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Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hadi says Wan Azizah unqualified to lead, allies are "being stupid"

PETALING JAYA - PAS' decision to reject PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as the next Selangor Mentri Besar has nothing to with her gender, but her capability to be a good leader.

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said a mentri besar should fulfill certain criteria and be qualified to hold such a position.

"If she doesn't have the ability to debate questions in Parliament or the state legislative assembly, how would she make a strong leader?

"This cannot be the case, and based on those criteria alone, she is not qualified," he said during a ceramah in Terengganu.

The ceramah was uploaded in its entirety to YouTube on Friday.

He said Dr Wan Azizah is not suited to lead, because Selangor required a "strong leader to take care of it".

Hadi explained that the party sent three names for the post of Mentri Besar to the Sultan as he had asked for "more than two", accusing the party's allies of "being stupid".

"PAS wanted to send two names, but then the Sultan sent a letter asking for more than two names. More than two means we can send as many as we like.

"Does PAS want its leaders to be labelled stupid? Sultan asked for at least three names, but you only give one," Hadi said in reference to PKR and DAP's insistence of nominating only one name for the post.

"If we send only one name, how is the Sultan going to choose? People say we don't understand instructions (from Pakatan). But actually, we are the only ones who understood and followed the Sultan's decree.

Hadi added that PAS was still a part of Pakatan, and said those who want to start a new party are welcome to leave.

"Those who want to start a new party can leave as it would be better for them to do so. We are still with Pakatan."

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