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Saturday, February 11, 2012

More anti-Anifah demos in Sabah

Raymond Tombung

Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman's brother Anifah, who is also Foreign Minister, is battling dissent within his Kimanis division.

KOTA KINABALU: The Leadership Transformation Movement which is seeking to replace Anifah Aman as Kimanis MP in the next general election is not backing down on its threat to hold more demonstrations to pressure Umno to accede to its demand.

Anifah is Foreign Minister and the brother of Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.

The movement surfaced on Jan 31 after three members allegedly from Anifah’s own Umno division organised demonstrations in three villagers involving hundreds of people.

The first demonstration was in Dewan Kampung Pimping on Jan 21, 2012, the second in Dewan Lama Pekan Bongawan on the following day, and the third for two days (Jan 23 and 24) in Dindong, Kampung Bambangan, Membakut.

Since then the movement has gone on to hold more rallies in other villages, such as in Kampung Madang Pimping where the villagers complained that their community hall was still without electricity despite being built 10 years ago.

They said Anifah’s promises, including RM100,000 allocation for a co-operative development scheme, are still unfulfilled.

On Feb 3, a rally covering three more villages – Kampung Tamalang, Kampung Paung Maragang and Kampung Penopok – and attended by 200 Kadazandusun was organised by Antius Gonsim, who claimed that Anifah had failed to fulfil his election promises.

“Anifah has represented us for three terms already, but he is yet to fulfil his promises to clean up our river, to upgrade roads and to improve drainage in the constituency.

“In addition, many people are still waiting for their houses promised under the PPRT (housing scheme for the hardcore poor) but were never built.

“We have forwarded our reminders and complaints to him (Anifah) since 2009 but until now he failed to respond.”

“What is more disappointing is that many who had qualified for the assistance through applications processed by the subdistrict office here had their approvals withdrawn for unknown reasons,” Antius said.

More rallies planned

According to the movement’s three leaders – Awang Kamis Awang Ahmad (Kimanis Umno Youth wing member), Awang Mohd Rizam and Asno Amat Muda – to date more than 5,000 people have participated in the many rallies and many more are being planned in the coming weeks.

Rizam said that Anifah has been the MP for Kimanis for too many terms.

“He has represented Kimanis for four terms now,” he said. “Before he became the MP for Kimanis in 2004, he was the MP for Beaufort, which then included Kimanis, in 1999.”

Following the first three demonstrations, Anifah supporters had retaliated calling for Anifah to be retained and for him to defend his Kimanis seat.

They also claimed Anifah was a good leader with “a big heart” who had brought a lot of development to the people of Kimanis, the majority of whom are Bruneinians (about 58 percent).

The second largest community in Kimanis is the Kadazandusuns who make up 38 percent of the voters, while the rest are Chinese and others.


  1. Alahai Sabah,inilah kalau kita terlalu yakin kepada seorang pemimpin yang kuat berjanji.Daripa bantu rakyat jelata baik tah SiAnifah ini bantu isikan poket diri dan anak anak saudaranya.

    Dengar dengan PRU 13 ini ada sudah lineup yang lebih daripada 15 calon adalah keluarga dan kaum kerabat Musa Aman dan Ayub Aman tidak diambilkira nya Anifah Aman.

    Mana ada jalan Musa buat begini? Sabah ini siapa punya? Sakitlah nanti UMNO kalau idea Musa ini diteruskan juga.

    Anak Bisayah Gadung

    1. Leaders always tend to make promises that they couldn't fulfil. No only the leaders from BN/UMNO but also the opposition side.

    2. So be wise in voting when election comes.

    3. pucuk pimpinan parti akan memilih calon yang sesuai..

    4. I believe the people in Sabah know that unlike the opposition,BN makes and keeps their promises

    5. biar rakyat membuat pilihan mereka sendiri..

  2. Jangan lah pula Musa buat begitu tidak bagus.Nanti hancur Sabah kalau rakyat marah.Lagi pun keluarga Musa bukan 'popular' hanya wang ringgit yang kuat.Berapa banyak wang Musa pun maseh juga rakyat dapat umpan $100 lima tahun sekali.Lepas p/raya kenal pun tidak.

    1. Are there any basis to this allegation? I was just wondering...

    2. DorianG, with the election just around the corner, i'm not a bit surprise that many people would say the rm100 aid are used to bait the people for votes.

  3. UMNO tidak bulih pakai lagi di Sabah dan mesti dihancurkan dalam pru13. UMNO Musa yang menyebabkan Sabah menjadi termiskin di Malaysia dan telah mencipta sejarah Malaysia KM Sabah yang paling palui dan korup.

    SAPP adalah pilihan yang terbaik untuk Sabah kali ini. Marilah kita semua bersatu-padu mendapatkan balik Sabah otonomi perjuang bersama2 parti pembangkang local kita.

    1. KM yang terdahulu bersih sangatkah?

    2. Siapa dlm politik bersih??

    3. SAPP? tidak puas hatilah tu STAR nanti...ada lagi tu SPF...

    4. trust me, SAPP is not dat all clean. Don't be fooled by their sweet talk..

    5. SAPP pun sama juga.. pandai cakap saja.

  4. These people should bring their complaints to the State BN leadership. They should use proper channels instead of resorting to a public demonstration. They are after all Umno and BN members and not opposition members

    1. Datuk Anifah is the Foreign Minister and has many duties at national level. But in spite of that, Kimanis is well looked after and is rapidly developing into a major oil and gas hub.

    2. Many in the petro-chemicals sector are also becoming interested to relocate to Kimanis or set up new industries there. This is an undeniable fact and anybody can see it.

    3. Hopefully those who are involved with the demonstrations will cease this mode of protest and use proper channel within BN to express their discontent.

    4. mungkin ada sebab lain...atau mereka ni hanya puppet..

    5. fredoline, most probably ure right.. puppet for opposition maybe. i'm pretty sure they been manipulated to do stuff for opposition.

    6. Masalah tersebut harus diselesaikan atas meja bulat. Tidak perlu melalui saluran yang kurang bijak.

    7. berbincang lebih baik daripada berdemo..jangan jadikan berdemo sebagai budaya..

  5. Looks like Anifah Aman must put in more efforts to regain the people's support, promises made mus be fulfilled.

    1. Im sure the people know who exactly Anifah Aman. Lets see how the people vote via PRU13.

    2. jika dilihat melalui projek-projek yang dirancang, Kimanis dijangka akan menjadi lebih membangun pada masa akan datang..ini menunjukkan Anifah menjalankan tugas dengan baik.

  6. We won't know who will be appointed as the next candidate for GE-13, its up to the party to make their decision.

    1. Just hope the election will go smoothly and without any complications.

    2. hopefully the election will be held fair and clean.

    3. Just wait and see who will be appointed as the next candidate during the elections.

  7. This news is indeed alarming. what's the point of holding more demonstration?

  8. prestasi Anifah amat baik di Kinamis, dia byk membantu dalam memajukan Kimanis.

    1. ya...setahu saya Anifah buat kerja..

    2. Even though Anifah is the foreign ministry, he still manage to do develop kimanis.

    3. Anifah may not fulfil his promises towards the people but he did develop kimanis.

    4. But since the people has spoken, its best to listen to the people. Besides, Anifah is the foreign ministry. Its best for him to focus on his job as the foreign ministry.

    5. Beliau mempuyai dua tugas yang memerlukan perhatian, tapi beliau tidak pernah mengabaikan tugas.

    6. Let the people decide who they choose during the next general elections, only they can make a difference.

  9. jgnlah nak pecah belah parti kerana hal ini sahaja.

    1. Mereka nak beliau berambus dari tanah mereka..

  10. Is he gonna let them stop him from entering into their property? Hmmm...this is getting complicated. Hope everything will be good again.

  11. Siapa suruh sokong dia dulu? Begini lah akibatnya mereka terus mau jadi wakil rakyat sampai mati dan lepas itu anak lagi ganti.

    1. dats what happen when they vote recklessly.

  12. Sudah tah! Kaluarga si Anifah ani nda bebaloi atau relevan lagi bah di Sabah ani.
    Jangan tah kita asyik terbuai dgn gula2 pilihanraya. 20 tahun itu sudah cukup lama. Apa lagi yg mahu di kasihankan dgn si Anifah atu? Bagi2lah kekayaan atau kepimpinan.
    Kalau mahu, pigitah di Kaningau bah.
    Mun nda picaya, tunggulah pilihan raya nanti. Makin kacau.

    1. Ya, tunggulah pilihanraya nanti, buat apa kecoh sekarang? Biar rakyat yang menentukan segalanya.

  13. If the people are not satisfied with Anifah's performance, then they have their rights to say no to him.

  14. Anifah should had fulfilled his promises to the people so that this wouldn't had happen. Now its too late.

    1. Belum terlambat lagi, beliau masih boleh memperbaiki kelemahan yang ada agar sokongan rakyat tidak pergi ke tempat lain.

  15. Let the appropriate people decide who should stand election at Kimanis.
    If Anifah had done good work for the community , he has no worry that he will be selected to contest for the coming general election.

    This criteria of who he is , being the CM's brother does not matter.
    The people expects the elected to carry out the task for the State.

    1. I believe the people know how to evaluate between the good and bad

  16. It is not an issue for Datuk Seri Anifah Aman not being a local from Kimanis as the member of parliament has proved to be a good leader by bringing development to the constituents

  17. Umno/BN grassroots and most people of Kimanas described Anifah as “a leader with big heart” who has been working hard to bring change to Kimanis.

  18. Why Hanifah?? I thought he the good MPs in Kimanis.

  19. Tidak perlulah mahu membuat demo untuk menjatuhkan Anifah. Beliau masih relevan untuk penduduk Kimanis.

    1. Mungkin hanya sebilangan saja penduduk Kimanis yang tidak menyokong beliau.

  20. Datuk Anifah masih bagus bah untuk kimanis. Beliau sibuk dengan urusan luar negara itu sudah tanggungjawab beliau. Adakah anak tempatan yang boleh menyaingi beliau.

    1. Dari segi wang ringgit tidak ada tapi dari segi khidmat,kebolehan,kelayakan dan kaseh sayang sebagai anak tempatan ada dan banyak.

    2. Surinah
      Masih baguskah si Anifah? Eleh..sudah 20 tahun bah! Kalau bagus sudah tentu dia sudah berundur lebih awal bah, kasi peluang orang lain bah. Suruh Anifah pigi sini Keningau tempat kami!
      Kenapa pula dia pigi sana Kimanis?

      Tamak! Baguskah pula kalau tamak?
      Atau sdri punya SD si Anifah ini? Banyak Duit bah si Anifah! ingat SASS?

      Tukar2!Tukar Anifah!
      Berambus2! Berambus Anifah!

  21. Seharusnya ahli BN bersatu dan bukannya cuba untuk menjatuhkan ahli sendiri. Itu rasanya tidak ada dalam sikap ahli BN. Mari kita bersatu menyokong siapa yang terbaik untuk kita.

  22. Ini lah dia politik.Kalau rakyat sudah benci jangan cakap Anifah boleh jatuh,kerajaan sendiri boleh tumbang.Nampak Egypt,Libya Tunisia,Yemen dan mungkin Syria tidak lama lagi.Kerajaan tumbang kerana kebencian rakyat terhadap kepimpinan yang sudah lama dan lapuk.

  23. Semua terpulang kepada rakyat, tapi bagi saya, Datuk Anifah masih lagi seoarang pemimpin yang baik.

    1. Sebab tu lah masih ramai yang sokong dia kan.. Tapi kalau nak tahu Anifah akan kekal jadi pilihan atau tak, kita nantikan keputusan PRU 13 ja.

  24. I encourage us to be wise voting for the right candidate during the election.

  25. The promises made to the people should be fulfilled.

  26. Let the right candidate be chosen for the people.

  27. The voice of the people should be heard and respected.

  28. I don’t think there is need for further demonstrations.

    1. Buang masa saja ba tu. Tapi kalau nak juga buat demo terpulanglah pada mereka...

  29. Najib should listen to the peoples wish.

  30. Kalau tak boleh penuhi janji, konpom bukan pemimpin yang boleh dipercaya la tu.

  31. Tapi susah juga mahu cakap, kalau rakyat masih mahu undi Anifah even dah jadi mcm ni, then apa nak di kato:P hehe

  32. Kalau bukan Musa, si Anifah orang hentam. hehhehe. Apapun terpulanglah pada setiap individu utk membuat pilihan.

  33. yang mahu buat demo tu ahli2 umno juga ka?? tangkap saja ba..

  34. daripada demo kan bagus tunggu saja masa pilihanraya nanti.. biar rakyat sendiri yang paksa beliau berundur..

    1. Ayuh Berdemo ramai2! Si Black ani jagan peduli. Ia bukannya orang sinipun? Ia anak buah si Anifah jua tu!

  35. Rakyat akan membuat keputusan siapaka hyang harus pergi dan tinggal.

  36. Turun padang dan memahami apakah keperluan rakyat. Cuma mendekati rakyat yang boleh memberi keyakinan bahawa pemimpin ikhlas dan ambil berat.

  37. BN tetap parti kuat di Sabah walaupun ada juga suara yang amat negatif.

  38. Helmi,
    BN memang party kuat di Sabah sebab pengundinya ialah PATAI yang ditaja oleh UMNOBN,JPN, SPR dan JPM/KDN.

  39. yang tidak menyokong hanya sedikit...bagaimana pula dengan ribuan yang lain..?

    1. Kay
      Mana kau tahu, kau bukan orang Kimanis. Mun nda tahu pokok pangkalnya, jangan tah merapu!

      20 tahun sudah si Anifah ani bakuasa di sini namun nda ada kemajuan besar berbanding tempoh masanya.

      Orang kampung2 yg diulu2pun ramai sudah yg nda suka dgn Anifah ani, cubatah pigi buat temubual bah .

      Jadi Kay, baik tah kau jangan terlalu mengampuh bah. Cukup tah si Anifah atu kaut banyak kekayaan sejak jadi MP. Bukannya hebat sangat dia tu cuma dia ini adik CM yang terkenal dgn penipuannya atu.

      Ingat SASS? Kalau ada sepuluh Musa dan Anifah, dalam beberapa tahun, jumlah PATI Pakistan akan mengatasi jumalah orang asal Sabah.

      Faham Kay? Kau atu orang asalkah atau peranakan Pakistan?

  40. pilihan ditangan rakyat..serahkan kepada rakyat untuk memilih dalam pru nanti.
