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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Health Ministry to clamp down on vaping

KUALA LUMPUR - Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramaniam said a nationwide campaign would be carried out soon to curb the use of liquid containing unlicensed nicotine in e-cigarettes.

"The e-cigarettes with the liquid will be confiscated," he said at a press conference on Healthy Eating Campaign in conjuction with Deepavali here today.

"It (the campaign) will be a continuous process within the law. We will use the Poisons Act 1952 and Food Act 1983."

He declined to elaborate, saying: "We'll hold another press conference on this later."

Under the Poisons Act, nicotine is deemed as a category C poison that could only be sold or supplied as dispensed medicine or an ingredient in dispensed medicine by licensed practitioners.

Nicotine in tobacco is exempted from the Act as tobacco control is regulated under the Food Act.

Dr Subramaniam advised people not to use e-cigarettes, saying that vaping was harmful to their health.

E-cigarettes, personal vapourisers or electronic nicotine delivery systems are battery-powered vapourisers that simulate the feeling of smoking, but without the tobacco combustion.

1 comment:

  1. Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Ministry. Its minister, Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin, said the Cabinet ordered the study to be done to determine the procedures and criteria which could be identified if e-cigarettes was to be allowed to be sold in the market. E-cigarettes must meet international standards, herakles plus tank
