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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Imported Political Culture a cause for concern: SPDP

Pekan: The emergence of “irresponsible political culture” now practiced by the opposition in the State is a cause for concern, especially among the down-to-earth rural folk, Sarawak Democratic Progressive Party (SPDP) President Datuk Sri William Mawan said.

This was very much felt in the recent April 16 state election when “opposition parties from outside the State promoting it just to win votes and the election”.

“It is basically based on lies, personal attacks and inculcating anti-social behaviour,” Mawan said at a pre-Gawai Dayak dinner here on Friday night.

Deputy Minister of Information, Communication and Culture, Datuk Joseph Salang, who is Julau Member of Parliament, was among the guests.

Mawan said it was very regrettable that youths were being taught to be aggressive and become disrespectful of elders, parents and local leaders.

“They were, for example, taught to point their fingers right at our faces, to slander others and whatnots. If we adopt a couldn’t care-less attitude or be in different to these, we will slowly lose our social values and norms,” he said.

People too, he said, tend to believe 20 per cent of this lies told.

Rallying the people “to fight this not just in the election but at all times,” Mawan said the culture would impact future elections.

He stressed that the people should choose the moderate path for mutual benefits.

In his speech, Salang urged the Dayak community not to splurge on the Gawai celebration just because they had extra cash from the good prices of rubber and pepper.

“We should only spend what is reasonable. We must not go overboard,” he said.



  1. Politicians are acting like children themselves. How to set a good example to our youths?

  2. I think they should do better than this.

  3. In politics lot of impossible things can be occurred.

  4. Harap rakyat akan bijak menilai sendiri dan tidak mudah terpengaruh.

  5. mana-mana pemimpin dan parti politik seharusnya menunjukkan contoh dan budaya yang baik kepada semua rakyat.

  6. ya.. sebagai pemimpin, perlu tunjukkan budaya yang baik. rakyat inginkan pemmpin yang berperwatakan baik.

  7. The people must make the right choice.

  8. Where is the Asian virtues that we, the Asians, really proud of? Everything is okay in the politics as long as the end is sad is that?

  9. with the immaturity of politicians in this country, I think Malaysia has the potential to deal with political unrest.
