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Thursday, October 11, 2012

RM40mil smuggled cash not for Musa but for Sabah Umno?

Hazlan Zakaria

Investigation papers submitted to the attorney-general by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) show that RM40 million a Sabah businessman was caught with in trying to smuggle into Malaysia from Hong Kong were political contributions to the state Umno and not for Chief Minister Musa Aman.

“The funds were contributions to the Sabah Umno liaison body and not for the personal use of the chief minister,” Minister in The Prime Minister's Department Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz (right) states in a parliamentary written reply to Batu MP Chua Tian Chang, who is better known as Tian Chua.

In the same reply, Nazri also said that the MACC has concluded that "no element of corruption was proven" in the case.

On Aug 14, 2008, the businessman, who has been identified as Michael Chia, was caught red-handed at the Hong Kong International Airport with Singapore currency worth the RM40 million in his luggage before be could board a flight to Kuala Lumpur.

Chia was charged with money laundering and trafficking by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

ICAC investigations also reportedly found that the money was earmarked for Musa and were part of more funds being deposited into a Swiss bank account containing US$30 million allegedly being held in trust for the Sabah chief minister by a lawyer.

Whistleblower website Sarawak Report has linked the monies to timber kickbacks which it said were bound for Musa's pockets for approving timber licences.

Musa has denied all the allegations.

Nazri's reply also states that the Hong Kong ICAC took no further action in the case after the MACC finding, while the request for cooperation in a criminal matter lodged over the Swiss bank account has been withdrawn for the same reason.

Speaking at a press conference in the Parliament lobby today, Tian Chua questioned the MACC finding that no graft was involved.

AG, MACC did not provide assistance sought

"Even if the money was not for Musa but for Sabah Umno, MACC still hasn't explained why no graft is involved. What is the money for and why is a businessman giving money to Sabah Umno?"

Tian Chua also claimed that the ICAC could not take further action because the attorney-general and MACC were dragging their feet in providing the assistance requested by the Hong Kong anti-graft body.

The request for cooperation on the matter of the Swiss bank accounts, he added, was still outstanding.

Nazri's reply appears different from the MACC statement that was issued to the press just last week.

In the statement, MACC said its investigations were concluded but that its operations evaluation panel had instructed that further evidence be collected against Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman before the matter could proceed to prosecution.

According to MACC deputy chief commissioner (operations) Mohd Shukri Abdull, the matter was presented to the panel at its last sitting in May.

“The investigation against Musa is on corruption (not abuse of power) and we have completed the investigation, but the panel has instructed us to get more evidence,” Mohd Shukri had said.


  1. MACC report that Datuk Musa not involve with this money laundering case. Surprise... But this truth report by MACC.

    1. it's a political contributions to the state Umno and not for Chief Minister Musa Aman..

    2. The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission has cleared Datuk Seri Musa Aman of graft and money laundering allegations after finding that the over S$16 million (RM40 million) allegedly channelled to the Sabah Chief Minister through corrupt means was meant for Sabah Umno’s use.

    3. Respect the report finding.

    4. sekarang dah sah Musa mmg tak terlibat. jadi jgn bangkitkan lagi isu ini.

    5. Announcement of Musa Aman is innocent, great news for all his supporters.

    6. Sudah terbukti Datuk Musa tidak terlibat dalam kes ini.

  2. Borneo_Bullet_Proof_VestOctober 11, 2012 at 4:08 PM

    This is indeed true victory for Musa Aman. The lies and slanders that has been tormenting him since 2008 has been crush! Musa is innocent from all this false allegation from the beginning. All was created to discredit his good governance, AAA rating financial management and of course not forgetting the best forestry conservation to the point that place Sabah on the world map of conservation! The recent visit by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge has affirm this! Carry on the good work, Mr. Chief Minister!

    1. it is a true victory for musa aman...he is innocent after all..

    2. there more questions than answers on this money smuggling from Hong Kong, Swiss Banks into a personal account on Musa who says it is for Umno and the MACC believe him without interrogation.
      From this money source from...timber? oil deal? corrupt projects?

      How come no answers for these important question? the element of corruption is still lingering in our minds...unanswered, and how come the money is not credited in Umno's account but to individuals???

    3. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz said the Attorney-General’s Chambers had shelved the matter after finding no element of corruption in the case, which was first raised by whistle-blower site Sarawak Report earlier this year.

    4. “The funds were actually contributions made to the Sabah Umno liaison body and not for the chief minister’s personal use,” Nazri Aziz said in the reply.

    5. Musa Aman such a tough man who can stand with those false accusation, at the same time still remain perform for Sabah, increasing the rating of foreign investors.

  3. jadi dalam hal Musa mmg tak terlibat.

    1. musa memang tidak terlibat...musa sengaja dikaitkan dengan isu tersebut untuk menjatuhkan imej beliau selaku KM sabah.

    2. Terima sajalah laporan SPRM tentang isu rasuah ini. Mereka kata Musa Aman tidak bersalah, maka tidak bersalah. Tidak cukup bukti untuk mendakwa KM Sabah.

    3. Musa cuma membantu siasatan sahaja. Mungkin ada agenda yang tidak diketahui.

    4. memang pun, cuma banyak orang mata merah dekat Musa Aman, jadi ingin buat kacau saja.

    5. Ada pihak yang ingin menjatuhkan Datuk Musa, namun segalanya sudah terbukti yang semua itu hanya betujuan mau menjatuhkan Datuk Musa.

  4. jadi Musa mmg tak terlibat. semua dakwaan tak benar.

    1. Nazri Aziz said that the Hong Kong’s Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) has also investigated the case but “took no further action”.

    2. Memang pun, semua dakwaan tu tidak benar.

  5. semua ini direka hya untuk jatuhkan Musa Aman.

    1. Rekaan semata-mata saja tu untuk menjatuhkan Musa Aman. Sekarang sudah terbukti Musa Aman tidak bersalah.

    2. laporan yang dibuat oleh sarawak report sebelum ini adalah tidak benar sama sekali..hanya rekaan semata-mata...

    3. semua tuduhan yang diperkatakan selama ini jelas adalah tidak benar.

    4. Jika benar Musa tidak terlibat, tidak mungkin juga beliau boleh dijatuhkan.

    5. Musa Aman dituduh dengan pelbagai dakwaan, sehingga Merdeka Center pun pandai2 buat soal selidik ingin menurunkan reputasi Musa Aman.

    6. Ada pihak yang ingin menjatuhkan Datuk Musa. Namun cubaan itu tidak berjaya.

  6. Read More: SPRM akui siasatan sudah selesai

    Pihak SPRM sendiri mengakui bahawa siasatan sudah selesai. Bermakna badan ini telah gagal membuktikan bahawa Datuk Musa Aman terlibat dengan skandal rasuah pembalakan. Adakah disebabkan desakan bertubi-tubi pihak pembangkang, maka SPRM terpaksa berusaha membuktikan pihak yang tidak bersalah sebagai bersalah?

    Ketiadaan atau kekurangan bahan bukti selepas 16 tahun isu ini dimainkan cukup untuk membuktikan bahawa Datuk Musa Aman tidak terlibat dengan skandal pembalakan atau skandal pengubahan wang haram sebagaimana yang dimomokkan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang dan juga NGO tajaan mereka.

    Jika pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang masih terus mendesak SPRM supaya membuktikan yang tidak bersalah sebagai bersalah, kenapa tidak desak SPRM untuk terus mencari bahan bukti bagi kes RM4 bilion Jeffrey Kitingan dan skandal SAS Datuk Yong Teck Lee? atau mungkin MP PAS Kubang Kerian Salahuddin Ayub sendiri perlu arahkan pihak polis untuk terus mencari bahan bukti bagi kes liwat Anwar sekalipun perbicaraan kes itu sudah selesai.

    Rakyat Sabah jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan dakyah politik pembangkang. Niat mereka hanya satu, iaitu untuk merampas kuasa, bukannya menegakkan kebenaran. Dipihak mereka sendiri banyak berlaku penyelewengan, penindasan, diskriminasi dan ketidak-cekapan pentadbiran.

    Walau berpuluh tahun pun isu ini dimainkan, cukuplah hanya sekali Datuk Musa Aman menafikan tuduhan ini dan menegaskan bahawa beliau bersedia memberikan kerjasama penuh kepada pihak berkuasa.

    1. sudah terbukti musa tidak terlibat dalam isu tersebut...pembangkang sengaja memutar belitkan fakta dan mendesak SPRM membuktikan yang tidak bersalah adalah bersalah untuk menjatuhkan imej Musa Aman...

    2. isu ini sudah selesai dan tidak perlu dimainkan lagi.

    3. Taktic politik pembangkang sudah dibocorkan, tidak dapat disambung main. Lihatlah,lepas ni tidak tahu apa2 cerita lagi...

    4. Taktik pembangkang tidak menjadi, Datuk Musa tetap pemimpin yang boleh di percayai.

  7. Nah!!! Betul kan!! Musa Aman tidak bersalah. Good news.

    1. Kan sudah Musa Aman berkata, "I am Innocent".

    2. Orang Umno saja yang cakap orang mereka sendiri tidak bersalah.

      Hahaha rakyat Sabah memanglah tidak percaya.

    3. Kan ICAC and Switzerland court sana pun sudah lepas dakwaan mereka, tidak percaya lagi, biarlah orang keras kepala.

    4. Hehehe si Nazri saja yang cakap tu.

  8. Musa Aman is not invole with the money laundering case as accused earlier.

    1. awal2 lagi musa aman sudah cakap beliau tidak terlibat pun dan tidak tahu menahu pun mengenai isu ini...beliau sengaja dikaitkan untuk menjatuhkan imej beliau..kini sudah terbukti beliau tidak bersalah...

    2. Musa Aman sudah banyak kali menafikan ada kaitan dalam isu ini, tapi ramai pihak yang tidak percaya dengan beliau.

    3. Siasatan masih perlu diteruskan, kebenaran harus ditegakkan sebab banyak kes rasuah yang masih tiada perkembangan yang baik.

    4. Orang pakatan sana je yang tidak percaya selama ni, mana mungkin kalau bersalah masih boleh pegang jawatan penting di Sabah.

    5. Pasti selepas ini, ada lagi isu yang ingin di bangkitkan oleh pembangkang untuk menjatuhkan beliau.

  9. This is true Datuk Musa is not involved in any way.

    1. He never afraid of any false accusation, because he is innocent!!

  10. I know this is a big surprise before the opposition.

    1. Of cause the opposition parties can't argue anymore, ICAC dan Switzerland court already pull away the accusation.

  11. It seems the truth is out after all.

    1. Berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah. Akhirnya kebenaran dah didedahkan.

    2. Tapi nampaknya ada banyak juga orang yang tidak dapat menerime kebenaran yang terbaru ini.

  12. However, previous allegations are not true.

    1. That is why CM never afraid at all, non of the crime charges is related to him.

  13. They made up stories to drop Musa but it seems like that is not going to happen now.

    1. Opposition trying hard to pull down Musa Aman, just because they though they got the chance to take over Sabah, Sabahan will make sure it will never happened.

  14. I'm glad Musa is finally proven innocent.

    1. Sabahan are glad that our Chief minister is safe from those rumor and crime charges.

  15. Does that mean this is the end of the case?

    1. Investigation is completed!!!!

    2. case closed..its done...

    3. Musa Aman is innocent, and the case should closed now, but dun think opposition will accept it.

    4. Gembira semuanya sudah terbukti, tetap akan sokong Datuk Musa.

  16. After all these written above does anyone still suggest further investigation?

    1. mungkin pembangkang lah sebab pembangkang kini dalam keadaan terdesak untuk menjatuhkan musa aman...tau2 lah ni pembangkang...sudah terbukti tidak benar semua tu tuduhan pun dia mahu juga disahkan benar...terdesak sudah bah..

    2. mungkin juga pembangkang akan terus mainkan isu ini.

    3. Only opposition will keep trying, most of the people are satisfy with the investigation result.

  17. Live and let live, It means case close.

  18. I hope the people were not swayed by the opposition propaganda.

  19. Truly it is a political game indeed.

    1. Opposition parties are trying hard to remain their position since their target now is Sabah.

  20. This is a good news to Musa and others who felt he is innocent after all.

  21. I remembered he said he was innocent and ready to cooperate with the authorities.

    1. He did said that but people keep thinking he is guilty, but now he is guilt free, good news.

  22. This is BN investigation let the PR government investigate Musa once PR takes over the government and lets see if Musa does not run with his tail between leg to Anwar for help.

    1. it will be a same results...not involve and not guilty...this is just the opposition propaganda to create confusion among the rakyat...

    2. ni MACC yang buat penyiasatan..bukan pun BN...lagipun sudah jelas dan nyata bahawa tuduhan liar dan tidak berasas ini hanya bermotifkan politik...mahu menjatuhkan kredibiliti musa aman selaku KM sabah..

    3. Musa Aman said he would offer full co-operation to the authorities if he was required to but stressed that in the meantime his focus was on serving the state instead of “entertaining these frivolous allegations”.

    4. In June this year, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had told Chua in a written reply that the MACC had completed its probe on the matter and had passed it on to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for consideration.

    5. Keep On dreaming AnonymousOctober 11, 2012 5:18 PM. I don't think there's not even a slim chance PR will take over the government. They can't even manage Selangor, they are constantly bickering with each other, they don't even have a shadow government in place. This makes me question whether Anwar is all for himself on this matter. Their so-called alternative budget if unrealistic. Not to mention they keep on offering the star and moon: promising to give out a lot of freebies such as free education, cheaper cars ect and yet they failed to address more critical issues such as how are they going to reduce the national debt. Pakatan Rakyat WILL be the end of Malaysia as we know it if they ever come to power.

  23. what is past is past...musa is innocent...period..

    1. Even though MACC has already cleared Musa's name, no doubt there are people who still won't believe it.

    2. Ofcause those people will never accept the truth, they just want to believe Musa is bad, which is totally wrong.

  24. give musa a break and lets wait for the PRU13

    1. ya, semua harus bersedia menghadapi PRU 13.

    2. Better focus on the important things such as facing the next general elections.

    3. Siasatan masih diperlukan, usaha untuk rakyat juga diperlukan juga.

    4. banyak perkara lain yang lebih penting Datuk Musa perlu beri perhatian daripada layan cerita pembangkang ini.

  25. if this was a ploy brought by the opposition, it was certainly a flawed one.

    1. If the opposition wanted to bring down Musa Aman, try fighting fair and square in the next GE instead of spreading rumors about their opponents.

    2. Jika Musa tidak terlibat, Musa pasti akan lepas dari tindakan undang-undang. Tidak mungkin juga pembangkang boleh ambil kesempatan dalam kes ini.

  26. expected result. God knows the truth... If money belongs to umno then why not deposit it in Malaysia? why go through multiple overseas agents? why so secretive?

    1. Money secretly smuggled through overseas banks raise the BIG do they get that huge amount of money???

    2. Good question, where the money come from? Why for all these money for?

    3. Contribution for UMNO Sabah, Nazri Statement has already explain it.

  27. that michael chia is one clown!

    1. Musa has denied any link with Chia, who was arrested and charged with money laundering after attempting to smuggle S$16 million (RM40 million) back to Malaysia in 2008.

    2. According to media reports, Chia had at the time allegedly told the Hong Kong authorities that the money belonged to Musa.

    3. “I deny all these allegations I wish to put it on record once again that I have no business association whatsoever with an individual named Michael Chia ” the usually media-shy Musa had said in a statement

    4. Musa instead accused Sarawak Report of defaming him, claiming the graft allegations were likely part of a conspiracy by his detractors who wanted to topple Barisan Nasional (BN) in the east Malaysian state.

  28. "Even if the money was not for Musa but for Sabah Umno, MACC still hasn't explained why no graft is involved. What is the money for and why is a businessman giving money to Sabah Umno?"

    obviously, no evidence to proof anything...

  29. sudah dinyatakan tiada elemen rasuah.

    1. Musa Aman was given the all-clear after the MACC found that the more-than S$16 million (RM40 million) channeled to Musa allegedly through corrupt means was meant for Sabah Umno’s use.

    2. Rasuah pasti ada, cuma mungkin tiada bukti sahaja. Semoga kebenaran akan ditedahkan nanti.

  30. semua persoalan selama ini sudah pun terjawab dan penjelasan sudah pun diberikan.

  31. This is UMNO Rasuah, the whole Umno, so MACC cannot charge them or investigate where the source of such a huge amount came from..obviously, any sensible person will suspect that the money is from corruption. A cover-up of the bigger crime involved.

    1. whatever...musa aman is clear from it...MACC already confirmed it...

  32. “On the matter filed in the Switzerland courts, it was a MACMA (Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act) application by the ICAC seeking a probe on the same case.

    1. “The MACMA application has also been withdrawn for the same reason as stated above,” he said.

  33. simple question, where does the money come from?

    1. u go and ask michael chia yourself...

    2. Pembangkang tidak perlu cakap apa-apa lagi.. semua sudah terbukti.

  34. Asal bukan Umno...the most corrupt one, they have proven themselves corrupt, so it is only fair to vote them out for good.

    1. skandal pasir di selangor apa cerita?

  35. If it is meant for Umno Sabah, what, where, how this huge amount of smuggled money come from???? Should Umno Sabah be called by MACC for corruption charges??? so weird

    1. kalau perlu, buat sajalah siasatan...yang pasti musa aman tidak terlibat...itu sudah jelas...beliau bersih dari tuduhan2 tersebut.

  36. Tuduhan yang tidak berasas dan bukti harus dielakkan.

  37. Mungkin bukti yang ditedahkan masih tidak cukup kuat? Teruskan siasatan jika benar beliau disyaki terlibat.

    1. bukan tidak cukup kuat tapi memang tiada pun...tuduhan2 ini hanya propaganda pembangkang di mana dibantu oleh pihak2 luar yang berkepentingan jika malaysia tidak stabil dari segi politik, ekonomi dan sosial...

    2. lagipun laporan MACC sudah mengesahkan bahawa musa aman tidak terlibat dan tidak bersalah..

  38. Stale story smacked of stench.

    I'd be gobsmacked if I could shape those buns, with tasty filling, perfectly roundish. I want that wonderful aroma waft through my neighborhood. Never mind that it ( air redolent of cinnamon, cardamom) hasn't enveloped even my kitchen yet.

    Vote the clowns out.

  39. Now, I am also into just a one-liner groove. I didn't understand it at first when I read Raja Petra's comment on Sabahans being a one-liner commenter. A lot to catch up. That, I suppose is true. Avatar world.

  40. MACC cahoots with UMNO...SAy Yes to Corruption! 1Malaysia!

  41. Why do money transfers through banks when you can do it the Umno way - carry lots of cash in your pocket and luggage?

    It's definitely a good way to upset the apple cart and confuse the plot - make a contribution to the Sabah Umno liaison body that is 'supposed' to be above-board into something that looks questionable, dodgy and highly suspicious.

    It looks like money laundering, smells like money laundering, but it is not money laundering.

    1. Jabatan peguam mengesahkan tiada unsur rasuah yang melibatkan KM sabah...

    2. musa aman sudah bersih dari tuduhan2 tidak berasas tersebut...

  42. Pembohongan Sudah Menjadi Rutin Harian Pembangkang

    Meroyan tak henti-henti la pembangkang selepas ini apabila isu yang ditatang bagai minyak yang penuh sejak 2008 tidak sempat dimanfaatkan pada PRU13 nanti. Hancur luluh harapan pembangkang apabila Peguam Negara memutuskan tidak ada unsur rasuah yang membabitkan Datuk Musa Aman dengan ahli perniagaan Micheal Chia Tien Foh, sekaligus menafikan penglibatan Datuk Musa Aman dalam skandal pembalakan haram serta penggubahan wang haram sebagaimana yang disensasikan oleh pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang, media serta NGO tajaan mereka.

    Dengan penjelasan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz berkenaan dengan tuduhan ini, maka berakhirlah persoalan yang selama ini menjadi teka-teki dikalangan rakyat Sabah. Penjelasan ini bukan sahaja membuktikan bahawa Datuk Musa Aman tidak bersalah, malah membuktikan bahawa penyebaran pembohongan seperti ini sudah menjadi rutin harian pemimpin-pemimpin pembangkang.

  43. How do they get such amount of money?

    1. They should investigate where they got the money from.

  44. I guess Mazri has explained where they got the money from.

  45. Now that Musa Aman is proven innocent, what happens next?

  46. Let's see what is going to happen afterwards.

  47. sudah dijangka.. pembangkang tidak akan berpuas hati dengan keputusan ini.. kalau keputusan itu datang mahkamah antarabangsa pun, mereka tetap akan cakap yang mahkamah antarabangsa kenapa bayar oleh umno.. begitulah dangkalnya pemimpin2 dan media pembangkang abad ini..

    1. begitulah bah pembangkang...sudah terdesak...amat terdesak...diorang takut mainan politik mereka ni tidak menjadi sebab siasatan sudah membuktikan musa aman adalah tidak terlibat dalam rasuah...

    2. dapat bayangkan bagaimana kenyataan mereka kalau mereka yang berada dalam situasi ni.pasti berabis nk nafikan.

  48. banyak sangat yang dipersoalkan bila isu itu berkait rapat dengan BN.. bila pembangkang yang buat senyap pula.. itu Anwar dari mana dia dapat dana untuk jadikan jet eksekutif sebagai pengangkutan rasmi dia?? istilahnya tetap sama iaitu "political contribution"..

    1. jangan sampai dana tu diperolehi dari pihak yang cuba untuk pasang niat buruk terhadap negara.

  49. hasil siasatan sudah diketahui...ternyata tuduhan2 liar dan tidak berasas yang mengaitkan musa dalam rasuah dan penggubahan wang haram seperti yang dilaporkan dalam sarawak report itu adalah tidak benar...laporan siasatan MACC sudah mengesahkan dan menjelaskan bahawa tiada elemen rasuah yang membabitkan KM sabah, musa aman...ianya adalah sumbangan politik kepada UMNO sabah..
