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Saturday, February 18, 2012

Why Throw Stones in Glass House?

“Some DAP Sabah leaders need to stop acting like a spoilt brat and think and act maturely. It is also unadvisable to throw stones in your own glass house,” responded Dr. Felix Chong Kat Fah of STAR Sabah.

 “A local DAP Sabah official appears to want to pick a quarrel, wash dirty linen in public and belittle Sarawakians and the Penans. I do not intend to stoop to such low levels and embarrass him further,” added Dr. Felix.

The situation in Sarawak is not the same in Sabah and DAP Sabah will regret if it thinks so. The thinking of the Chinese in Sarawak may not necessary be the same in Sabah.
The situation of STAR in Sabah and Sarawak are very different. Enough said. What is of utmost importance is not STAR Sabah but its key objective of championing the cause of Sabah and Sabahans. This is what STAR Sabah is doing.

The rights and interests and autonomy of Sabah need to be restored and STAR Sabah’s struggle is right. Regrettably, DAP Sabah fails to meet this expectation.

Before DAP thinks of Malaysian Malaysia for Sabah, DAP must treat Sabahans as fellow Malaysians and as equals.

If DAP Sabah leaders and supporters are patriotic Sabahans, they should be able to see the righteousness of STAR Sabah’s cause for Sabah rights and autonomy and support STAR Sabah’s cause for Sabah and Sabahans.


  1. This STAR party has just borne yesterday but already pickup fights with others. Clearly this newly setup opposition party can't work with fellow more established opposition parties. How to beat BN like that? Maybe STAR is another PERKASA, BN's appointed agent / spoiler!!!

    1. Look at Dap's statement wanting to wash dirty linen and attack Dr. Felix. Look at Dr. Felix's response, just on issues of STAR's fight Sabah's rights.
      No other party is fighting for Sabah's rights including oil revenue.
      If STAR is BN appointed spoiler, they will already hentam Dap and act like other Umno leaders and their BN toothless tigers like JPK, BD and others.
      For Sabah's future, support STAR

    2. The important issue here is whether the concerned party in opposition camp is fighting for Sabah rights, 20 points and Sabah autonomy or they would rather trying to show their true color as only party from malaya is more superior than local parties. DAP as a matured party should realize that they should display cooperation among opposition parties to fight the Umno/Bn in the coming GE13, and not to show disrespect to local parties that are fighting for Sabah rights and autonomy.

    3. DAP hanya buat kacau di sabah...tidak relevan...mereka sebagai parti malaya harus diusir keluar dari sabah..

    4. DAP tidak akan mendapat sokongan dari rakyat sabah..banyak bercakap tapi semua kosong.

    5. oh gosh which party to vote?

    6. jika di Sabahm DAP takkan diterima, bgs balik saja.

    7. jika masing-masing dengan egonya..pasti tidak akan membawa apa-apa kejayaan.

    8. At least Star is happily working together with PKR while SAPP is fighting with DAP instead.

  2. It doesnt matter if you are anewly establish or not, but did DAP Sabah showed a good example of working together with other parties to reach a common goal as an opposition ? For Example

    2008 Election
    N13 - INANAM Turnout : 13606 (70.5%) Spoilt: 274 Voters: 19300
    Clarence Chin @ Olay (IND - IND) 196
    Daniel John Jambun (OPP - PKR) 4293
    >> * Goh Chin Lok @ Johnny Goh (BN - PBS) 5979 Maj: 1686
    Jeffrey Kumin @ John (OPP - DAP) 2864

    Total Combined votes for PKR & DAP = 7157
    BN = 5979

    Example 2

    N14 - LIKAS Turnout : 9519 (62.7%) Spoilt: 111 Voters: 15178
    >> * Liew Teck Chan (BN - SAPP) 4097 Maj: 862
    Yap Siew Kiong (OPP - PKR) 1888
    Kong Yu Kiong (IND - IND) 182
    Joan Goh Penn Nee (OPP - DAP) 3235

    Total Combined votes for PKR & DAP = 5126
    SAPP (BN) Votes = 4097

    Example 3

    N16 - LUYANG Turnout : 11625 (65.5%) Spoilt: 95 Voters: 17761
    @ Alexander Wong Yun Kiong (OPP - PKR) 2794
    @ Chin Fung Vui @ Bernard (IND - IND) 92
    >> Melanie Chia Chui Ket (BN - SAPP) 5073 Maj: 1502
    @ Fung Kong Win (OPP - DAP) 3571

    Total Combined votes for PKR & DAP = 6365
    SAPP (BN) Votes = 5073

    Same thing happened for Kepayan State seat.

    As for Parlimentary Seat, Look at Kota Kinabalu.. Idiot..

    P172 - KOTA KINABALU Turnout : 27909 (63.8%) Spoilt: 326 Voters: 43714
    @ Kong Yu Kiong (IND - IND) 341
    >> @ Hiew King Chew (OPP - DAP) 9464 Maj: 106
    @ Chin Tek Ming (BN - PBS) 8420
    @ Liew Chin Jin (OPP - PKR) 9358

    Total Combined votes for PKR & DAP = 18822


  3. DAP should state their standard on Sabah issues such as Sabah rights, autonomy & Malaysia Agreement. Is DAP fighting for these for the future of Sabahans n the State?

    1. DAP should definitely make their stand clear, so do all the other parties that wanted to compete for the Sabahans votes during the next general election. Show us all the packages and we will pick the best one.

    2. DAP lebih baik gulung tikar.

    3. DAP has its own hidden not trust them..

    4. DAP ada agenda yang tersendiri, mereka hanya pentingkan diri sendiri sahaja.

    5. DAP should focused in WM. I don't think they are sincere to fight for Sabahan's rights.

    6. nampaknya parti dap kini dikecam oleh parti-parti lain.

    7. Sabah DAP is still weaker than their Penang counterparts, therefore it is more difficult for them to gain the people's support here in Sabah.

  4. Tidak maw kahwin kah?
    Ini kali lah DAP+PKR tunggu apa!!!

  5. The opposition cannot work together because all are concern only for their own interests, none of them are really for the people. Keep fighting, and BN will sure to gain victory again this term.

    1. Siapa yang calar imej parti sendiri?

    2. BN still become the people's choice for the next GE.

    3. jika saling menyalahkan pasti sukar untuk mereka bekerjasama.

  6. BN sabah akan menang pada pru13..

    1. sebab pembangkang di sabah saling bermusuhan...tiada persepakatan dan kerjasama...walaupun ada khabar yang mengatakan ada perbincangan dibuat namun akhirnya masing2 mahu jadi hero...

    2. If BN wins, its because the opposition parties are too selfish to unite.

    3. ya. pembangkang tidak bersatu, masing2 tamak, mcm mana mau menang jika begini.

    4. bukan mudah untuk menumbangkan BN. pembangkang pun dalam situasi yang genting sekarang dengan pelbagai masalah dalaman yang timbul.

    5. nampak sangat pembangkang di Sabah ni tidak bersatu dan masing-masing saling menghentam.

  7. Parti pembangkang pun sibuk bergadugh, macamana mau memimpin sabah jika hal dalam parti pun susah mau urus.

    1. that's why they have no chance to win in next GE.

    2. Susah kalau begitu suka bergadung antara satu sama yang lain, tanpa kesatuan adalah sukar untuk mencapai kemenangan.

  8. masing2 mau tunjuk siapa lagi hebat, buang masa betul..

    1. Beginilah ranjau kehidupan ahli politik. Belum dpt nak tagih, sudah dapat nak bertengkar la pula.Tak sudah2 betul.

  9. DAP is obviously not matured enough to be a leader.

  10. Funny. DAP and SAPP ate struggling to have a name.

  11. The situation in Sarawak is not the same in Sabah and DAP Sabah will regret if it thinks so.

    Yes, agree. I have been staying in Kuching for the past few years. All I can say is, the political scene in Kuching is more in proper way.

  12. Makin lama makin naik pula saham DAP ni tau.

  13. STAR baru saja melebarkan sayap di sabah sudah tembirang.. STAR is not local-based party.. so how we can trust them??

    1. star sabah star sarawak have the same struggles they both lost control of their resources..oil and gas to their kl/malaya colonizer,now we go to klcc and will see petronas twin towers,where do you think the money came from//??? they sure trust each other.

  14. Nampaknya Jika pertandingan 1 lawan 1 akan memberikan satu tentangan yang hebat untuk BN. Maka berikan yang terbaik untuk penduduk Sabah jika inginkan kemenangan yang majorities.

  15. Tapi itu sungguh mustahil untuk 1 lawan 1..Kerana STAR dan SAPP tidak akan membiarkan PR menawan Sabah begitu saja dan tidak akan membiarkan perkara itu berlaku. Maka semua itu cuma mimpi untuk PR menawan Sabah. Tambahan lagi sekarang parti tempatan seperti SAPP mula mendapat sokongan dan juga parti Baru STAR tidak duduk diam menarik lebih banyak penyokong.

  16. Permusuhan antara DAP dan SAPP menimbulkan kerisauan kepada PKR.

  17. Ahli PR yang lain perlu sedar akan perancangan yang dibuat oleh DAP.

  18. Jika kita lihat siapa yang makin terkenal dalam PR adalah DAP..PKR cuma terkenal dengan pelbagai skandal. PAS pula seperti senyap begitu saja dan ahli mula banyak yang keluar.

  19. DAP tidak akan mendapat perhatian majoriti rakyat Sabah

  20. jika keadaan ini berterusan pasti dap tidak akan berjaya mengambil hati rakyat Sabah.

  21. SAPP/DAP tea table talk again!

  22. Sudah untuk DAP mendapatkan sokongan daripada rakyat Sabah.
