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Friday, May 20, 2011

Resolve ‘stateless’ children issue now

Sabah is getting a severe beating over the issue of stateless children, says a deputy minister.

SANDAKAN: Sabah’s image is getting a severe beating as a result of the increasing number of stateless children, Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, VK Liew, said.

He added that it was imperative that the government give this issue its urgent attention.

“We must find ways to resolve this outstanding issue once and for all.

“Al Jazeera (news channel) showed ugly scenes of stateless children sniffing glue in Sabah. These scenes were taken in the city (Kota Kinabalu) and the nearby Pulau Gaya.

“These stateless children do not represent the Malaysian society in Sabah.

“They are here because many of their parents, who are illegal immigrants, have either abandoned them or left them when they were arrested or deported to their countries of origin.”

Stateless children are a by-product of the massive influx of illegal immigrants into Sabah.

According to an Asia Foundation December report, the demand for cheap labour in Sabah’s palm oil plantations and its labour-intensive production processes have kept the migrants coming since the 1970s.

The report noted that as at 2009, Sabah was home to about 52,000 stateless children and the numbers were steadily increasing.

These children were mainly from Indonesian and Philippines plantation workers who grew up on palm oil plantations.

“Others spend their childhood on the streets, as child labourers, and are exposed early to social ills like glue sniffing, drugs, petty crime, or child abuse,” noted the report.

Serious issue

Speaking to reporters here after his “Bringing service to people” programme, Liew said the central issue was the massive illegal immigrant population in Sabah.

“This issue has plagued us for decades. We can no longer pretend and hope that the problem will go away one day.

“These children are a serious issue. They will grow up in our society. The issue is not going to disappear if we don’t do something.

“We need a pro-active approach to these children without names. They must be identified and pursued without fail,” said Liew, who is also Sandakan MP.

Liew, who is also Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) president, is among a rare few Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) leaders who have openly called for a solution to the perennial issue which has ripped apart Sabah’s socio-political and economic fabric.

Another BN ally, Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS), had recently warned the federal and state governments that the people of Sabah would no longer stand idly by if the security situation within the state degenerates into chaos due to illegal immigrants.

Sabah has the highest number of poor in the country and an increasing crime statistic.

PBS had also warned that BN stood to lose Sabah over the illegal immigrant issue.

The illegal immigrants population currently exceeds native Sabahans.

Call for RCI

According to Common Interest Group Malaysia (CigMA)chiarman Daniel Jambun, there are currently “1.7 million illegals in the state and this is the mother of all issues in Sabah”.

“Today, the 1.5 million Sabahans have effectively been marginalised and disenfranchised in their own land by the illegal immigrants because the federal government chooses to do nothing.”

Both CigMA and opposition PKR have called for the setting up of a Royal Commission of Inquiry to resolve the illegal immigrant issue.

But the federal goverment has refused to response to the call. Many believe that this is primarily because Umno was allegedly involved in legalising illegal immigrants in the 1990s.

Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman was allegedly the director of Sabah Umno Task Force from 1919-1993 and charged with recruiting foreigners as voters by granting then Malaysian citizenship.

Currently, many of the theories being bandied around is that both Sabah Umno and PBS need the illegal immigrant votes to stay in power and ensure a BN win in the parliamentary polls.


  1. Masalah ini memerlukan penyelesaian.

  2. This stateless children are future umno leader. They are umno fixed deposit.

    Mana pandai masalah ini diselesai asalkan umno masih dalam kuasa. kepada orang BN, Jangan kamurang tahu saja memperbodohkan rakyat sabah lagi. Jahanam tahu!

  3. Bagaimana Mutalib M.D. belot kepada Datu Akjan


  4. Whatever action the government taken, this problem will not going to be solve if the Philippines government didn't give their cooperation by having their consulate here in to send back these Philippinos illegal immigrant if their own government didn't recognize them??

  5. Stop giving excuses and blame philipine government.

    Everyone in Sabah knew who was the culprits@UMNO who issue MyKAD to PATI not only from phillipine but others like Indonesia, Arab and Pakistan.

  6. ambil perhatian akan hal ini.

  7. walaupun mereka anak2 asing, namun kebajikn mereka harus dijaga,, kita tak boleh biarkan mereka berkeliaran.

  8. Kaki pengampu umno memang tiada kerja lain selain dari tolong jaga anak PENDATANG HARAM.

    Anak2 bumiputra kita mereka tidak peduli sampai budak Donnie bunuh diri sebab kemiskinan.

    UMNO Jahanam ! Ketulahan kamu nanti.

  9. So tell me, how can the government send these captured Filipino illegal immigrant without the consent from the country itself?

    takan mau buang di laut brother?

  10. isu ni memang sukar diselesaikan sebab tiada kerjasama semua pihak.

  11. buang di laut pun ok juga kalau dapat menyelesaikan masalah ini..betul kah?

  12. yuna, disebabkan pasal tiada kerjasama lah isu PATI tidak habis-habis..federal pun main hangat2 taik ayam saja..KDN bagi penyelesaian tidak masuk akal..

  13. jangan politikkan isu PATI ini. rasuah di kalangan pihak-pihak berkuasa juga haruslah dihapuskan.

  14. ramai lg kanak2 sabah tulin yang memerlukan perhatian dari pihak berwajib..mereka lah yang harus dibantu..

  15. imej sabah telah tercemar dengan kehadiran kanak2 terbiar ini..sesuatu harus dilakukan..

  16. what is LDP suggestion on how to solve this issue?

  17. Yong Boleh!

  18. UMNO perlukan org ni utk projek i.c.

  19. saling menyalahkan tidak akan menyelesaikan masalah...

  20. bukan mudah menyelesaikan masalah ini,tapi yang penting usaha perlu sentiasa dilakukan dan semua pihak perlulah berganding bahu.

  21. Easier said than done. How will you to solve this problem? Send them back? Give them citizenship?

  22. These are stateless children who belongs nowhere. You can't send them back because they are not born there. We cannot accept them as citizens either, as this will invite more of them to come to Sabah. Tell me then, what is the best solution?

  23. Masalah ini pasti akan ditangani oleh kerajaan.

  24. Bukan mudah untuk menangani masalah kanak-kanak tidak ada kewarganegaraan ini. Ini punca dari siapa? PATIlah punca utama perkara ini berlaku.

  25. Senang saja menangani isu ini.Minta semua pemimpin dan ahli UMNO yang konon nya ada 500,000 di Sabah untuk mengambil semua mereka sebagai anak angkat.Mereka buat masalah mereka selesaikan lah tanpa membabit wang rakyat.

  26. Wah, ahli Umno mangambil anak angkat. Lagi banyak PATI mahu datang sini, masa depan anak-anak mereka lagi terjamin kalau begitu.

  27. This is an issue that should be taken seriously.

  28. teringin juga saya mau lihat bagaimana pembangkang yang hanya tahu jual temberang selesaikan masalah ini.. jangan hanya tahu bercakap di media.. cuba senaraikan apa lagi kaedah paling berkesan yang boleh digunakan yang mana selama ini belum pernah digunakan oleh kerajaaan..

  29. I really can't think of a good idea to solve this issue.

  30. It must be done asap!

  31. They can't be hold no more.

  32. Jika anda ingin memenangi PRU13, adalah lebih baik jika anda menyelesaikan masalah ini.

  33. Stateless kids should be foregone.
