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Sunday, February 12, 2012

SAPP struggles for the people

By Amde Sidik

SAPP, a mosquito political party, too small to be reckoned with and too weak to be capable to do any thing good or does it?

(This article is my quick responds to B Nathan Kumar, Greed Will be Pakatan's downfall in Sabah,, Jan 28 2012 and Raymond Tombung, Whither SAPP on the political chessboard,, February 6, 2011 and others)

My short answers to B Nathan Kumar; good analytical writing of politics of Sabah should be more than just an observation via pinhole.

For Raymond Tombung, a friend of mine, he must be writing to comfort his fiends, there are times such work is needed, and this is what friend is for.

A small group of people with inferiority complex, creating havoc in the 'internet media', or have they really? Is that what people in Sabah want to hear at this crucial moment? Isn't the real battlefield is on the ground zero. The fight is against the racism, colonial mentality and bullying mentality by BN-UMNO? Isn't the energy best spared to counter the real enemy?

SAPP may be small by comparison with national parties but when compared with local opposition parties I'm sure some would agree that SAPP has done its fair bits over the years as an opposition. SAPP didn't born at the eve of near polling day. Let people judge it.

The biggest asset that SAPP has in store, which keep wrapped is, it has a young group, budding and uncorrupt energetic leaders from all ethnic groupings in Sabah. SAPP continue to groom young leaders like this, which is essential for the future - a process of weeding the corrupt mentality.

Accusation against its senior party leaders so far are only accusations, which none has been substantiated.

Two controversial topics, such as SAS (Saham Amanah Sabah) and land matter, which require no amount of explanations, this is a deliberate attempt by certain people with hidden agenda rather than genuine concern of the people.

These issues can be put to rest if leaders are serious. One is going by conventional- democratic practice let doubts be debated at the Assembly Hall - let's have White Paper, a way of proving malpractices and abused of position in the running of government. So far the government leaders are behaving like a spoilt child, they shot the motion out of the window soon as they heard the motion made its way to the Assembly. Why?

BN and UMNO leaders are fearful of the exposure, which to me it would stink the moment it busts like septic tank, imagine the smell!

Another, why don't this people take a legal proceeding if they feel too compelling. Again none would dare because of legal repercussions, which likely to have a knock on effect like pendulum swing.

We all want to see the very bottom of the problems, let all big, medium and small fish paraded in frying pan.

Come back to see how small SAPP is, which is made of stubborn leaders who don't necessarily listen to old music. For me, if we all dance by then old music, we don't have our own music, what have we to offer, the same old rhetoric again?

The biggest mistake made by these people (supporters of other oppositions mentioned), is losing sight, instead of attacking real enemy BN-UMNO these small group of people are attacking fellow opposition, and this is wrong priority and a wasteful energy. Ironically, BN knows this and the oppositions don't.

SAPP leaders don't even need to rebut the issue as such, for those who just joined the prey in politic by night, let learn the trade properly. SAPP groundwork has been started long before the hoo-ha.

Sabah voters are learning every moment. They can identify which opposition parties in Sabah they can rely on when time comes. What needed is civilized presentation; we must give them space to think not simply putting everything in their mouths.

There are sections of community that supports SAPP's struggle and we cognize this, if only we don't hear this whisper we could have abandon the struggle long time ago.

SAPP has lived up as an apposition political party compare with many.

The present leadership relinquished what they had- positions and perks, unlike many politicians jumped ship for luxury and glory.

Amde Sidik, Deputy President of SAPP and Chairman of Citizen Journalist Malaysia


  1. Aku tatap sokong SAPP kali ini sebab aku tidak percaya sama parti2 import dari seberang lagi.

    Semua tembirang saja dan hanya tahu merampas hasil bumi Sabah.

    1. SAPP lagi tidak boleh harap, pasal SAPP lah SAS rugi, jika mereka memerintah tambah rugilah Sabah.

    2. just because sapp is a local party doesn't mean dat they can be trusted.

    3. terpulang...tapi pastikah SAPP tidak tembirang ?

    4. SAPP pun tidak boleh di percayai, hanya tau cakap kosong saja.

    5. YTL masih boleh dipercayai? Banyak golongan amat kecewa semasa beliau menjadi CM.

    6. tidak percaya dengan parti import??? PR tu juga parti import tapi kenapa Sapp mahu bekerjasama dengan PR??

  2. There'll be 3 parties that will compete in this coming GE . . Local opposition, nn/umno parties & the opposition frm the semenanjung .. if nn/umno parties win thia election the only thing left to do is for Borneo to demand for the saparation with Malaysia ..

    1. Separate from Malaysia and fall into Philippine hands? Which do you prefer?

    2. I agree with Green Sabah with this matter.

    3. There are still other 'parties' that still wants to exert their legitimacy claim on Sabah.


      In the 1960s to counter the anti-Malaysia independence movement Britain and Malaya cynically used some regional political factors to scare the people of Sabah and Sarawak into believing that "Malaysia" was being created to protect them from the Philippines or Indonesian invasions!

      At the time Indonesia was in Konfronatasi with Britain and Malaya over the proposal to create Malaysia by incorporating Brunei Sabah and Sarawak with Singapore and Malaya.The Sukarno gov't condemned "Malaysia" as a noe-colonial plot which turned out to be true.

      The Philippines as most of us know claim Sabah through the claim made by the Sultanate of Sulu. The Philippines was under Spanish colonial rule for some 500 years and it never made any claims. This claim had long been lost after 100 years of rule by the British North Borneo company and Britain.

      But we need to stop for just one minute and think about how untrue such an invasion argument is by looking at the present realities!

      UMNO has in total disregard of local feelings flooded Sabah with over half a million illegal migrants who have been given the vote. They now form 25% of Sabah population. This is an incredible population increase for a Sabah with its small population.

      These mainly come from the Philippines and Indonesia.

      It is 48 years since the 1960s scares about foreign invasion and if these are to be proven as true, it will be UMNO allowing the invasion to take place with its own encouragement to stack up its voters bases in Sabah.

      This at the same time has benefits for UMNO in Malaya as Sabah is a "safe deposit" for the federal seats too. So UMNO killed 2 birds with one stone.

      However the issue remains - the foreign invasion scare is believed by many UMNO supporters and they use this to scare uncommitted voters all the time.

      The logic of this scare has been demolished by UMNO's own action of allowing the actual invasion to take place! UMNO was not scared but welcome the invasion!

      So let us all dump this rubbish argument and put it to rest forever!

      This argument should not be treated seriously in our quest for an independent and free Sabah!

      Nothing should stop us from "Keluar Malaysia"!

      (Readers should go and read Wikisabah News on Daniel John Jambun's list of 22 grievances against the UMNO gov't to understand why we should be independent Sabah!)

    5. It is not an easy task to secede Sabah from M'sia.

    6. kita dah hidup aman dalam Malaysia.

    7. do you think Sabah is able to stand on its own feet when its out from Malaysia?

    8. Make sure to have a competent sincere leader before actually seceding out from malaysia.

    9. first we must counter the PATI and PATAI in sabah...

    10. Harus bersikap positif, bujet bertambah, lebih baik kami mengharapkan bujet ini dapat membawa Sabah ke peringkat yang berkembang.

  3. Although there may be a section of community that supports SAPP, but is it enough to gain victory?

    1. Will only know after the GE results. Some voters might change their decision in last minute.

    2. Well lets see who will the majority people vote for.

    3. Try to look at the Batu Sapi voting patterns and you can make some sort of speculations yourself.

    4. jika dilihat berdasarkan pilihanraya kecil Batu Sapi tempoh har menunjukkan Sapp tidak mendapat sokongan rakyat.

  4. My question is quite simple: What how do you expect the opposition front to win the next general election when there's no cohesiveness within the pact itself?

    1. That is the main issue they have to concern. To cooperate or not.

    2. a very good luck to all the opposition parties.

    3. If they are serious about winning, then they should really consider cooperating.

    4. its only in a dream...opposition didn't have a chance to win in sabah..

    5. Opposition will never win in Sabah.

    6. Tanpa kerajasama antara pihak pembangkang, sudah tentu undian akan dipecah-pecahkan. Jangan harap nak menang kalau begitu.

    7. kalau sukar untuk bekerjasama maka sukar jugalah parti pembangkang mahu menang.

  5. from the way i see it, based on this article, SAPP is self-glorifying.

    1. Every parti is self-praising when the election is just around the corner. Sighh...

    2. SAPP is so full of themselves.

    3. SAPP and all other parties must remain humble at all times. Most importantly, they should be sincere in helping the people.

    4. memang pun...SAPP terlalu ego...keegoan ini akan menyebabkan kejatuhan SAPP pada pru13 nanti..dan mungkin SAPP akan terus terkubur..

    5. Setiap parti boleh memuji diri sehingga ke langit, tapi terpulang sama ada rakyat percaya ataupun tidak.

  6. Vote for BN for your own good.

    1. Tanda-tanda kejatuhan BN sudah semakin jelas. Buat apa kita mhu undi BN (Be End)?? Rakyat Sabah bukannya seperti sapi dicucuk hidung lagi. INI KALI LAH!!! Undi ASALKAN BUKAN UMNO/BN (ANYTHING BUT UMNO/BN)!!!

    2. I find it ridiculous for people to ask the people to vote anything but UMNO/BN. By voting anything but umno/bn is like simply vote for any opposition party.In the end, UMNO/BN will still win because the votes are split.

    3. Vote wisely and not recklessly.

    4. Sabah's future is in our hand. Don't let this chance slipped. waiting for another 4 years for another election is a long wait.

    5. BN will win..the votes for opposition will be split..

    6. Promises made by oppositions are hard to be achieve..

    7. biar rakyat sendiri yang menilai janji-janji sapp ni.

  7. SAPP boleh!!! Sabah utk org Sabah!!!

    1. don't get your hopes too high. SAPP may not be what they say they are.

    2. In the game of politics, its best to not easily trust whatever a politician say.

    3. SAPP cuma bagi janji kosong sahaja, jangan terpedaya. Mungkin tidak seperti yang di harapkan.

  8. "SAPP didn't born at the eve of near polling day."

    sindiran kepada STAR...apa komen JK?

    1. wow!!! panasnya!!! teringin sangat ahli2 STAR / JK sendiri respon terhadap kenyataan tu. sungguh panas. Macam mahu makan ABC kasi sajuk.

    2. Internal or External problem??? can see here they will never work together as a opposition team. Pakatan Borneo?? only just a dream.

  9. Kita boleh nampak SAPP cuba membuat yang terbaik untuk Sabah dan cuba yang terbaik untuk menawan penduduk Sabah sendiri. Namun bukan mudah seperti yang disangkakan. Masih banyak persaingan perlu ditempohi.

  10. Semua itu akan dinilai sendiri oleh penduduk Sabah bagaimana perjuangan yang dilakukan oleh SAPP itu sendiri.

    1. Perjuangan yang mementingkan diri sendiri SAPP ni.

  11. Mungkin persaingan untuk SAPP adalah STAR dan PR dalam Sabah.

  12. SAPP tidak layak untuk memerintah Sabah untuk kali kedua lagi. Kerana pertama sekali sudah menampakan pengurusan yang kurang baik oleh YTL semasa beliau menjadi KM.

  13. It is important we secure trustworthy leaders for the people.

  14. I wish all opposition parties good luck in this coming election.

  15. I suppose every party holds on to their glory.

  16. Time will tell to whom victory belongs to.

  17. The future of Sabah life’s within our grasp….let’s be wise in making rational decisions.

  18. SAPP parti karut lah.Cakap macam-macam tapi pandai kerja ka?

  19. Saya pernah naik bas dulu dari Tuaran p KK. So dalam bas tu ada dua orang pakcik becerita.. Dorang punya cerita pasal si Yong dulu pernah juga tolong dorang sampai dorang dapat tinggal di rumah murah (pendek kata ada rumah sendiri la).

  20. BLepas tu dorang cakap kalau rakyat pandai fikir patut undi calon yang pernah berjasa dan bukan sebab kena bagi 'RM50'. Saya senyum juga dengar... Dalam hati saya, pandai juga pakcik (sekitar 60-an) buat analisis ya.

  21. So siapun, pilihan rakyat pasti itulah yang terbaik. Jadi kita tunggu sajalah nanti.

  22. Kalau rakyat pintar buatlah pilihan yang bagus2. Kalau tidak, pangkah sajalah ikut suka hati lepas tu tunggu lagi the next2 GE!!!

  23. Jadi kalau tidak mahu menyesal kemudian hari, undilah calon yang terbaik dan buka itu fikiran luas2 supaya dapat membuat penilaian secara matang.

  24. kalaulah sapp terpaksa juga berhadapan dengan star dan PR, agak2 ada harapan ka?? kalau satu lawan satu boleh la..

  25. Kalau sanggup berusaha, sudah pasti rakyat akan memberi sokongannya.

  26. SAPP berusaha untuk bergabung dengan parti lain, entah rancangan ini menjadi kenyataan?

  27. rakyt harus menilai dengan bijak dan membuat pilihan yang tepat..yang terbaik pasti akan menjadi pilihan rakyat.
