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Sunday, April 3, 2011

Obscene booklets of Anwar hit Sabah

Lewd caricatures and photographs depicting the opposition leader is 'no longer' about politics but a reflection of 'the morality of the people in the country'.

KOTA KINABALU: Police have been urged to investigate the mass distribution of a booklet called “Mentor 5” that is riddled with lewd wordings and photographs of Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim in compromising positions.

United Sabah Taekwando Association (USTA) president David Chong said the 14-page booklet was disturbing, especially the caricatures and doctored pictures showing someone resembling PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim and another person naked and in compromising positions.

“I have received complaints and was given a copy of the booklet … it is printed in colour. The complainant received the booklet through the mail on March 29.

“The booklet is sent using an 80 sen stamp and based on the post office rubber stamp it was sent from Pahang,” said Chong.

Chong described the booklets as “very disturbing” and that those responsible for publishing and sending them were going overboard in their bid to character assassinate the opposition leader.

“What worries me the most is that the booklet falling into the hands of schoolchildren. They will take this to school and show it to their friends.

“Being immature they may believe that it is all right for them to do whatever is said in the booklet.

“I hope the police and relevant authorities will look into the matter seriously.

“This is no longer political but involves the morality of the people in the country,” he said.

Chong believed the booklets were sent throughout the country using addresses randomly picked from the telephone directory.

He said TV3 should also initiate its investigation into the booklet because it had used the name “Mentor 5”, which was a singing competition reality show produced by the television station.

In the booklet, Anwar is depicted as the “Sifu” or mentor and one of his disciples is Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan.

In subsequent pages, both the face of Anwar and Saiful were “pasted” over men posing naked as well as on the face of two mating animals. Saiful is a key witness in Anwar’s ongoing sodomy II trial.

PKR vice-president and Anwar’s daugher Nurul Izzah had lodged a police report last week in Kuala Lumpur claiming that lewd cartoons depicting her father were being posted to the constituents in Lembah Pantai.

A sex video was also revealed two weeks ago by a trio calling themselves Datuk T, allegedly showing Anwar having sex with a foreign sex worker. Anwar has denied that he was the man in the video. By Charlie Rudai


  1. Politik di Malaysia begitu jauh turun ketahap yang memalukan.Kalau saya Anwar saya tidak sedikit rasa gentar kerana rakyat sudah matang menilai yang mana intan dan yang mana batu.Begitu seksa nya Anwar menghadapi nya lebih seksa lagi mereka yang merancangnya kerana membuat fitnah itu adalah satu dosa yang besar.

    Sekarang rakyat tahu betapa hebat nya Anwar hingga ada orang yang betul ingin menghancurkan karier nya seberapa yang bolih.Kenapa tidak fitna Hadi Awang,Nik Aziz,LKS atau Lim Guan Eng?Anwar saja di 'bomb' dengan segala dan macam-macam tuduhan hingga perancang hilang akal dan bertindak liar mempos gambar yang jijik.Hilang tamadun dan hilang maruah orang yang merancang semua ini.Sekiranya Anwar dapat melintasi cabaran ini maka beliau dan Pakatan akan menjadi lebih kuat dan terukir nama nya di hati rakyat sebagai pemimpin yang unggul dan di sayangi.

  2. Jangan membawa pengaruh songsang ke sini untuk mencemarkan minda rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.

  3. Biasalah syaitan umno tahu aje curi bini orang dan sex maniac. Syaitan umno tidak tahu bagaimana nak maju Sabah kecuali SEX!

  4. sebaiknya hal ini disiasat.

  5. pekara ini wajar disiasat bagi mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya terjadi.

  6. This is bad. Anwar is always being connect with sex scandal. I wonder when it will ever end.

  7. Hopefully the truth will be revealed soon.

  8. The person who do slandering against anwar must be getting alot of money from the evil umno.

    The issue now why those who filmed pornography can get away untouch? Is umno is encouraging malaysian to be porn film maker?

    musang also committed so many adultry and he even fcuk his own niece but can get away from it untouch. I doubt he is human and it worst than a binatang!

  9. Anonymous April 2011, 4:05PM,

    How is it you know that Musa had sex with his own niece? Were u there spying on Musa when it happen?? My gawd, you are no different that UMNO.

  10. Everyone knew in Sandakan. Only musang fan like you don't know. He is WORST than binatang!

  11. Entah apa mahu jadi dengan politik di negara kita ni. huhuhu

  12. Semoga rakyat membuat penilaian yang bijak dalam hal ni. Sekarang ni sukar nak dipastikan siapa cakap benara dan siapa yang berdusta.

  13. Anonymous April 4, 2011 4:05 PM is like a pot calling the kettle black.

  14. Bisalah orang asssno rogol bini orang, emak dan anak perumpuan tiada masalah.

    Pembangkang yang bagus pun mereka Fitnah. Fitnah adalah kebudayaan dalam asssno. Semua kaki pengampu assssno dari Ajaran sesat.

  15. Kita sendiri tidak tahu kebenaran dalam kes ini. Jadi kita tidak perlulah salahkan mana-mana parti dulu. Tidak ada apa-apa yang kita dapat juga. Benarkah pembangkang bagus??Macammana kamu tahu??Bagus depan mata tapi, jahat dibelakangnya..Bagaimana pula dengan yang parti lain??Kamu percaya jugakah mereka ini bagus??Kita sendiri pun tidak yakin. Kecuali dengar dari mulut orang sajalah. Fitnah sana sini..

  16. Kalau kamu mahu menghantui fikiran rakyat tidak perlulah. Kerana rakyat lebih senang dengan pemerintahan sekarang. Walaupun ada kekurangan, tapi ada juga pembaharuan. Jika parti lain adakah perkara ini akan berlaku? atau pentadbiran akan menjadi lebih teruk nanti.

  17. We have been given BN chance to develop Sabah for 47 years. Since we know BN has FAILED the Sabahans and made us the POOREST state or 2nd POOREST or whatever in Malaysia. Enough is enough. 47 years is too long.

    This is the time Sabah need a new government. If we change, at least there is a HOPE! If we don't change, our future is as dark as the racist umno.


  18. Maybe we should organize mass booklet burning.

  19. On second thought, better not. Air pollution is bad enough already.

  20. semakin bengaplah penyokong2 pembangkang dan Anwar.. selepas Anwar puas meliwat dan bermain pelacur kini diajaknya pula rakyat mempertahankan beliau. yang penyokongnya pula tanpa soal selidik, tanpa mengetahui perkara sebenar, terus fanatik menyokong Anugerah Tuhan. hanya disebabkan Anwar dipihak pembangkang, maka sokongan simpati wajib diberikan kepada beliau, hanya disebabkan nama pembangkang semua yang haram jadi halal. teruskan usaha membela Anwar..

  21. menuduh umno berkonspirasi tanpa sebarang bukti juga merupakan fitnah.. Anwar? apa bukti Anwar difitnah?? kenapa DNA tidak bagi dan mana jam tangan Omega kononnya disimpan oleh Azizah?

  22. peluru, tepu dada tanya sendiri, dimana satu ekor YB dari syaitan assssno tidak pernah main pelacur? ALLAHKU tahu kamu kuat FITNAH dengan mulut iblis!

  23. Belum dibuktikan apa-apa lagi, bising-bising untuk apa?
