Race and religion have been made used to stir up people's sentiment from time and time again by politicians. This is very disturbing political trend in the country.
We in SAPP must say it loud and clear; we totally disagree and abhor with the way of new trend of politicking taking shape in the country and must not be imported to Sabah.
Malaysians in Sabah don’t find it amusing being not used to it, brandishing hatred of others’ races and religions.
We taught our young at school to behave and treat each other equally and with respect but out side school compound our leaders were scaremongering with all sorts of slogan even lifting kris in the air to show how mighty they were.
On the issue of race superiority, take for example, our Deputy Prime Minister who said, his is Malay first, Malaysian comes second, and how do we reconcile this with the promotion of 1 Malaysia?

Constitutionally all citizens are guaranteed of their right of religious freedom in this country, why are we restraining them from practicing their right?
Race has never been a problem in Sabah, we never quarrel about it, neither we quarrel over religion, no exhuming dead body.
Ibrahim Ali is talking about jihad-crusade against other religion, which is very offensive in nature. Why is the government taking it lightly? The Utusan Malaysia is continuingly harping to create racial and religious tension by publishing something, which was untrue such as Christian, is plotting to take over Islam.
Publishers and printing presses in the past were penalised for behaving in the manner they did today. Their licenses revoked, editors and writers were made to resign. Is this not a double standard treatment?
Sabah people are among the most harmonious society in Malaysia, no history of aggressiveness. No experience in racial conflict. For example, we only knew there was a 13th May incident in Peninsular after it was already over. No single communist in Sabah found even during emergency era. That’s the proof.
In Sabah today, especially in urban areas it’s difficult to find a family in a house that make up only by one race. I can quote from my own experience there are sisters and brothers who are Muslim while the mother or father are Christian or other religions. Or among the brothers and sisters they’re practising different religions yet still living under one roof. Do you expect them to hate each other?
Ibrahim Ali is talking about crusade –jihad against Christians, even the most idiotic man wouldn’t do it let alone the normal one. It's really is seen that desperate fight resorts to desperate behaviour!
Ibrahim Ali should talk more about corruption, injustices, abuse of power so on and so forth.
UMNO leaders are the least concerned about Ibrahim Ali's rhetoric, they keep quiet because PERKASA is doing the job for them.
Sabah doesn’t need a politician like Ibrahim Ali.
Wonder also how and what do the Sabah leaders in BN component parties think about this issue?
Haji Amde Sidik
UMNO leaders are racist. They got no idea on how to improve the economy for Sabah@Malaysia as well as the standard of living for the people.
ReplyDeleteumno will LOSE BiG Time in Sabah in the coming GE13.
I couldn't agree more with your statement, although here we don't talk about it, it doesn't mean we won't be affected. They will be those people trying to jeopardize our racial harmony for political gain. I believe change is inevitable or we will suffer for another 5 years which unacceptable. I hope your voice will be heard and become inspiration to the people in rural areas and strive for a better living. We can't afford being sidelined again and this coming GE results is do or die mission. Enough is enough! Our grouses are too much to bear!
ReplyDeleteAkjan telah dikhianati oleh Mutalib M.D.
Sepa org tu si bodoh ibrahim ali, sendri ckp sendri dengar.
ReplyDeleteIbrahim Ali lebih baik jangan cuba nak datang ke Sabah. Kita tidak mengalu-alukannya. Jangan cuba membawa pengaruh rasis ke Sabah.
ReplyDeleteNo place for Ibrahim Ali in Sabah. Dun dare come to Sabah. He not welcoming here. Sabah harmony much better if he not in Sabah. Pls dun come.
ReplyDeletedi sabah tiada masalah perkauman dan jgnlah bawa masuk sentimen tersebut ke Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabahan tak perlu dengar sentimen2 perkauman seperti yang dibuat oleh Ibrahim Ali.
ReplyDeleteBagaimana pula dengan pemimpin UMNO di Sabah yang menjadi punca kebencian kaum.Bagaimana pula pemimpin UMNO yang telah di beri tanggungjawab sebagai Pengarah Task force untuk memberi I/C kepada PTI.Sabah tidak mempunyai Ibrahim Ali tapi UMNO Sabah ada Musa Aman.
ReplyDeletesesiapa pun tidak wajar memainkan sebarang isu yang melibatkan perkauman.
ReplyDeleteIbrahim memang tidak sesuai menjadi seorang politik. Kerana beliau akan membuat kekecohan dalam negara kita saja nanti.
ReplyDeleteIbrahim Ali is not fit to be a politician.
ReplyDeleteIbrahim Ali is a devil in disguise..
ReplyDeleteKita tidak mahukan orang macam Ibrahim Ali untuk membuat kacau di Sabah dan Sarawak.
ReplyDeleteNo we don't need extremist like him.
ReplyDeletepatutnya tidak perlu layan cakap atau dengar cakap dari mulut Ibrahil Ali.. biar dia cakap seorang diri macam orang gila..
ReplyDeletedia tu cuma brni bkata2 dsmnjng...cuba klu dsbh/srwk..mati lg xda kna bakakuk..
ReplyDeletepandai datang migrain saya tengok muka Ibrahim Ali.. memang menyampah tahap dewa la..