Finally, the 'huguan siou' made a humiliating admission – he regretted pulling PBS out of BN in 1990.

KOTA KINABALU: Twenty-one years on, former chief minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan said he regrets having pulled his party – Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) – out of the Barisan Nasional (BN) in 1990.
The humiliating admission by the “huguan siou” (chief) of the Kadazandusun community comes after a number of brickbats were thrown at him by BN coalition members who faulted him for slowing development of the state during his party’s reign in the mid-1980s and early 1990s.
Pairin, who is now a deputy chief minister in the state BN government and leader of PBS, which was re-admitted to the ruling coalition in 2001, has sought to deflect criticism for over a week now about his and the party’s poor judgment.
Speaking to reporters at a sports event here yesterday when asked about the criticism levelled against him and his party by members of the coalition, Pairin said: “There are reasons why I have regretted but I don’t want to discuss it here.”
However, he reiterated that he was not solely to blame (for the pullout) but that it was a collective decision, with the support of the majority of Sabahans as the election then had proved.
“There were a lot of factors involved as well,” he said, adding that it was now up to history to judge whether his action was good or bad or wrong or weak as some of his critics have said recently.
The septuagenarian politician who has also faced criticism within his own community for kowtowing to the Umno-led BN coalition which overthrew his administration in 1994, said he was not defending himself and his actions at the time.
“For me this is a past issue. What I have done, I did to the best of my abilities with regard to
the situation then.
“What I had done during my time as chief minister or as state Cabinet minister was for the good of the people, the state and future of Sabah.
“As we know from history, in 1985, we were only ruling for 11 months before there were interruptions and problems arose with civil disturbances and people dying from bombs.
“All this had to be taken into account. So whatever I have done was for the good, well-being and security (of the people) and to improve the administration and economy of the state.
“The most important was security. If we were unable to control the situation then, there was sure to be chaos. I knew and so did many others that they were prepared to fight.”
Pairin also accused his detractors of practising “Machiavellian-style of politics” by seeking ways to criticise him and his party.
His most recent woes began after a local daily published an extract of former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s memoirs “A Doctor in the House” which quoted him as saying that Pairin
lost the opportunity to develop Sabah the moment he pulled PBS out of the coalition on the eve of the 1990 general election.
The move led Mahathir to bring Umno into Sabah politics which up to then had been left untouched by peninsula-based parties.
Apa yang sudah berlalu, biarlah ia berlalu.
ReplyDeleteold story .. just let it pass.
ReplyDeletenow, everyone should move forward to develop Sabah.
ReplyDeletehal yang berlalu harus dijadikan iktibar dan kita harus memandang ke hadapan.
ReplyDeleteKepada perkara 20 tahun lalu mahu diingat dan dijadikan isu buat masa sekarang. Perkara itu biarlah menjadi pengajaran sekarang. Kita tengok sekarang PBS bersama dengan BN dan bersatu untuk membangunkan Sabah. Itu yang penting. Perkara yang mereka keluar itu biarlah menjadi pengajaran kepada parti ini.
ReplyDeleteWhy should you say it now. It won't help anything!
ReplyDeleteRasanya mereka sengaja menjadikan ini isu. Kerana tidak ada sudah mahu dijadikan isu untuk memburukkan kerajaan Sabah. Perkara yang lama dijadikan isu semula untuk menarik perhatian rakyat tentang masalah yang dihadapi oleh parti ini. Tapi rakyat sendiri tahu, sekarang parti ini bersatu semula untuk apa?Untuk membantu rakyat. Itu yang rakyat mahukan. Bukan seperti SAPP yang keluar parti kerana tidak diberikan kerusi bertanding. Biar rakyat sendiri menilai untuk masa lalu dan sekarang.
ReplyDeleteYou regret but can you go and change it? You know you can't but, do you realize that, even if the worst decision you made you still can survive until today.
ReplyDeleteThe past is past, we should concentrate forward for development our state..Take learn for the past.
ReplyDeleteDon't think too much laaa....past is past, please focus on current issue and do your best!
ReplyDeleteNo matter what happen, your people still supporting you and the best example is the late Datuk Edmund Chong Ket Wah. No matter what happen he stick and follow everywhere you go. So please don't regret everything in the past, there is a reason for everything happen.
ReplyDeleteWhat past is past. No point regretting now.
ReplyDeleteBut i hope Pairin had learn something from the past.
ReplyDeleteTeruskan ke depan. Perkara yang lalu sebagai pengajaran.
ReplyDeleteNo regret for that. the only person that should be blamed for this is mahathir. he is the one that make it hard for us. he is the one that responsible in taking our neutral resources out of sabah to fund the peninsular development. He is the one that make malaysia upsidedown especially sabah. Lucky for Sarawak that their people not so easy to be fooled or bow to the pressure of the federal. Taib is bad but he know that peninsular BN based party is irrelevant to the local people. PKR, DAP and PAS are also same. there is no good having an outside party to govern us. So i dont see why cant SAPP be the one to realize it. i'm not a SAPP member nor a SAPP supporter. I dont even ever go to poll my votes. But i'l make sure that i'll cast this time. Who knows that my vote are one of the determinant.
ReplyDeletewho responsible to bring the development to all states in this country? of course la PM.. and during that time, Tun M is our Prime Minister and he should answer what contribution he made to sabah? why sabah become poorest state? and why there are to many PATI during his time as a PM?
ReplyDeleteSome things are better left unsaid
ReplyDeleteHe was pressured.
ReplyDeleteApa yang berlaku telah pun berlaku. Jangan kaitkan satu masalah dengan masalah yang lain.
ReplyDeleteJust focus on the current problems, no use bickering over what has passed.
ReplyDeleteBesides, its not the first time Pairin made a statement that he regretted his decision. He said it before a few years back.
ReplyDeleteAdakah kita patut mengungkit kisah lalu untuk mengaibkan beliau?
ReplyDeleteSemua ini berpunca daripada bingkisan Dr M dalam memoirnya.
ReplyDeletelet everythings behind become a lesson and keep on moving.
ReplyDeleteWhat lesson? He doesn't have to courage to stand against them, do you think sabahan today has a better quality of life?We don't even have a proper medical healthcare!!Think back what you've said, if you were sick or had an accident, will you still stick what you've said that sabah is progressing. Come on, just go QEH and rethink ur stand, people are suffering literally to make ends meet.
ReplyDeleteSemua ini sudah berlalu, apa gunanya mempertikaikan ia lagi?