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Monday, April 16, 2012

SAPP: Anwar's statement signifies progress in opposition co-operation

KOTA KINABALU - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) welcomes the offer by PKR de facto leader, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, to Sabah-based opposition parties to contest some of the seats that were contested by PKR in previous general elections with a view to achieve a one to one fight against the BN in the coming 13th general elections.

"On the part of SAPP, we will reciprocate such good will and understanding with adjustments to SAPP's preparations for the elections, which is widely expected to be in June," said its president, Datuk Yong Teck Lee.

"Although Dato Seri Anwar positively named SAPP, SAPP is nevertheless conscious of the fact that Anwar also referred to other opposition parties and politicians. SAPP is hopeful that co-operation with other parties, like STAR, will strengthen the opposition. There are also other experienced leaders who are still in the BN whose departure from the BN will contribute towards the eventual defeat of the BN at the coming general elections.

"Ever since SAPP left the BN on September 17, 2008, SAPP has joined nationwide efforts to topple the BN regime. In SAPP's fight for Sabah autonomy and the solution to Sabah issues at both the State and Federal levels, SAPP reaffirms our support to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim as incoming Prime Minister.

"SAPP reaffirms the continuation of the spirit of the gentleman agreement between SAPP and PKR leaders achieved in October 2010 prior to the Batu Sapi by-election. Although PKR and SAPP contested in a three-corner fight (against the BN) at Batu Sapi, the agreement was that the common enemy is the BN. Therefore, at Batu Sapi, SAPP and PKR had campaigned against the BN and not against each other.

"This trust between the two parties was not breached during and after the by-election. The Batu Sapi experience hence became a reference point in SAPP's plans for the general elections," Yong said.


  1. SAPP boleh!!!
    Sabah untuk orang Sabah!!!


    1. Saya hanya nampak di sini Sabah is for YTL only .

    2. Are you sure ? Read the statements carefully :

      "Although Dato Seri Anwar positively named SAPP, SAPP is nevertheless conscious of the fact that Anwar also referred to other opposition parties and politicians. SAPP is hopeful that co-operation with other parties, like STAR, will strengthen the opposition. .... "

    3. Parti kecil beri jalan untuk parti besar untuk bertanding satu ke satu.

    4. Tidak payah la bekerjasama, lain2 tujuan dalam parti.

  2. SAPP is very selfish n demanding for a small party that lack support from majority of Sabahan especially non-Chinese. By giving in to demand, it show PR is a very open party n not selfish.

    1. This cooperation will result in 1 on 1 fight with BN which is what all anti-BN supporters were hoping for.

      Unfortunately this particular PR supporter still want the animosity between Opposition Sabah-based parties vs PR to continue.

      A real shame indeed.

    2. sorry bro you still dont see the pic for Sabahan this is result to one clonial head (UMNO)exchange to another colonial head (PR) no different i from Semenanjung said this such a stupid move from SAPP.

    3. Sabahan cant be a colonial head since Sabah and Sarawak together dont have enough parliament seats, only have power to deny 2/3 majority.

      Our hope is the state (dun) seats which is what SAPP and STAR are hoping to win the most.

    4. SAPP should make way for Star to compete instead.

    5. tunggu dan lihat sajalah adakah parti pembangkang akan bekerjasama atau tidak.

    6. Pasti tidak jadi lagi tu bekerjasama. Kali2 pun macam tu juga. Angin saja kuat tapi tiada hasil.

  3. SAPP for chinese seat and STAR for bumiputera seat!!! if not SAPP is cheater!!!!

    1. Kalau macam ini, undian pengundi cina dan bumiputera tetap akan dipisahkan. Tiada kesatuan antara rakyat Sabah yang berlainan kaum dan bangsa.

    2. Kena ubah mentaliti persepsi tentang parti ikut kaum. Sampai bila2 kita tidak maju kalau semua pun sikit2 ungkit pasal kaum.

    3. kalau semua masing-masing dengan kepentingan sendiri, susah kerjasama mau diaksanakan.

    4. The party should be more open to all races. I don't see what is the purpose by targeting only to 1 race. We urge for unity.

    5. Begitu la tu kalau parti berunsurkan kaum. Tidak payah mention pun sudah tahu

  4. STAR untuk semua!!!! votes for STAR!!!

    1. Jadi SAPP apa macam? Lupa kawankah?

    2. This is one of the reason why its impossible for BN to lose. Not only all the opposition parties must cooperate, even the voters also must cooperate.

    3. Memandangkan STAR semakin stable dan mencapai sokongan yang baik juga.

  5. SAPP mendapat peluang ini disebabkan PKR tidak yakin untuk bertanding di sesetengah kawasan berikutan ahli daripada beberapa cawangan PKR Sabah telah keluar parti ramai-ramai untuk mengikuti Parti Star.

    1. Nampaknya keyakinan semakin menurun, apa macam ? belum bertanding sudah goyah

    2. PKR sanggup lakukan demikian kerana tau mereka makin lemah, jika bertanding pasti kalah. jadi beri ja kerusi pada pembangkang lain.

  6. Jika PKR bersetuju untuk memberi jalan, tetapi kita masih ada dua parti pembangkang lagi yang akan bertentangan, kecuali SAPP sanggup bekerjasam dengan Star, kalau tidak, undian tetap akan dipisahkan.

    1. STAR pasang angan2 mahu tanding 60 kerusi. Sebelum ni SAPP. Apa macamlah mahu tengok perubahan kalau masih mahu utamakan kepentingan politik masing2. Mahu tipu rakyat lagi ka??

    2. di Sabah ada banyak parti, jadi mungkin persaingan 1 lawan 1 sukar untuk dilihat.

    3. ALL of the opposition parties must cooperate if they want a 1 on 1 fight.

    4. tiada la durang tu mahu bersatu. kasi biar la saja durang tu.

  7. mungkin susah sapp mau kerjasama dengan PR sebab dap tidak ngam dengan diorang.

    1. In the end, non of the opposition parties cooperate.

  8. SAPP is the next BN.

  9. Lets just wait and see whether they will really cooperate to have a one on one fight with BN/UMNO.

  10. Jika parti pembangkang sanggup mengetepikan kepentingan diri sendiri, rasa-rasa satu situasi yang amat baik dan ini akan memberi saingan yang hebat untuk BN.

  11. Not sure BN will accept 1 to 1 basis?

  12. Apakah perkembangan Formula baru SAPP?

  13. Terpulang dengan SAPP untuk bersatu dengan PKR. Tapi kenapa tidak bersatu dengan DAP sekali>??
