He said this can be tested with a simple political arithmetic. "We are free if we are free from colonisation or outside power. You are an independent country if you are free to plan and decide your own fiscal policies," he said.
Likewise, he said a country cannot consider itself independent if its own people do not have the power to elect or chose their own leaders.
Dr Jeffrey also argued that one other important tenet of an independent state is that it must be able to collect taxes for itself, something that Sabah has been squarely denied of.
He said Sabah was in dire situation today because it was denied its rights and freedom as envisaged by a departing British government in 1963 and the founders of the state as well as proponents of the Malaysia Federation then.
"We were 20 years behind ready of any negotiation in 1963. And this has been made worse by complots after complots to make Sabah just one of the smaller states in the Federation.
"The outside power player did everything, including amending the Federal Constitution and forgetting all the 1963 pledges, to make sure Sabah and Sarawak are subservient to the centre, in order for them to plunder our resources and leaving our people poor.
"And that explains why today we are the poorest people in Malaysia even though our state Sabah is the richest in term of resources..." he said.
ReplyDeleteJEFFREY what you say is absolutely accurate-Sabah with Sarawak are still colonies.
But having seen the light like Moses the solution is not to hang around anymore in Egypt but to take our country out of Malaysia!
You and many Sabah politicians can see that Sabah can be independent by itself. So what is holding you as the leaders to take the responsibility for the good of our country to go all out for independence.
This comment is from Hornbill Unleashed Sarawak:
“Malaysia” was a neo-colonial concept originally designed to preserve the British post war colonial control and exploitation of our resources.
However, this was no longer tenable with the upsurge of local independence movements. Their best plan was to handover the power and control to their appointed successors UMNO in 1963 which soon became the real masters and overlords of the 2 Borneo colonies.
The UMNO power elite perfected their modus operandi of enriching themselves through grand development projects which were sub-contracted to their proxy companies and cronies for huge amounts of money in total breach of the people’s trust.
Using independence and development as a con they convinced the people (and coupled with electoral frauds) to vote them into power so they could carry out their grand development plans like the NEP FELDA SALCRA and many more projects to create multi-billion dollar plans and divert these funds to their own bank account.
This abuse of power behaviour was adopted by the Sabah and Sarawak power elites when they were installed in power by the Malayan colonial elite who used them as their proxies for their domination of and plunder of Sabah and Sarawak.
The new Malayan colonial rulers proceeded to grab land under various agricultural projects again playing on the people’s desire for economic advancements. So they have managed to con the people for 49 years and take out Sabah and Sarawak wealth to “develop” Malaya and their pockets."
(end of comment)
UMNO BN has already broken all the agreements and pledges they used to entice the people into believing that Malaysia was good for them.
We all know that these were just promises they did not intend to keep!
We are only deluding ourselves to think that we have "independence in Malaysia".
I have this kind of 'butterflies in my tummy' upon reading JK statements above.For one the facts are so wrongly intertwined against all the hard facts that Sabah truly enjoys in this country called Malaysia that one cannot help but noticed that JK is purely making a political statement that plays with the emotions of Sabahans.
ReplyDeleteIf JK bothers to recollect that right from the time of USNO,BERJAYA and later PBS,Sabahans had been given the rights and opportunities to elect their own leaders and subsequently their own Chief Ministers.Tun Mustapha,Fuad Stephens,Harris Salleh and JK elder brother Pairin were the products of true democracy in actions in Sabah.Sabahans were free to choose the parties of their choice and who they want to lead the State.Freedom of choice had and always been the embodiment of true democracy practised in Malaysia under the BN government otherwise none of those names mentioned would have the opportunities to sit in the corridor of power and became the CEO of a State.Likewise under BN/UMNO some component parties which had few seats in the assembly were given the opportunities to become the Chief Ministers in their turns.Dompok,YTL and CKK would never dream to become the CM in their lifetime with the number of seats they have.Lets face it,the KDM and the chinese should be grateful to UMNO for relenting that these leaders be appointed CM.Now the ungrateful JK is shouting ill-treatment and unfairness.Such a shame!
JK again has forgotten that he has the opportunity of becoming CM if his STAR party can win in the next GE.Why focus on UMNO? Is JK trying to tell that his party has no chance to become the government?Different parties have their own ways of appointing their leaders and the rakyat again have a choice to choose.If UMNO ways of choosing the CM is wrong then Sabahans can elect many opposition parties in Sabah like SAPP and his own party STAR just like the time of USNO,BERJAYA and PBS.But if Sabahans decide to choose BN/UMNO then they should keep their silence.The choice of the majority should be respected not ridiculed.
Again JK is much short in memory now or rather deliberate in acknowledging that Sabah is not an independent state in Malaysia but part of a federation,a bigger entity so the question of it being allowed to collect taxes does not arise.STAR struggles to make it happens is entirely a different issue altogether and until they are successful by winning the hearts and minds of the people through the ballot boxes JK is just talking airs and passing his hallucinations to Sabahans.
I would like to think that JK is just fanning dislikes if not hatred towards UMNO by twisting the facts.In his haste to have power JK should not let his wisdom and good sense to abandon him.I have high regards in his intellectual discourse and as a friend I suggest he sees more reasons than emotions.
Anak petagas, your argument is totally out of the realm. To call Jk as short in memory is ridiculous and stupid.
ReplyDelete"If JK bothers to recollect that right from the time of USNO,BERJAYA and later PBS, Sabahans had been given the rights and opportunities to elect their own leaders ..."
This sentence is most revealing! If we were really "independent" why would anyone "give us the right". It implies that a colonial master gave us that right. Who else but Malayan UMNO?
Anak Petagas read the Malaysia Agreement, Constitution 20 Points and the pledges made by UMNO policitians in the 1960s. You will see that Sabah was to an equal partner of Malaya and was to administer its territorial under the Borneonization plan. Instead we got Malayanized!
This is precisely what JK and others are talking about. We have no independence in Malaysia. All the issues have arisen because UMNO has breached the above mentioned agreements and pledges.
This comment in Hornbill Unleashed seems to have hit the right note with the observations on the relation between Malaya and Sabah Sarawak on the immigration issue (abridged due to length restrictions).
The “banning” could be said to be outside the “power” of the Swak Immigration Dept as this was not spelt out in the relevant law and may be challenged on this basis. Whether the law courts will agree with this argument is uncertain.
The point made was that “banning” was historically used to screen out the “subversive suspects” by the colonial authorities. This may have been one of the original intentions of the law makers.
But now this law is viewed as being in conflict with the idea of the “1Malaysian identity” and the right of Malaysians to travel freely in their country within official hindrance.
Taib may well treat Sarawak as his private separate kingdom and this is a bargaining chip he holds against Kuala Lumpur. Many Sarawakians would heartily support a democratic independent model.
The second point (without digressing) is coming back to the point of immigration control being rather unique in an independent “federal” system such as Malaysia. Immigration control is normally enforced at international borders not within your own borders.
The Sabah Sarawak right implies that there is a semblance of sovereignty and territorial integrity for these “states” or “colonies” as seen by others.
It would be more accurate to describe them as “colonies” as this would fit the reality where foreigners and Malayans alike have to produce their passports to enter Sabah or Sarawak as in the case of the French colonialists treatment of Algeria. From 1848 until independence, the whole Mediterranean region of Algeria was administered as an integral part of France, much like Corsica and RĂ©union are to this day. To this may be added Tahiti the French “overseas territory” like Sabah Sarawak are Malaya’s “overseas territories”.
In the sixties the local anti-Malaysia forces and Indonesia asserted that Malaysia was a neo-colonial creation. Sabah and Sarawak in Malaysia is akin to the above description of the French Algerian Tahiti relationship.
The law and physical separation of Sabah Sarawak from Malaya reinforces the perception of many Malayans is that they are entering a different country.
Unfortunately this discussion cannot rest here as there are many unresolved issues arising from the questions of how the Malaysia Agreement has been nullified by UMNO’s breaches and the sacking of Singapore.
The immigration issue is really an issue of independence. When Malaya does abolish Sabah Sarawak immigration control it will mean the erasure of their right to self-rule and self determination. This will be another breach of the Malaysia Agreement.
Comment by SABAH SARAWAK INDEPENDENCE — March 20, 2012
Were you so innocent when you with PBS? You did nothing to enrich yourself?
ReplyDeleteItu maknanya tahu cakap saja tapi buat tak juga seberapa.
Deleteadakah Star berpeluang untuk menang pada pru nanti?
ReplyDeleteSTAR hanyalah parti yang akan memeriahkan PRU13 nanti, pasti tidak akan berpeluang untuk menang.
DeleteKita tunggu dan lihat sajalah nanti. Politik ni lain sikit yang tak dijangka pun boleh berlaku inikan pula yang sudah dijangka.
Deletedilaporkan Star mempergunakan UBF sebagai alat politik yang mana mengecewakan 300 ahli UBF yang akan keluar dari NGO tersebut.
ReplyDeleteDalam politik, siapa guna siapa pun sukar diketahui. Ada saja rancangan di sebalik tabir yang berlaku.
Deleterakyat sabah berhak untuk memilih pemimpin dan kerajaan negeri...semua ini terjamin dalam perlembagaan malaysia..
ReplyDeletekerajaan negeri pada hari ini sudah terbukti kemampuan mereka mengurus tadbir negeri dengan baik..
ReplyDeletekerajaan yang ada sekarang sudah cukup bagus untuk rakyat, buat apa mau tukar lagi.
Deletedan BN akan menang pada pru13 nanti disebabkan oleh undi pembangkang akan pecah..kerana tiada sepakatan dan kerjasama...
ReplyDeleteKonpom BN menang. Tengok sajalah nanti. Kalau kalau terus saya beli jackpot. hahaha
DeleteJK in Sabah politics via the Star is only aimed at dividing the opposition. JK might have a hidden agenda. JK was a very strong figure in the opposition but suddenly joined Star, a local-based party from Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteSCRAP si Jeffrey! Raja KATAK!! suka lompat sana sini ja!! organize tea parties ja kerja.. teda pun ikhlas mau bantu rakyat!! complain ja kerja!! duit si Jeffrey byk tinggi mcm gunung mana dia simpan??? tolong la rakyat
ReplyDeleteJK sendiri tiada pendirian, suka lompat parti, macamana rakyat mau percaya.
Deletepersekutuan tidak mengabaikan Sabah. Sabah telah menerima peruntukan terbesar sebanyak 4 billion. peruntukan ini dpt membangunkan dan memajukan Sabah dgn begitu pesat.
ReplyDeleteBetul tu, Sabah tidak akan di lupakan, ada peruntukan yang telah di sediakan untuk membangunkan Sabah.
DeleteMemang ada peruntukan yang disediakan tapi saya sendiri hairan ke mana peruntukan itu disalurkan sebab peruntukan dan pembangunan yang diterima macam tidak selari lah.
DeleteSabah adalah tanah bebas dan rakyatnya berhak dalam memilih pemimpin yang mereka inginkan.
ReplyDeleteCakap banyak pun tiada guna lah JK, tunggu sahaja PRU nanti.
ReplyDeleteI can wait to know when is the next GE. We'll see if JK can win any seat in the coming GE.
ReplyDeleteGood luck to him but don't put too much hope and confident, i afraid he might disappointed.
ReplyDeleteHe had done lots but 1 thing for sure he still can't make people love him.
ReplyDeleteYang faktanya...Kerajaan telah mencuba memastikan ekonomi di Sabah lebih maju. Dengan adanya kemajuan ini maka ini akan dapat meningkatkan pendapatan penduduk Sabah sendiri. Kerajaan berusaha membangunkan pelbagai sektor di Sabah untuk penduduk mudah caburi. Yang terkini kita lihat iaitu sektor Minyak dan Gas. Sabah akan membina dua projek Mega yang lokasinya di Kimanis Papar dan juga di Sipitang. Ini usaha bagi memberikan peluang kepada penduduk Sabah dapat mencaburi diri dalam bidang minyak dan gas.
ReplyDeleteSTAR parti baru yang dipinjam dari Sarawak datang ke Sabah untuk berjuang demi hak Sabah. Namun adakah rakyat dapat menerima mereka ini. JK mungkin sedang bermimpi lagi. Bukan mudah untuk mendapat kerusi Ketua Menteri.
ReplyDeletePelbagai usaha telah kerajaan lakukan untuk menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk Sabah sendiri. Maka kita tidak boleh memandang kearah satu pendapat saja. Kita perlu melihat dari pihak lain juga.
ReplyDeleteSerahkan pada rakyat untuk buat keputusan. Bagi saya itu adalah cara yang paling selamat dan berkesan. Namun kerajaan juga perlu teruskan usaha yang baik untuk menyelesaikan pelbagai masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk Sabah.
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman attests that the good relationship between the state and the federal governments is key towards the many benefits that Sabah enjoys.
ReplyDeleteAccording to Musa, development is done widespread across Sabah, whether it is in the city or in the rural areas without discrimination towards anybody, adding that the Barisan National (BN) government is always pressing on educational development.
ReplyDeleteHe added that the BN’s sincerity is proof that it is the only party that can and will defend the rights of its people as compared to the opposition whose empty promises cannot live up to what BN has been doing all along.
ReplyDelete“This progress is not only focused on infrastructure development but also a genuine effort to prepare other various initiatives such as the People’s Aid 1Malaysia (Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia) (BR1M), the People’s 1Malaysia Store (Kedai Rakyat 1Malaysia), 1Malaysia Clinic, Karisma, and many others.
ReplyDelete“All of this is for the people, especially those with low income. As they say, ‘ada ubi ada batas, ada budi kita akan balas’ (a good deed deserves another)… I am confident that the BN government will receive continued support based on its sincerity and concern towards helping all ethnicity,” said Musa during his speech at the BR1M voucher giving ceremony for Sibuga N.42 at the Sri Libaran Multipurpose Hall, here, yesterday.
ReplyDeleteMusa, who is also State Finance Minister said he is not embarrassed to request large allocations from the federal government for the sake of the state’s development to rival other states.
ReplyDeleteHe added that Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak awards the allocations without hesitation given that the confidence of the people is on the rise.