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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Star lashes out at Umno's youth on Sabah rights

KENINGAU : Keningau UMNO leader Azman Ruslan's accusation (published in Borneo Post today) that State Reform Party (STAR) is playing a blame-game in safeguarding state rights is unbecoming of a Sabahan leader, if one is dignified enough to be called one.

STAR stands for Sabah state rights yes we proudly admit it. We don't know what Sabah UMNO stands for as its actions have brought in numerous problems to Sabahans that also has affected the Interior which Azman refused to admit for reasons best known to many.

What is wrong with taking up what the Sabahans wanted from the Federal? STAR reiterates that it wants state autonomy and special rights as enshrined in the 20 Points, Malaysia Agreement and in both the Federal and State Constitutions, respected. There is nothing sensational about it, as PBS and UPKO also wanted the same for Sabah. It is okay if Azman and UMNO do not want state rights. As long as the people want it that is okay with STAR.

Azman's view that Sabah has gained independence for more than 50 years reflect his shallow, arrogant and insensitive manner, for all we know our beloved Sabah only gained independence in 1963 and that is not yet even 50 years. Azman must have been brainwashed by UMNO for believing the UMNO version of Sabah's indepencence period. There is no doubt, Azman is more loyal to UMNO than Sabah.

STAR also wants development for our people but not the UMNO way of giving away projects at inflated costs. STAR will listen to the grassroots as to what they wanted, and we shall engage and involve them on planning the development projects for them, not the UMNO way of bulldozing.      

To say the least, it is unfair to compare STAR to UMNO because we are two very different political parties in term of philosophy and approach. We have our own way of developing Sabah, a better way than UMNO's. Just wait for it. Perhaps Azman should read the interesting write-ups on UMNO by former UMNO assemblyman Mohd Ariff Sabri Aziz who writes in his blog Sakmongkol and also for Free Malaysia Today.

Dr Nicholas James Guntobon is Deputy chairman, STAR Sabah chapter


  1. Many a time money makes someone stupid and undignified or worst still if you are in the process of trying to acquire it by way of selling your body and soul as a trade-off to acquire wealth and position.

    Azman should not speak with a fork-tongue or make wild statement if he is ignorant of the facts before him.This 'mushroom leader' of Keningau UMNO only brings shame and embarassment that its better for him to keep his silence than to open his mouth and sold himself off.

    Then again I am so exasperated by Dr Guntobon 'wild boast' and narcissistic manner in showering so much heaps and praises on STAR unproven record not only in governance but also in the polls.But I think the Dr must be making such statement in jest rather than trying to hoodwink the people into believing something that is non-existence since time immemorial.Lets therefore talk on facts.

    STAR is a new-born baby in Sabah,thrown-out from Sarawak to be used as a vehicle by a politically ambitious local leader to propel himself up in the political arena and salvage all the lost cause he had been trying to put forward but in vain in his previous endeavour from another 'ship'.The cause that STAR is fighting for disappointingly to say is in vain.All it manages to do is 'firing-up' the imagination and spirits of the people to reach for the rainbow.In the end the support will be used as a bargaining chips with the government to seek position,wealth and power within the ruling coalition.I dare say this because the tone of some leaders in STAR towards BN is getting soft and friendlier lately and towards the PM himself.

    I dare also STAR to state its stand regarding its future political stand vis-a-vis BN party.Will STAR join BN or remain status quo before and after the election? STAR members deserve the right to know before going to the poll.

    1. GOOD POINT!

      However, we must strongly assert our independence rights embedded in the 20 Points Agreement and also Malaysia Agreement.

      If Kuala Lumpur continues to abuse our rights by its seizure and plunder of these rights- oil & gas and land (as in the FELDA land scandal) our only option is to take Sabah out of Malaysia.

      If UMNO does not honour its part of the agreement and colonize us in contravention of the Agreements do we want to stay on and be enslaved in Malaysia?

    2. Anak Petagas' Musuh Ketat.February 18, 2012 at 1:47 PM

      Okay! Thats makes sense but UMNO still have ruined the integrity of Genuine Sabahans rights so I still hope Star will shine brightly for the sake of the GSabahans rights and not to become frog again after the PRU13!

  2. Whatever may be said about JK, he is consistent with fighting for Sabah's rights. This is a good thing and should not be rubbished. Amongst the present crop of politicians, JK stands out way above in term of patriotism. For that alone, he deserves the support of Sabahans. If the choice is between a patriotic 'frog' and a 'turn coat' toothless yellow belly tiger' cum traitor, the former wins hand down. We are talking about politicians, not a priestly profession.

    1. JK had the chance to exact change when he was in the Government in the past but instead he did nothing. JK was one of the leaders in the 1980s who had held positions in the Government for about 16 years but did nothing to change problems he said was plaguing Sabah at the moment.

    2. I support 100% airpanas view!!! JK can change the situation if he was detained in ISA...please read to get more information....

    3. Anak Petagas Musuh KetatFebruary 18, 2012 at 1:50 PM

      Yup! Thats what makes him (JK) unique and loved by GSabahans. Hope this time, he will not be easily influence by the devilish tactics of the UMNOBN agents.

  3. Take the fights into the general elections, let the people decide what is the best for the with their votes.

    1. We'll see STAR result in PRU13. Just can't wait to see that. But, I think may be BN still can win.

    2. Beri peluang pada STAR kali ini. Memang UMNO takut betul ini gerakan ABU.
      Mula2 cakap STAR belum berdaftarlah, party Sarawaklah!
      Ceh! UMNO masuk Sabah dulu, ada daftarkah ? Malu betul....


    3. the people will determine which party is right for them.

    4. apa2 pun yang menentukannya adalah rakyat...

    5. Rasanya STAR ridak akan medapat kepercayaan rakyat.

    6. Yana,
      Itu ko rasa2 saja! Tdk sedar juga dgn perbuatan UMNOBN yg memenuhkan Sabah dgn PATAI?

      Patut bersyukurlah, sekurang2nya masih ada orang macam JF yg mahu memimpin rakyat Sabah dgn perjuangan BORNEONISASI. YB2 yg ada sekarang apa? Duit4 saja dalam kepala dorang!
      Jangan bagi komen lemah bah kalo kau orang tempatan atau ko ni PATI?
      Patut bagilah komen yg bersemangat, ini macam bodoh punya komen.
      Pati sudah bertaburan di kelilingpun masih lagi konon pura2 tidak nampak.

      Ish... Bodoh!

    7. mungkinkah STAR di Sabah juga tidak akan mencipta apa2 pencapaian sebagaimana perjuangan mereka di Sarawak?

    8. Mungkin PRU13 cuma untuk STAR mengambil pengalaman.

  4. A reminder to all public figures to be careful while making statements.

    1. or else they get bashed and embarrassed in

    2. before making any statements, be sure that your statement has a fact to support your views.

  5. Whatever does the STAR party aim is, it is not going to harm the people. Its up to the people, wants to support or not.

    1. rakyat tahu siapa yang membela nasib rakyat..

    2. Rakyat juga tahu apa yg BNUMNO telah lakukan pada Sabah!
      Projek IC, Rasuah, NCR dan merompak Sabah serta RACIST!

    3. semua parti di Sabah melaungkan perjuangan untuk membela nasib rakyat Sabah termasuk STAR. rakyat pandai2lah menilai mana satu parti yang berusaha bersungguh2 untuk rakyat.

  6. I just don't have an idea, the point to explain if STAR wining the coming GE...

    1. Kalau STAR memang, ertinya rakyat menyokong mereka. Kalau kalah, ertinya sokongan belum berapa kuat atau undi pecah.

  7. I have an Idea.
    My idea is, 'Lets vote UMNOBN out come the GE13!
    Lets, forget about Azman, an UMNO agents with only money2 $$$ in his head just like the others!

    1. Your idea is not new, in fact you're repeating an existing idea. Anything new you want to express?

  8. We must fight for our right, not fold hands and watch what will become our fate.

  9. Let us hope JK does what is right for the people.

  10. Sabahans must decide what is best for them by casting their votes prudently.

    1. sabahans must vote wisely or else they will regret it. having to wait for another 4 years for election to come is too long.

    2. sabahan knows it...lets wait and see..

    3. jangan terpedaya dengan janji2 manis yang belum pasti. undi mereka yang sudah menunjukkan kesungguhan dalam perjuangan untuk rakyat.

  11. I presume the time of election will eventually tell.

  12. We should support the best candidate suitable to lead the people.

    1. sometimes when we think that candidate is the best for the people, in the end that candidate will get suck into the greed for power and money.

    2. Harap calon yang mewakili BN, adalah calon yang benar2 berkelayakan dan mementingkan rakyat.

  13. STAR yet to prove itself , the young youth from UMNO is just trying to prove himself , may not representing the opinion of the whole party.

    There is no perfect party. Let the people decide.

    1. whether or not star is well accepted in sabah, we will only know when the poll result come out.

    2. mungkin ianya hanya pandangan peribadi Azman...

    3. Masing2 ada pendapat sendiri, betul kata Holmes, ini mungkin hanya pandangan peribadi Azman sahaja..

    4. Azman seorang peguam tapi dari segi fakta sejarah dia kugu! Ini kerana matlamat politiknya adalah $$$$!

      Tidak heranlah dia kena lucut jawatan ketua pemuda UMNO Sabah!

    5. The people must decide for themselves based on their own discretion. Who they vote is their own choice.

  14. PRu13 makin dekat...undilah dengan bijak..

  15. BN akan menang sebab pembangkang sabah tiada persepakatan...masing2 mahu tunjuk hero..

    1. Pembangkng hanya tau bergaduh sahaja.. rakyat tiada kepentingan, macamana mau jadi pemimpin.

    2. Rita,
      Yang ini saya setuju!
      Kalau mahu jatuhkan BNUMNO patut bermuafakatlah sesama pembangkang baru rakyat yakin> Ini, asyik bergaduh pasal isu2 yg tidak patut2. Maksud saya isu2 tersebut patut dibincang bersama dgn baik2 bukan dibawa bergaduh.

      Kalau begini bagus kita undi party Malayalah! Peduli.
      Bosan sudah dgn perangai Pembangkang terutama SAPP yg asyik bergaduh dgn DAP!

      Lagipun SAPP tidak boleh sombong sebab dulu diapun BN juga.

      So, kalau mahu rakyat respek, jangan gaduh, atur baik2 jentera party mqasing2 buat persefahaman baik2 kerana PRU13 tidak lama lagi.

    3. pembangkang dilihat tiada persepakatan, asyik brbalah sahaja, mcm mana mau kuat kalau gitu.

    4. Jika pembangkang sendiri pun tidak mampu menyelesaikan konflik dalaman sendiri, mampuslah mereka bila PRU-13. BN pasti gembira melihat Pembangkang bergadung sesendiri.

  16. Undi dengan bijak.. Kita tau apa yang terbaik untuk sabah, jangan sia2 kan undi anda.

    1. Hanya Sabahan tahu apa yang diinginkan. Ramai-ramai kita mengundi calon yang terbaik pada PRU13 nanti.

    2. rakyat pasti tau mana yang patut mereka pilih.

  17. BN will win in the end.

    1. Sabar, PRU13 belum sampai. Kita tunggu keputusan yang bakal diumum nanti.

  18. Vote wisely, it's important in the end.

  19. Semua parti pun claim dorang yang terbaik utk Sabah tapi at the end sama juga rakyat kecewa...

  20. Justeru, Sabahan harus lebih bijak berfikir dan menilai sebelum membuat pilihan!

  21. Semualah kunun tunjuk hebat utk tarik perhatian rakyat. Kalau lepas menang nanti, konpom sama juga cerita.

    1. Itu yang susah. Politik jadi pentas lakonan. Yang tertipu, rakyat juga akhirnya.

    2. Politics is always like that. Show off and keep showing off.

    3. Politik ni pusing2 d situ juga.kita ni sibuk2 sokong sana sokong sini,padahal dorang minum sama2,ketawa,atur bgs2 spya win2 situation.bkn rekaan,ini lakonan politik dari zaman datuk nenek kita lagi sdh kesimpulannya,klu kita suka sgt dgn org,jgn over sgt,klu kita x suka org pun jgn la smpi benci.timbang2 la dgn fikiran waras,jgn ikut perasaan

  22. Sabah rights, yet no one can really define it.

  23. Kuasa veti di tangan rakyat.

  24. dulu kita bilang tukar, inda juga, skarang kita bilang ni kali la...masalah dia yang mau berkhidmat "nosikin2" banyak utang sini sana, kaya lagi PTI yang sitabalkan sultan di Likas, sedih nasib urang2 sabah ni.....apa lah malangnya kalau nda "masuk" dulu....bukan begini, cuba ko tingu di mana2 padai sudah ni PTI menindas urang tempatan, ko pi tingu di Tuaran, di tempat2 kdm kasihan durang..........tapi tuuuk koi, malang betul nasib urang kita, urang durang sinang2 dapat tender, dapat karaja asalkan ahli _________ kana bagi IC lagi tu !

  25. Kerajaan persekutuan perlulah melaksanakan SSD untuk Sabah. Ini bagi menyiasat kes PATI dan projek IC di Sabah.

  26. BN sebenarnya baik..Namun mungkin ada setengah pemimpin yang memburukkan keadaan dan nama BN sendiri. Maka semua itu akan terjawab pada PRU13 akan datang untuk menjadi calon.

  27. you might have a better way to develop this state, but you don't have better way how to win in the next election because of your greed..

  28. STAR masih baru, susah untuk rakyat memberi sokongan tanpa sebarang bukti kejayaannya.

  29. Singkirkan perosak, rasa BN masih sokongan rakyat juga.

  30. Masing-masing ada misi dan startegi perjuangan, yang membezakan cuma mana satu strategi yang berjaya.

  31. Bn still strong and Im sure Bn still win just by how many seats differences only.

  32. Biarlah star mc baru..yg sa mau hak org sbh..BN nie rasuah..ambl tanah org..budu btl
