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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Perkasa imaginary war against Christians

Perkasa, Utusan Malaysia are Umno's tools to win Malay votes at all costs

Perkasa president Ibrahim Ali is trying to wage a war against the Christians in the country by alleging that Islam' position in the country is under threat.

Common sense tells us Malaysians that how in the world can Christianity threaten Islam in this country where the majority of the races are Muslims.

This conspiracy game was first created by Umno-owned Utusan Malaysia, by a ridiculous claim that a group of pastors were plotting to make Christianity the official religion of the nation and appoint a Christian prime minister.

The Perkasa president in his attempt to spark flames told the Christians in Malaysia, "If they want a crusade, so be it. If they say that the peace that we enjoy is not good enough ... we shall take up the challenge. Don't take the silence of Muslims as a sign of fear,” he warned to cheers from about 150 people at a ceramah last night.

“Before our followers fall in this battle, (Perkasa) leaders will first lay down their lives and die sprawling in blood,” he thundered.

Speaking at a function organised by the Komuniti 1Malaysia group of Kampung Kerdas and Kampung Changkat in Gombak, Ibrahim accused the Christians of “challenging the sovereignty and dignity of Malays and Muslims.

Apparently what Ibrahim Ali was a tool under the umbrella of Perkasa to help Umno in their political strategy to unite the Malays in the country by creating fear and hatred among the races.

Previously, he had used race as an issue but religion was used as it happen now a second attempt for maximum effect.

By Jericho


  1. I don't think you can reason with a lunatic.Just a waste of time.He is so motivated on this issue and I wonder who the motivator is.Can you guess?

  2. Just a tool of Umno for political agenda

  3. When come to public holiday..ya..ya..they will join us for Buddhist Nation holiday on Wesak Day today,right?

  4. syaitan mengalu-alukan kamu di neraka encik ibrahim ali.
