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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Reduce RM60 billion annual leakages instead to save money -- BOPIM

KOTA KINABALU - The statement by the communication and multimedia minister Ahmad Shabery Chik that saving from fuel subsidy reduction will enable the government to implement more development programmes for the benefit of the people is an insult to the peoeple of Sabah, said the Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BOPIM).

Its president, Daniel John Jambun said in a statement that Shabery's seems to be unaware of the fact that to Sabahans his statement cuts into old wounds because of the state's very poor development allocations despite the fact that Sabah is an oil-producing state.

"This is another example of a federal leader failing to understand our grievances as Malaysians in Sabah," Jambun said. "Or they still pretend not to hear our cry for justice in terms of development allocations. The Peninsular's development allocation had always been many folds bigger than what were given to Sabah and Sarawak.

"And this has been going on despite Sabah's huge contribution with its oil to the federal coffers. Even the Minister of Rural Development, Datuk Radin Malleh last month has urged the federal government to provide more allocations for rural development in the state," he added.

Last month Radin, who is also a vice president of PBS, said that Sabah, being a big state, was still lacking in infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity supply especially in the interior areas.

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Information Chief, Datuk Johnny Mositun, had also supported the call by Datuk Seri Panglima Mohd. Salleh Said Keruak’s contention that development funds and programs for Sabah should be increased and equitably distributed to benefit all communities in the state.

Jambun pointed out that the government's saving from this subsidy reduction amounts to only RM3.3 billion per annum but the heavy burden it is passing on to the lower income group is immeasurable.

"If the government is sincere about saving money, it should act firmly to stop the 30 percent wastages and leakages on the RM200 billion annual federal government procurement  that benefits only the few cronies," he said. "This 30 percent means RM60 billion per year, a huge amount and almost 20 times bigger than the saving on subsidy by increasing the oil price by 20 sen.

"The government should embark on this and other austerity drives and take action against those legal robbers who plunder the government resources.  The economic transformation that the BN government has been bragging about should start with good governance by eradicating rampant corruption among politicians and goverenment officials. Let's remember Mahathir said UMNO is corrupted from the core to the top and Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah has been making endless calls to take solid measures to fight corruption in Malaysia," Jambun said.

"There is no reason to burden the people of Sabah when we are an oil producing state. The Malaysia agreement did not say that Kuala Lumpur can burden or rob the people of Sabah as and when they like. I agree with Datuk Dr. Jeffrey Kitingan that Sabah and Sarawak should be exempted from oil prices increases," he added.


  1. Kerajaan negeri komited membantu semua rakyat

    1. kerajaan negeri di bawah pentadbiran musa aman sentiasa fokus dengan pembangunan dan kesejahteraan rakyat negeri sabah...

  2. Sejajar dengan pembangunan ekonomi semasa, kerajaan negeri meletakkan industri pelancongan sebagai satu daripada komponen utama dasar pembangunan negeri yang berpotensi besar untuk dimajukan

    1. selagi musa aman jadi KM sabah, sabah akan terus membangun dengan pesat..musa KM yang ideal untuk sabah.

  3. erajaan memerlukan sokongan semua rakyat untuk membolehkannya menjana pembangunan negara.

  4. Kerajaan BN adalah untuk rakyat

    1. kerajaan BN adalah pilihan rakyat malaysia..

  5. Jangan terpengaruh dengan hasutan atau propaganda pihak berkepentingan

    1. pihak pembangkang ni sentiasa akan kutuk, hasut dan janji...pembangkang ni tidak berguna...pentingkan agenda politik peribadi..

  6. The people know that government is indeed in tight financial?

  7. Subsidy yang tidak terkawal cuma merisikokan negara.

  8. Lebih banyak minyak akan seludup di serata tempat.

    1. tangkap mereka yang menyeludup minyak ke serata tempat.

  9. Sudah pasti peningkatan ini akan membebankan rakyat sahaja.

    1. kerajaan masih menanggung subsidi bagi diesel dan RON95..bukan ditarik terus...nanti duit itu akan tetap kembali kepada rakyat dalam bentuk pembangunan fasiliti dan infrastruktur serta sosial..

    2. Kerajaan perlu fikirkan kaedah yang boleh mengurangkan beban rakyat

  10. Last month Radin, who is also a vice president of PBS, said that Sabah, being a big state, was still lacking in infrastructure such as roads, water and electricity supply especially in the interior areas.

    Pembekal utama minyak di negara ini, Sabah tidak harus masih dalam kemiskinan dan sistem infra juga tidak sempurna. Manakah perginya pendapatan melalui sumber minyak.

    1. setiap tahun peruntukkan besar diberikan kepada sabah...bahkan peruntukkan yang diterima oleh sabah melebihi tuntutan 20% royalti oleh pembangkang...sabah adalah sebuah negeri yang besar...jadi jurang pembangunan sangat ketara...yang pasti, kerajaan tidak pernah lepas tangan dalam usaha membangunkan negeri sabah...kerajaan negeri di bawah pentadbiran musa aman sangat komited dengan tangungjawab mereka kepada rakyat dan negeri sabah.

    2. Peruntukan yang besar memberi makna besar kepada rakyat Sabah

  11. Pengurusan kewangan oleh kerajaan perlu diperbaiki lagi. Jumlah reserve yang ada jauh kurang dari negara jiran seperti Singapore.

    1. jangan kau risau...selagi musa jadi KM sabah, ekonomi sabah akan terus berkembang...

    2. CM pasti boleh mengurus kewangan Sabah dengan lebih berkesan.

  12. si daniel ni main pusing2 cerita lagi bah untuk publisiti diri dia...

    1. putar belit saja untuk mengelirukan rakyat

  13. as we all know, Sabah is a big state and has a big name so we should trust the government more after the removal of subsidy in order to meet up with their plans and target

  14. the subsidy removal will generate more funds for the government and the income will surely come back to the people when it is being used properly and everyone will benefit from it

  15. when will the oppositions stop their accusation?

    1. the opposition will never stop to blame the government

  16. the government is seriously serving the people in a better way and all we can pay in return is complain again

    1. Opposition are trying to influence people to hate government.

  17. the government knows whats best for the people

    1. Government should take care of the people

  18. Musa is trying is best to make sure that this state moves forward

  19. Dasar pembangkang. semuanya tidak betul.

  20. Satu alasan yang susah diterima apabila dikatakan kebanyakan aset polis termasuk dalam air

  21. How to reduce the leakages ?

  22. Save money is important

  23. Membazir la mcm tu

  24. And we must act accordingly
