with SESB and to look into this matter as soon as possible.

    1. solution of this problem should be done ASAP..

    2. Masalah ini tidak boleh di pandang remeh, SESB perlu sentiasa memantau keadaan di Hospital agar perkara ini tidak berlaku lagi.

    3. ya..pihak-pihak yang berkaitan harus bekerjasama untuk mencari penyelesaian terhadap pekara ini.

  8. Not only that, perhaps the hospital management should have a back up generator should there is a similar incident occur in the future.

    1. Setuju meletakkan satu generator untuk menghadapi kecemasan seperti kabel putus kah apa, bolehlah back up untuk masa itu.

    2. ya.. jika pada waktu ini ada pesakit teruk, tiba2 letrik putus, pasti ia menjadi rumit, jadi perlu ada back up.

    3. hope QEH will have their back up generator soon.

    4. QEH should have their own back up generator to avoid any complication during the power failure.

    5. Perlu ada generator agar dapat mengatasi masalah ini.

  9. Hopefully this matter will be rectify as soon as possible.

  10. All this while no additional power generator??

  11. pihak QEH perlu pastikan kejadian ini tak berulang lagi.

  12. The frequent power failure in HQE must be fixed.

    1. The frequent power failure is a big problem to the hospital. What happens if the power failure occur during an operation.

    2. This issue should be taken serious. I hope the government could come up of a way to solve this problem permanently.

  13. masalah seperti tu harus segera dibendung. Pihak hospital tidak patut kerap belakukan kesalahan yang boleh mendatangkan kesan buruk kepada pesakit.

  14. Sepatutnya kualiti sentiasa pada tahap yang maksimum.

  15. Semoga SESB dapat menyelesaikan maslah ini secepat mungkin.

  16. Ini akan menjejaskan perkhidmatan dan pengurusan dalam hospital tersebut.

  17. Harap pembangkang tidak akan ambil kesempatan dengan mempolitikkan isu ini.

  18. Pihak hospital harus memantau perkara seperti ini, takut mendatangkan kesan buruk kepada pesakit.

  19. Pihak Tenaga juga harus memperbaiki kelemahan tersebut supaya insiden yang sama tidak berulangi.

  20. Kesilapan harus dielakkan supaya tidak merisokan mana-mana golongan.

  21. Yang berlaku memang tidak apa boleh buat lagi, yang penting, membaiki kelemahan yang ada dan membuat persiapan selalu terutama di hospital yang melibatkan nyawa rakyat.

  22. macam mana la mahu selesai jika berlaku apa2 masalah seperti ini, orang pertama yang dipanggil ialah ahli2 politik.. kenapa bukan pihak yang bertanggungjawab membuat kerja2 penyelenggaraan??

  23. harap pekara ini akan dislesaikan dengan sebaiknya..

  24. Enatah apa sudah cerita tentang bekalan elektrik di HQE. Harap sudah dapat ditanggani.

  25. Harap penambahbaikan dapat dilakukan dari semasa ke semasa.
