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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Controversy shouldn't happen in the first place

Kota Kinabalu, April 6, 2011: Member of Parliament for Sepanggar, Datuk Eric Majimbun said the Home Minister in calling for fair deal on the controversy over the Christian Bible written in Bahasa Malaysia /Indonesia recently is a mockery to the issue.

"It is his ministry which started whole episode by banning import of the Bible with Cross Sign and word 'Allah'. 

"Where is the freedom to practise one's own faith as stated in our constitution and belief in god in our Rukun Negara and fairness to Malaysians who pray and believe in the One and only one God, creator of the universe and all beings?" he questioned.

"Is this the process of 1Malaysia concept or 1Religion Malaysia?

"The ministry should not only treat all Malaysians fairly and without bias but must be just in the eyes of God. The recent announcement of millions of ringgit by the Deputy Prime Minister in Sarawak to Christian churches on the eve of nomination day for the Sarawak State Election is tantamount to corrupt practice and election bribery to the voters especially the Christians.

"We Malaysians have an understanding to practise our religions without interference from other faiths, the objective of a harmonious society but instead Umno chose to create conflicts and confusion to the situation.
"The Holy Book is only a reading material to gain knowledge and enhance oneself's belief and not to make others to change or convert their faiths. The freedom to believe is one's own right and not to determined by 'earthly' man-made laws.


  1. Memang pun, kenapa sengaja nak timbulkan isu sensitif seperti ini.

  2. harap isu seperti ini tidak akan berlaku lagi pada masa akan datang.

  3. isu yang telah berlaku harus diselesaikan dengan sebaiknya agar tidak menjadi berpanjangan.

  4. Religion shouldn't be made into issue in the first place. Now look what happen.

  5. I don't see anything wrong with the bible being translated into Malay.

  6. I wonder what ever happen to 1Malaysia... we suppose to respect and tolerate each other religion.

  7. isu ini tak seharus timbul dan ia tak juga harus berpanjangan.

  8. "Is this the process of 1Malaysia concept or 1Religion Malaysia?

  9. Selesaikanlah isu ini secepat mungkin. Banyak lagi isu yang perlu kita tangani.

  10. semua salah KDN..mereka yang harus dipersalahkan...ternyata tindakan KDN melanggar rukun negara dan kebebasan beragama..

  11. segala kekangan yang dikenakan harus dibubarkan..agama lain selain dari Islam berhak untuk mempraktikkan kepercayaan mereka..

  12. apa salahnya jika bible diterjemaah dalam bahasa malaysia? apakah bahasa malaysia yang diwartakan sebagai bahasa kebangsaan tidak layak digunakan oleh rakyat bukan muslim/melayu? jika itu pandangan KDN maka adalah wajar jika bahasa malaysia dibubarkan sebagai bahasa kebangsaan dan mata pelajaran BM diubah sebagai mata pelajaran tidak wajib..

  13. Sabah better change to English as Sabah national language. So that all Sabahans can speak good english. Forget about BM lah

  14. next time be careful before making any decisions especially related to the interests of people of various race and religion in this country.

  15. Jangan mengacau keharmonian di Sabah.
