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Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Better fengshui for the year of the Goat

KOTA KINABALU - The Year of the Goat, according to Feng Shui consultant Jeanette See, will be a better one for everyone as it is blessed with all the five elements, namely water, earth, fire, wind and metal.

Jeanette, who is a student of Feng Shui master Lillian Too, pointed out that the presence of all five elements in the charts indicated that the second half of the Year of the Goat would be better for all.

Jeanette when conducting Lillian’s 2015 Feng Shui update extravaganza here recently, said the latter’s studies showed that this year is the Year of the Wood Goat and is a time when the ‘mountain of treasures’ of the current Period of Eight gets open by the Goat energies of the year.

Lillian’s advice is to place an image of three Goats in your house to open up the Goat energies and thus will enhance opportunities for wealth creation.

She also said this was a year with plenty of big auspicious ‘chi’ energies which would indicate luck for making things happen that would bring wealth and encourage income flow.

Both Lillian and Jeanette said businesses would benefit from formulating good strategies and that banking and the financial sector would be doing better in 2015.

Their advice for those who want to expand their business to only do so in the second half of the year.

There will be better relationship luck and the Year of the Goat is a good one to create new alliances while the stock markets are expected to be less volatile with high prospects of making gains from short-term investments.

It is however advised not to change jobs in the first half of the year.

Lillian said those born in the Year of the Goat should learn of the God of the Year to help them open up opportunities in 2015.

Those born in the Year of the Rat can expect a potentially good year while those under the Ox sign should be wary of fair weather friends. Those born in the Year of the Tiger and Dragon will see their life transform in many ways and those born in the Year of the Rabbit will be able to achieve many great things this year.

The Snake born has career luck but those under the Horse sign must be mindful of their health. Those born in the Year of the Monkey will enjoy robust energy level which translates to success for them and the those under the Rooster sign will definitely have a life-changing year with unexpected obstacles.

Those born in the Year of the Dog will benefit by inviting the Warrior King into their homes and those under the Boar sign will see their luck transforming. They however need to put the past behind them.

Jeanette, during the workshop, told participants that afflictions in 2015 comes in the form of the Five Yellow, the Illness Star, the Quarrelsome Star and the Robbery Star — therefore the need to wear personal amulet protection and also to display the relevant house amulet at all times to subdue the afflictions.

She also disclosed that red is the colour for the Year of the Goat as it can subdue the Number 3 or Quarrelsome Star.

“It is recommended that the Red Tara be used this year as it gives you peace and love energy. We have the Number 3 in the centre so more conflicts and argument is expected. Therefore we need peace and Red Tara gives you this.

“We have the Red Tara shawl, Red Tara scarf, Red Tara flower ring as well as a necklace. All these items can help subdue the afflictions caused by the Number 3,” she said.

Jeanette also suggested that those who wish to have personal protection to carry the specially designed amulets such as the Lap Chun amulet and the Peace and Harmony amulet to reduce conflicts.

To subdue the Illness Star, the Garuda Wu Lou is recommended, she said and added that carrying the image of King Gesar could protect the individual from situations that could jeopardize their career success and promotion opportunities.

Jeanette however stressed that Feng Shui is not a religion as some may perceive it to be.

“Although some of the items used to cure afflictions or to boost good luck contain mantras, there are those without,” she said adding that Lillian, who is a very staunch Tibetan Buddhist, sometimes put mantras on items on advice from her teacher.

“We have other items without the mantras. You can go to our outlet and ask the personnel there to show you objects without mantras,” she said.

Generally, it will be a good year for Metal, Wood and Fire elements; industries which include airlines, computers, plantations, publishing, entertainment and the stock market.

The outlook for Water element industries such as banking, shipping, transport and fisheries is average, while Earth element industries comprising property real estate, construction and hotels do not have a great outlook.

By Nancy Lai

1 comment:

  1. "Feng shui" is based on common sense observations but charlatans have turned this into a big money making industry playing on human superstition & lack of ability to work things out for themselves.
