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Thursday, February 9, 2012

SAPP: Govt must respect the rights of natives!

By Peter Marajin

It is the non-fulfillment of the SFMLA that has jeopardized the natives living in the FMU area.

Refer to newspaper article by Tan Sri which appeared in the daily Express on 05/02/2012 entitled "Upholding recognition of native lands".

In 1997, the state government announced its new policy on sustainable forest management and the adoption of Forest Management Units as the working blocks for the management of its forest, a bold step for a workable definition of SFM and action strategy to achieving it. A strong and continue political commitment at the highest level is indispensable for sustainable forest management to succeed.

Besides economic needs, the role of maintaining the ecological balance and bio-diversity are the biggest compulsion for the government's total commitment to and focus on conservation and reforestation. Saving Sabah's natural forest and ensuring the wellbeing of its people. The long term policy of FMU is a wealth creation program for the future generation.

The presentation of certificate of compliance to ten companies by current Chief Minister some time in May 2011 is indication of its benefits to the State in the long run. If FMU policy is no good and does harm to the people I think the present government surely should have revoked and abolished the existing FMU policy.

FMU policy under Datuk Seri Panglima Yong Teck Lee's cabinet has taken into consideration all aspects of development in FMU areas including the interest of NCR, the community development, employment and training for local people and basic infrastructure and social development are incorporated in the Sustainable Forest Management Licence Agreements (SFMLA).

These are the relevant Clauses provided under SFMLA which clearly state that the native rights are well protected under the policy:

23. The rights and privileges of the natives under the existing laws and regulations, including Customary Law, are not affected or limited in any respect under this Agreement. The Licensee shall recognise such rights and privileges including, without limitation to those relating to entry into the Licensed Area to collect certain wood species and exploit Minor Forest Produce (as allowed and defined in the Forest Enactment 1968 and Forest Rules 1969) for its own personal use and not for business purposes.

24. The Licensee shall assist the Government in the implementation of community/labour welfare schemes within or adjacent to the Licensed Area. The welfare scheme would, interalia, include -

a) establishment of work place for the community;
b) development of education and medical facilities;
c) provision of communication facilities; and
d) active participation in the community development projects.

25. The Licensee will take appropriate steps to employ bumiputras in accordance with the National Development Policy.

26. The Licensee shall employ Malaysian Nationals with specific preference to Malaysians of Sabah origin to perform all work and to render all services within Sabah, except to the extent that the Licensee shall reasonably demonstrate to the satisfaction of Govern-ment that qualified and suitable Malaysian Nationals are not available thereof. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the employment of non-Malaysians is subject to the approval of all State /Federal Government Departments /Agencies having jurisdiction with respect thereto. As a condition precedent to the Licensee’s right to demonstrate that Malaysians are not available, the Licensee shall prove that it has conducted and is continuing to conduct a broad and vigorous recruiting and training programme for Malaysian personnel.

FMUs are not newly gazetted forest reserves. The real problems lie with the non-compliance of the terms of SFMLA by the some of the FMU licence holders, the SFMLA signatories, including the present Government. It is this present Government which started to evict villagers and burnt their houses and destroy their crops. The current on-going evictions are illegal. That is why the villagers are winning Court cases.

With due respect, I believe Tan Sri Herman Luping’s version of the FMU issues are muddled. On one hand, he criticizes Yong Teck Lee for introducing the FMU policy, whilst on the other, praises the current Chief Minister for the seemingly good report on sustainable forest management To add salt to the wound, his praises only seem to justify the barbaric actions of the present administration in acting against the villagers, especially the natives of Sabah.

The government must ensure the FMU licence holders must adhere with strict compliance with the terms of the which not only covers the policy implementation and operational practices but also to fulfill the obligation of the SFMLA on native communities. Only by doing can the interest of the natives in FMU areas be protected.

Peter Marajin
SAPP Supreme Council member


  1. Musang bin tidak aman adalah Lanun terbesar dalam sejarah Sabah.

    Musang bin tidak aman adalah KM Sabah yang paling TIADA GUNA yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia.

    1. Currently the state government has stated integrated cooperation between relevant departments and agencies can intensify efforts to improve the economic status of the people in rural areas, and hence, create a high-income society.

    2. Clearly this is to boost the economy as well as generate financial independence among the rural folk. So do tell me ANONYMOUS: ON WHAT GROUNDS YOU CLAIM OUR CURRENT CM IS A LANUN? ARE YOU WAITING FOR LEGAL ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN AGAINST YOU (ON GROUNDS OF SLANDER AND LIBEL)?

    3. Don't just talk, Show me the facts, figures and statistics.

    4. Are you really sure?

    5. the people rather focus on MA flaws than the development that he has given to sabah.

    6. The problem with Freedom Of Speech. People can just say what they want without the need of proof.

  2. Kenapa parti pembangkang tidak buat kritikan terhadap Musa kalau dia itu lanun?SAPP sibuk dengan RCI,STAR dengan autonomy dan PKR pula dengan janji-janji manis.Musa hanya ketawa dengan semua ini kerana dia tidak tergugat langsung.

    1. A few words can't possibly bring Musa down, he is not a man easily swayed.

    2. Kalau pasal RCI, Sabah hampir mendapat Green Light dari Federal. SAPP hampir kehabisan isu.

    3. Musa mmg tak tergugat kerana rakyat tau SAPP tau bercakap sahaja, tapi tindakan tidak ada.

    4. Rasanya, MA akan kekal sebagai KM Sabah beberapa penggal lagi.

    5. MA knows what he is doing. Words will not bring him down.

    6. SAPP is out of issue to politicize.

    7. in a way its good that the opposition parties bring up all kinds of issue because when they did that, the government has no choice but to quickly solve it.

  3. Kenapa anonymous diatas tidak baca suratkhabar atau pura2 tidak tahu SAPP sudah banyak kali buat kritikan terhadap musang bin tidak aman dalam suratkhabar?

    1. they can critic all they want but in the end its up to the people to decide who they truly want to vote.

  4. Musa memang KM yang paling teruk yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di sejarah Malaysia.

    Rakyat akan buang umno keluar dari Sabah kali ini.

    SAPP tetapi pilihan No.1 di hatiku.

    1. Are you sure MA is the worst CM? How about the ex CMs?

    2. SAPP lagi tidak boleh diharap. semasa Yong jadi KM, dia yang buat Sabah rugi.

    3. I doubt with SAPP sincerity.

    4. adakah SAPP mampu menang pada pru13 nanti?

    5. voting for SAPP is like voting for history to repeat itself.

    6. I would consider voting for sapp if the president is not YTL. I feel its very risky to vote for sapp because of YTL.

    7. Yong Teck Lee will be the one bringing the party down, I'm sure the party will gain more votes if YTL stepped out from SAPP.

  5. Companies with the FMU license must adhere to the rules which protected the native rights, strict monitoring must be made to ensure that they follow exactly.

  6. I don't mind if natives were to coexist in harmony with nature, but there are illegal immigrants who gazetted our forest reserves to build their own kampung there without any permission.

    1. True. Serious actions are needed to overcome the problem.

    2. we should kick them out from Sabah. RCI must set up very soon.

    3. This matter has long be a problem. There's nothing much we can do to stop this, RCI also hard to stop this.

    4. ya...tu PATAI harus diusir keluar...RCI harus ditubuhkan..

    5. even with the RCI being set up in sabah, it will not promise sabah that this issue will be solved. These pati has been breeding like rabbits in sabah since they first came into sabah.

  7. It is the norm for opposition parties to make all kinds of promises because they know they are not the ruling party and all their promises remain false promises

    1. mainan politik pembangkang...biasalah..

    2. once they win the election, they will pretend that they didn't make any promises. its always like that. doesn't matter from which party are they from, there are all the same.

    3. semua pun mahu tunjuk hero sekarang ni untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan sokongan.

  8. They never show sincere respect to anyone before.

  9. SAPP was a govt before...did SAPP respect the rights of natives while YTL was sabah CM?

    1. masa sapp ada kuasa dulu mereka tidak banyak cakap, tapi sekarang sudah tiada kuasa terpaksalah banyak cakap untuk dapatkan perhatian.

  10. tribunal of NCR must be set up..

    1. jika tribunal ini baik untuk semua, rasanya ia akan ditubuhkan.

  11. Forget about SAPP.This party is rubbish.

  12. Govt seriously want to resolve this NCR issue. We believe that they take note of Sabahan problem.

  13. If i given a choice SAPP or PR better i choice BN. I don't know the ability of this opposition party is, but BN i best party before and forever..

  14. Semoga kerajaan negeri akan menyokong penuh untuk mendirikan tribunal tanah anak negeri secepat mungkin

  15. demikian juga, orang asli berhak untuk melindungi hak-hak mereka jika ditindas atau hak-hak mereka dicerobohi

  16. Biarlah perkara tribunal ini akan diambil kira dan dilaksanakan secepat mungkin oleh kerajaan negeri

    1. cadangan yang baik pasti akan dipertimbangkan dengan sebaiknya.

  17. rasa ini akan dapat membantu melindungi dan menyelesaikan isu tanah adat orang asli di negeri Sabah

  18. walau bagaimanapun, pertubuhan tribunal ini hanya akan berjaya jika disokong penuh oleh rakyat/orang asli Sabah

  19. pihak kerajaan seharusnya memperjuangkan matlamat mereka dalam menyelesaikan masalah penyelewengan tanah yang kian berleluasa di Sabah, supaya penduduk terlibat tidak terasa tertipu

  20. antara semua pemegang lesen FMU itu, agak2nya ada ka yang mempunyai kaitan rapat dengan YTL?? atau lebih tepat lagi kroni..

  21. rasanya kerajaan pasti akan menyokong sebarang cadangan yang mampu untuk menjaga kebajikan rakyat dengan sebaiknya.
