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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Suaram: Welcome or not, French lawyers are coming

 Two French lawyers representing human rights watchdog Suaram will be attempting to enter Malaysia to brief MPs despite reservations expressed by the ruling party leaders.

Suaram director Cynthia Gabriel said the briefing was "definitely on" and the lawyers will fly in before Nov 29, when the current sitting of the Dewan Rakyat is scheduled to end.

However, an exact date was yet to be confirmed. Gabriel said the lawyers were currently making their flight arrangements.

Suaram's assurance comes in response to Deputy Defence Minister Abdul Latiff Ahmad's claim that the briefing would "lower the dignity" of Parliament.

The two lawyers - William Bourdon and Joseph Breham -are representing Suaram, which filed an official complaint in Paris, leading to a French investigation into the sale of two submarines by defence firm DCNS to Malaysia.

Suaram has alleged that there kickbacks would have been paid to seal the deal - and this is illegal in France.

Bourdon and Breham were scheduled to be in Parliament today to address MPs, on the invitation of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Suaram has Plan B

Their visit was postponed after Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein's refusal to guarantee a safe passage for the two lawyers.

On July 11 last year, the Immigration Department detained Bourdon on board a plane after it touched down at the KL International Airport.

He was deported several hours later. No detailed explanation was given about any offence he may have committed.

Bourdon was supposed to address a fund-raising dinner in Petaling Jaya that day. He had just addressed a similar event in Penang the night before.

Gabriel said certain MPs would be taking the initiative to ensure the lawyers' safe passage and that Suaram have made contingency plans.

She said there is no reason to deport the duo and Malaysians should be allowed to hear from them.

“If the Malaysian government and authorities decide to take harsh action against the entry of the lawyers, it becomes obvious that they have something to hide,” she said.

Leanne Tan Msiakini


  1. Mengikut kenyataan SUARAM yang didaftarkan sebagai syarikat di bawah nama Suara Inisiatif Sdn Bhd, mereka dapat dana dari derma orang ramai dan badan swasta.

    Menurut laman web National Endownment for Democracy (NED), mereka membiayai lebih USD50,000 kepada Suara Inisiatif Sdn. Bhd setiap tahun dari 2005-2009.

    1. Persoalannya, adakah NED yang dibiayai oleh CIA ini termasuk dalam golongan derma orang awam atau badan swasta?

  2. Pengarah SUARAM Cynthia Gabriel sebelum ini dalam satu forum pernah memberitahu :

    "Siasatan (Scorpene) itu sedang berjalan dan kami telah dibenarkan untuk memberitahu anda bahawa sepina pertama telah mencapai saksi pertama. Tetapi saya tidak boleh memberitahu anda yang saksi itu atau bila sepina itu telah diberikan. Untuk sekarang, kami perlu mengikuti prosiding mahkamah dan hanya boleh memetik nota mahkamah (Perancis)"

    1. Tetapi kini terbukti, segala tuduhan yang dimainkan oleh pembangkang melalui SUARAM merupakan berita palsu yang bersifat khabar angin dan dinafikan sendiri oleh Yves Charpenel.

      Bekas ketua pendakwaan di Perancis dan kini seorang pendakwa dan anggota eksekutif yang juga anggota penguatkuasa anti rasuah (IAACA) Perancis turut mengingatkan portal berita (malaysiakini) supaya dapat membezakan di antara penyiasatan dan perbicaraan.

    2. Cynthia...

      Any comment?

      Malu kantoi menipu tak habis-habis!

  3. Timbalan Menteri Pertahanan Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad menegaskan tindakan pembangkang memutar belit fakta berkenaan isu pembelian kapal selam Scorpene dari Perancis adalah untuk "mencalarkan" imej Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

  4. Perkara itu diputar belit untuk memberikan gambaran adanya kaitan antara Abdul Razak Baginda, warga Mongolia yang dibunuh, Altantuyaa Sharibu dan Najib.

  5. SUARAM telah dipantau oleh Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) kerana didakwa menerima sumber dana asing daripada penyangak matawang George Soros dan agensi kerajaan di bawah Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri, Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK)

  6. A straight-forward purchase of military assets has never before been politicized in a way the SUARAM did with the scorpene submarines.

    1. The submarines case ‘emerged’ again in Bangkok recently, when SUARAM made a press statement to brief on the progress of the investigation by the French.

    2. Admitting that the case sounded like a Hollywood spy thriller, SUARAM continued to precede the court, calling the government corrupt and the Prime Minister, a murderer!

    3. The judge said that the investigations will not complete in 2-3 years, so why can’t SUARAM just sit still and wait for the verdict? Why the press conference? Why the publicity? Why now?

    4. In talking about the case, one must have a fair knowledge of SUARAM’s background. With the General Election around the corner, the motive of SUARAM in bringing back the dead is clear.
