Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) Treasurer-General Dullie Hj Marie said the PTI continuously swarm Sabah because it is easy to get MyKad, the Malaysian identity card, through back door as UMNO leaders here and in Kuala Lumpur have a hand on it."It is called "Project IC" as have been reported in a book written by Mutalib MD who is a former aide of UMNO leader here.
"As such, State Speaker Datuk Seri Salleh Tun Said should not have denial syndrome over the issue of huge presence of PTI statewide.
"Hundred thousands of PTI keep on coming into Sabah due to the special treatment given by UMNO, which is backed by leaders in Kuala Lumpur since UMNO spread its wings into the State," Dullie Marie said responding to Salleh's statement, which was published in local dailies.
On oil royalty, Dullie said Kuala Lumpur are enjoying 95 per cent revenues over 36 years while Sabah only receives the remaining 5 per cent although the petroleum are being extracted from here.
He said the present Sabah BN Government have never pressed Kuala Lumpur for a revision of the oil royalty although Sabah remain one of the poorest State in Malaysia.
He went on saying that it seems that the present Sabah BN Government is happy that Sabah is still poor and lack behind in all development sapects compared to the other states in the country.
Dullie said NCR lands issue only emerge under the administration of the present UMNO led Sabah BN Government.
"As far as I could remember, NCR lands issue have never happen before. Many folks in the interiors were chased out of their villages with their houses, crops and cemetery were destroyed. This inhumane acts only happen around eight few years ago," he added.
Salleh was quoted as saying that there is no need for Sabah to fear that it would lose its autonomy or the people their rights.
He also said that the many illegal immigrants getting MyKad here due to their blood relationship with certain leader and ordinary local.
Salleh blamed local land owners for selling their assets for quick bucks resulting in many lands fell in the hands of private companies from Kuala Lumpur.
He also blamed past leaders for signing the oil royalty agreement, which gave 95 per cent revenues to Kuala Lumpur via Petronas.
The oil royalty agreement was signed by the then Chief Minister Datuk Harris Salleh (now Tan Sri) and witnessed by Datuk Joseph Pairin Kitingan (now Tan Sri) on behalf of Sabah few decaded ago.
SAPP pun ada 'denial syndrome' juga macam YTL tidak mengaku kerugian besar SAS adalah di sebabkan beliau tidak cekap berkerja sebagai CM.Sekarang pula 'telunjuk jari' diarahkan kepada Datuk Salleh Keruak pula dan mempersalahkan beliau dalam kerugian SAS.YTL pandai 'cuci tangan' dalam segala kesalahan masa jadi CM.'Pisang tidak akan berbuah dua kali,'dan YTL janganlah berharap dan mimpi untuk menjadi CM sekali lagi.
ReplyDeleteKepada Dullie Marie,nasihat saya janganlah terlampau di peralatkan untuk menimbulkan isu yang sama berkali-kali.Ceritanya sama saja dan tidak ada bukti baru dalam hal ini.Bacapun bosan dan saya hairan sekali Dullie tidak merasanya sendiri.Tapi saya faham bahawa banyak pemimpin SAPP hanya ingin mendedahkan diri untuk publisiti murahan tanpa menyedari ianya memakan diri sendiri sebab rakyat sudak muak dan tidak 'membelinya' lagi.
DeleteKesalahan yang dilakukan oleh YTL dalam SAS tidak mungkin akan diperakui. Malah percubaan demi percubaan untuk menyalahkan kerajaan Sabah. SAS masih bernafas pun disebebkan kepimpinan CM. Kalau YTL jadi CM entah apa akan jadi dengan Sabah, semuanya menurunkan kali.
DeletePendapat seorang pengianat.....syabas anak Petagas
DeleteAnak petags memang anjing kurap Malaya....kepentingan diri pujaannya biarpun negeri dan generasi kita tergadai.....harap2 karama akan menimpa kepada keturunan mu....ini bila kau sudap mampus maka bala terus menimpa kepada anak cucumu....teruskan menjadi beruah malaya.Nampak hati mu memang busuk...
DeleteSAPP is just another version of BN/UMNO.
DeleteSAPP mmg tidak akan mengakui kesalahannya, malah akan berdolak dalik dan menuduh BN, begitulah sikap SAPP. tapi bagaimanapun, rakyat tau bagaimana SAPP dan mereka takkan sokong SAPP lebih2 YTL.
Deletesaya sokong law....yang hanya pandai buang tahi saja...
DeleteMasing2 ada pendapat sendiri, bagi saya SAPP sendiri punya banyak kesalahan yang mereka tidak akui.
Deletesaya punya impian ialah agar negeri sabah ini akan bertambah makmur dan maju. Tapi saya tidak dapat melihat ini akan terjadi dalam sistem pemerintahan yang sedia ada sekarang. Suatu kerajaan yang baru yang berbeza cara pendekatan terhadap PATI. Pemikirang baru orang baru perlu mengganti apa yang ada sekarang.
ReplyDeleteIf we were to replace the government, we should not use the same recycled parties who has once been in BN before, like SAPP. We want a new party, with new candidates.
DeleteTidak mungkin SAPP boleh menjadi pemerintah Sabah.
DeletePATI problems will be forever. Replace the govt will not confirm the problems will be solved. But the hope is still there, to see these problems be decreased.
Deletepembangkang tiada peluang menang di sabah selagi belum ada kerjasama antara mereka...BN sabah akan menang..
Deletegood for you alvin.....hope your generation will be suffered most....think about it don't be selfish...
DeleteSAPP tidak akan jadi pemimpin di Sabah, mereka tidak layak.
DeleteAnak Petagas,
ReplyDeleteSAS was under the scrutiny of Securities Commission of Malaysia. Under the Unit Trust Constitution, all the buying and selling of SAS share ONLY CAN BE APPROVED by SAS Chariman and the Board of Directors.
SAS Chariman is UMNO Datuk Salleh and all their SAS Board of Directors were appointed by UMNO. Are you telling me all of them signed BUTA especially Datuk Salleh as SAS Chairman?
What is got to do with Yong? Yong even though is Sabah CM but he has NO AUTHORITY to approve SAS decision because this is SECURITIES COMMISSION OF MALAYSIA Constitution but not under Sabah state government power.
Why UMNO is so AFRAID to publish all the directors meeting minutes who signed for buying and selling of shares to reveal the truth instead of resort to slandering against Yong?
It is damn obvious that UMNO is cheat and the BIGGEST LIAR in the Universe!
Well, Yong Teck Lee did boast that He will guarantee that the SAS price will not fall below RM1. That is a fact and cannot be denied. Can Yong Teck Lee deny he never said that? Go on and ask how many Sabahans remember this 'guarantee', it was all over the papers.
DeleteIn 1996, the then Sabah Chief Minister Yong Teck Lee persuaded 55,000 Sabahans to invest in SAS – Saham Amanah Sabah – convincing them that it was a great buy which would multiply its value twice or thrice its original price of one ringgit!
DeleteUnfortunately, SAS Chairman Salleh, Umno strong supporter, destroy it all leaving investors becoming losers.
Deletesalleh keruak seorang pelakon yang handal diarena politik sabah. Anak Petagas mungkin berua upaanya. Saya harap orang sabah akan bangun dan sedar hak2 mereka dan tidak akan menjadi patong mainan pemimpin2 separti salleh ini.Di sabah sangat terkenal dengan politikus yang pendek akal dan penting diri.....
DeleteAnak petagas, jika suatu hari nanti kamu dirogol oleh PATI, orang Sabah tidak pandai kesian sama kamu ler.
ReplyDeleteKamu tunggu ler balasan saja.
I heard that Umno and NRD is giving blue ICs to 'eligible' applicants in April, in preparation to register these new citizens to vote for BN
ReplyDeleteI did not hear something like that. If you heard that from opposition, they told you lies.
DeleteHeard? Half truth is still not a truth.
Deletetiada pun dengar ni...khabar angin atau propaganda pembangkang saja ni..
Deletepembangkang kalau pasal menyebarkan khabar angin mmg mereka paling pakar. tapi rakyat tau juga menilai mana benar atau tidak.
Deletelaw kecuali kamu ini seorang penyokong Umno....kalau tidak buka mata kalau berani simpan cili padi....ini akan mambuat kau tidak menjadi buta....
DeleteLaw hanya mengatakan perkara yang betul sahja, memang pembangkang suka menyebarkan khbar angin, itu memang kepakaran mereka.
DeleteWhere are those proof? show the proof and i am sure people will trust this statement.
ReplyDeleteTanpa bukti yang kukuh, siapa pun boleh buat cerita..SAPP sudah2 la tu.
DeleteI hope the person that behind all this, can be found and let the punishment fall on them.
ReplyDeleteI wonder, how did the farther of the murdered 5 year old in Johor manage to travel to the peninsula without a valid ID ? And now, they are deporting him for not having one... ??? does immigration ppl at the airport have no idea of fake ID ?
ReplyDeleteAnak Petagas
Deleteapa pendapat kamu.Harap ugama mu tidak buat kamu seorang murtad.
People of Sabah are tired of been cheated, we need sincere leaders.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the proof that this is genuine?
ReplyDeleteI hope the people are not misled by what isn’t true.
ReplyDeleteCertain issues should be handled dexterously.
ReplyDeleteProvide evidence for this case.
ReplyDeletekita tunggu pengumuman rasmi dari najib mengenai RCI...
ReplyDeleteSAPP tidak akan menang pada pru13 nanti...
ReplyDeleteWith the many opposition parties in sabah that refuse to cooperate, there is no doubt that BN/UMNO will once again win the election.
Deletebob....apalah yang kita harus buat.....kau buka pati barulah....
Deletediharap tribunal NCR akan ditubuhkan untuk menyelesaikan isu tanah di sabah..
ReplyDeleteSemua parti malaya UMNO dan PR adalah sama hanya memperalatkan agama dan bangsa untuk memecah-belahkan harmonian rakyat Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSemua parti malaya UMNO dan PR akan hancur kali ini.
Without PATI votes, UMNO will die hard standing.
ReplyDeleteWho vote for UMNO and PR, they vote for PATI.
Diharapkan semua masalah yang berlaku di Sabah dapat di selesaikan dengan segera tanpa melibatkan politik.
ReplyDeletethe government has doing their part, and among the announcements made in the past were, the establishment of a Federal Cabinet Committee on Illegal Immigrants in Sabah in 2000, 2006, 2008 as well as the formation of a Laboratory on Immigrants Management in Sabah in 2010 followed by a Sabah BN Panel on illegal immigrants in 2011.. and now we demand for RCI which already agreed by the federal ministers..
ReplyDeletethe denial syndrome title should be given to SAPP who do nothing to solve the problem..
BARISAN Nasional (BN) Sabah are compiling its respective parties’ proposed Terms of Reference (TOR) on the formation of the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) on illegal immigrants in Sabah, according to Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
DeleteThe Deputy Chief Minister, who heads the BN Sabah sub-committee on citizenship, told reporters yesterday that the TOR will be submitted to BN chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak next week.
DeleteSpeaking at a press conference after the sub-committee meeting yesterday, Pairin said they have agreed to form a working committee which will be headed by Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) secretary general Datuk Henrynus Amin.
Delete“Today we have compiled the proposed TOR from various BN component parties and the working committee will consolidate the proposal and submit a united draft to the Prime Minister and BN top leadership within one week.
Delete“I would like to thank all the Sabah BN component parties for participating in the discussion which I think have truly focused on the interest of the rakyat and the protection of their citizenship as well as in urging the authorities to enforce the laws of the country,” he said.
DeletePairins aid they expect the formation of the RCI to be done soon after the TOR is finalized by the federal government.
DeleteWhen asked what would the TOR contain, he said that there are a lot of suggestions from the BN Sabah component parties.
Delete“What I’ve outlined just now is the objective of the RCI which is to resolve the issues pertaining to the illegal immigrants and resolve issues which have been adversely created by their presence so that in the eyes of the citizens it can be seen that their rights are protected and the laws of this country are enforced properly.
Delete“It also shows that the laws of this country are adhered to and respected by people who want to come to work or enter our country because we are talking about the interest of the citizens, about the sovereignty of the country being protected, about the laws being enforced properly and seriously, about rectification of procedure which can prevent the illegal issuance of documents, because in the past we see not only ICs could be issued illegally but birth certificates and also for that matter passport,” he stressed.
Delete“We have all this matter in mind which obviously the RCI has to cover and it must be formed with immediate effect. We are suggesting to see results for the short term within 6 months and for the longer term within two years,” he added.
DeletePairin also pointed out that there are no two ways about the united stand by BN component political parties in Sabah on the formation of the RCI.
Delete“Obviously the expected announcement of the formation of the RCI by the federal government or the PM has yet to be heard (but) we have no doubt in our mind that the federal cabinet has already agreed to the formation of the RCI.
Delete“We know that part of the delayed announcement is because the TOR coming from so many different sources, have yet to be fully submitted for the consideration of the top leadership.
Delete“We are of course, all in the know that many expressions of views, opinions have been put through the newspapers on the proposed TOR for the RCI,” he said, adding that they come not only from BN but also from the opposition and NGOs.
DeleteObviously this indicated the interest and the focus being given by the public throughout the country particularly from Sabah, Pairin said, adding that the negative implications created by the presence of illegal immigrants in the state have sufficiently been debated in many forums in the past.
Delete“We are all waiting for the necessary announcement by the Prime Minister. In the meantime we have of course been asked to provide certain guidelines in connection with the TOR for the RCI.
Delete“Today we have held our meeting to discuss the TOR and we have taken into consideration the views coming from Sabah BN component parties and we will have a joint listing of the TOR to be submitted to the top leadership to consider and adopt any one of those TOR,” he said.
DeletePairin said there are a number of angles to be looked at and the obvious ones which have been on the minds of the people and Sabah members of parliament is the question about the extraordinary increase in Sabah population and about the irregularities of issuance of IC to foreigners or the obtaining of ICs by illegal immigrants through dubious means.
DeleteOther reasons also include reasons why there had been in the past illegal syndicates which were exposed as having issued ICs to illegal immigrants.
Delete“The truth about Projek IC for example. Basically what we would like RCI to do is to look into the truth of the many queries raised by the public and MPs.
Delete“We have of course over the years said a number of things on what the authorities should be doing as far as enforcement is concerned,” he said.