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Saturday, October 31, 2015

After 5 decades, 'Dayak' finally recognised as a listed race

Non-Muslim bumiputera will no longer need to identify themselves as ‘lain-lain’ (others) in government forms after the cabinet yesterday approved ‘Dayak’ as a listed race.

This was announced by Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Joseph Entulu Belaun in Kuching today, according to The Borneo Post.

“I would like to announce that the federal cabinet has unanimously approved the word ‘Dayak’ to be included in all government official forms.

“Now, the word ‘Dayak’ will be printed on all official forms. Government forms will have ‘Melayu’, ‘Cina’, ‘India’, ‘Dayak’ and ‘lain-lain’ for other minority races other than the major races,” he was quoted as saying.

Entulu said the approval came after the Sarawak government pressed Putrajaya vigorously on the matter.

The non-Muslim indigenous communities in East Malaysia have long complained about being sidelined by simply being labelled as ‘others’.

This issue was among several complaints among Putrajaya’s alleged lack of attention for East Malaysia.

East Malaysian leaders have become more assertive in the federal government as BN becomes increasingly reliant on the region to remain in power.

This is amid the ruling coalition’s eroding support in West Malaysia.

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