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Saturday, April 2, 2011

RON97 price goes up by 20 sen

The price of RON97 grade petrol has been raised to RM2.70 per litre, up by 20 sen, effective midnight tonight.

This is the fifth time the price of RON97 grade petrol had been increased in less than a year, and the second time this year since Jan 31. 

RON97 used to cost RM2.10 per litre in July, 2010.

This grade of petrol - mostly used by higher performing vehicles - is priced through a managed float.

The lower RON95 grade petrol has remained at RM1.90 per litre.

The federal government has argued that fuel prices needs to be "rationalised" from time to time to curb burgeoning fuel subsidies.

Opponents argue that fuel prices must not be raised drastically to manage inflation and that the government can handle its deficit by tackling graft and plugging leakages.

With instability continuing in the Middle East, analysts believe that global oil prices to hover around US$100 per barrel for the rest of the year.

This is expected to result in further price hikes in the months to come.

Meanwhile, Petroleum Dealers Association of Malaysia (PDAM) deputy president Zulkifli Mokti said the increase was due to the rise in the price of crude oil to US$114 per drum this week from US$105.

“This is due to the crisis in the Middle East," he said when contacted by Bernama tonight.

Zulkifli said the price was likely to increase in the future due to the situation in the Middle East, which he added could be prolonged. 



  1. Price Ron97 increase again.

  2. Hopefully it wouldn't increase again. *finger crossed*

  3. Pakailah basikal, tak perlu guna minyak, boleh kurangkan trafik jam lagi.

  4. what??? OMG!!!! Later we will see prices increasing due to petrol price raised. Can i say damn..LOL

  5. hope no more price increases after this.

  6. nampaknya harga RON97 kembali seperti asal iaitu RM2.70 pada 2008.. Apa yang kita perlu lakukan sekarang. sentiasalah berjimat cermat dan rancanglah kewangan anda.

  7. so use ron 95 instead because its more cheaper...but i have expected this raised, due to the political situation in the middle east...

  8. hhmmm.. naik lagi??? huhuhu

  9. Harap lepas ni jangan lagi ada kenaikan. huhuhu

  10. Sebenarnya pakai Ron 95 sama juga.

  11. Saya seorang engineer dari SHELL. Siapa kata RON95 dengan RON97 sama saja? Kepala otak kau lah.

  12. semua kereta buatan Malaysia sesuai dengan RON 95..

  13. kaki pengampu umno memang kasih bodoh orang malaysia suruh guna RON95 yang kasih rosak engine kereta.

    Yang tak tahu apa isi kandungan chemical dalam RON95 pun tak tahu. Hanya tahu tipu rakyat. Tak berdosa ke? kaki pengampu umno Hipokrit!!!

  14. Engineer dari SHELL. Tolong jelaskan perbezaannya.

  15. Oh ya, lupa tanya engineer graduate dari mana ni?

  16. The difference between RON95 and RON97 can get the answer from google.

    Need to tell which uni i came from? Definitely not from local pariah malaysia uni.

  17. How many people here are using Ron 97, how many are using Ron 95?

  18. petrol yang baik untuk kereta adalah petrol yang sesuai dengan RON la paluiii..

    kalau kereta mewah yang sudah tertera di penutup minyak atau buku manual sesuai dengan RON97 gunalah RON97.. kalau tidak ikut arahan memang lah rosak paluiii..

    kereta buatan Malaysia dan majoriti kereta yang ada di malaysia mempunyai injin yang sesuai dengan RON95..

  19. peluru said...

    kereta buatan Malaysia dan majoriti kereta yang ada di malaysia mempunyai injin yang sesuai dengan RON95..
    Saya fikir kamu langsung tidak guna otak bila cakap. Jangan kasih malu kepala udang dan kebodohan kamu disini.

  20. Suka hatilah mau guna ron 97 ataupun ron 95.

  21. Things will always had a potential to be changed. You all must be prepared. You like it or not, you have to face it!
