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Monday, August 11, 2014

Govt should ensure religious freedom

KOTA KINABALU - The Federal Government should ensure religious freedom in Malaysia continues to be protected for the good of the country.

"I strongly support the statement made by Catholic Archbishop John Wong that it should be upheld at all cost. His (John Wong) concerns revealed in his statement published in Daily Express on Sunday should be taken seriously and with urgency by our government.

"The complaints received by the Church are very disturbing to Christian faithfuls as it is going against the Federal Constitution on the freedom of religions," said former Sabah Pastoral Council of Catholic Church Director, Jeoffrey Ekol.

He said it was also against the freedom of natural justice and peace of mankind.

"The recent seizure of the Bibles by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department is very sad history in Malaysia.

If all these issues are not properly settled, it can affects our plural society's peace and harmony.

"I suggest that our government urgently convene a special meeting with the Catholic Church to address the issues mentioned by Archbishop John Wong.

Wong had stated that young students in the country were being subjected to constant forms of harassment and pressure to change their religion.

Speaking at the Mamangkis Ceremony in Papar on Saturday, the Archbishop said the Church was aware that subtle conversion of underage children was taking place in schools.

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