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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Police seeking Interpol's help to nab Doris Jones

KOTA KINABALU - Interpol's help is being sought to bring back alleged secessionist Doris Jones after a warrant for her arrest was issued by a Tuaran court.

"We are waiting for her to be arrested and brought back to Malaysia," Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman said after launching the sixth Ops Selamat yesterday in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebrations here.

He did not give details on whether the police knew where she was or how they would bring her back here.

He was responding to Jones' statement in The Star yesterday, saying she had no intention of returning home to face sedition charges.

She also claimed that she was unaware of any summons issued in her name last month to face a charge under the Sedition Act that led to the issuance of an arrest warrant last Wednesday.

Jones added that it was up to the Malaysian authorities to use the proper channels to extradite her, though she was evasive when asked where she actually was.

Jalaluddin said police believed that the Sabah Sarawak Keluar Malaysia (SSKM) Facebook page, which was first set up by Jones, was organised by a political movement.
"We think that political parties, except those from Barisan Nasional, are behind SSKM," he added.

Jones is wanted for allegedly managing the Facebook page which instigates secession.

She is also believed to be involved in operating a secessionist movement via social networks, including Skype, which urges Sabahans to leave Malaysia.

It is understood that Jones, who is believed to be from Penampang, is married in Britain and is working in the legal sector. Her family members are believed to be living in Labuan.

Police arrested 14 SSKM activists in Tuaran and Kota Kinabalu earlier this month for purportedly seeking support signatures from the public and distributing secessionist materials. They were later released on bail.

On a separate matter, Comm Jalaluddin said police were hunting for a construction worker over the murder of a contractor here.

The 30-year-old contractor was apparently stabbed to death by his employees after they demanded their salaries from him on Feb 10.

Seven people were picked up for investigations into the incident.

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