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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

SAPP ready for One to One

Dullie (centre) accompanied by Supreme Councillor Peter Marajin (left), Information Chief Chong Pit Fah (second left), Assistant Secretary General Suaib Mutalib (second right) Youth Exco Clement Lee (Right)

SAPP panel is ready to negotiate with Pakatan

KOTA KINABALU, 23 May 2011 - Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) is ready to hold discussion with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) to find ways to face Barisan Nasional in the coming 13th General Election.

SAPP has formed a committee headed by Vice President Dullie Marie to hold such discussion with Pakatan's three panel members from DAP.

SAPP is now waiting for the announcement from Pakatan Rakyat's Vice President Fuziah Salleh.

Pakatan's de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has predicted that the ruling Barisan Nasional might dissolve the Parliament and call for an election as early as July this year.

Such a negotiation is important to enable the opposition front to face the BN for the coming election on one to one basis.

Once the negotiation is done, both SAPP and Pakatan would be able to organise their election machineries to work on the respective ground more effectively.

Dullie said the negotiation is vital and must be materialized as soon as possible so that the opposition could prepare well and to avoid last minute maneuvering.

He said an understanding by both parties would give the opposition a good chance to topple the ruling the BN.


  1. Teruskan usaha dan semoga berhasil. mudah-mudahan Sabah akan terang dari kegelapan yg dibawakan oleh umno. bagaimanapun, SAPP harus memainkan peranan yg lebih besar dalam permaufakatan utk mengelak pakatan mempunyai pegangan majoriti terhadap kerusi dun dan parlimen.

  2. PR should let SAPP to be the opposition front to lead PR to fight against BN in 1 Vs 1 in Sabah

    SAPP is a party for the people, with the people and people party.

  3. SAPP still needs to depend on PR when they proudly told the people to reject West Malaysian parties.

  4. PKR can't even win a single seat in Sabah for the past 2 General election eventhough 1 VS 1 fight against BN. I doubt they understand the word SHAME?

    PKR is a spoiler among the oppositions as proven in Sarawak GE.

  5. well good luck then.

  6. May the best party win when election day comes.

  7. The leaders is saying this, but the grassroots do hope or not?I really doubt it..

  8. nampaknya tidak kira sama ada BN mahu pun PR dan SAPP sudah bersedia untuk menghadapi PRU 13.

  9. apa yang penting semua parti perlu sentiasa bersedia dan terserahlah kepada rakyat untuk membuat pilihan.

  10. Adakah kerjasama antara SAPP dan Pakatan akan berhasil? semuanya terbukti dalam PRU-13 nanti.pastikan kerjasama ini dapat membuat satu perubahan kepada rakyat Sabah.

  11. SUSAH KITA>>>>>>> Akan terjadilah PKR tamaha kerusi macam di Sarawak dan DAP tikam SAPP macam di Batu Sapi.....biar SAPP yang mengepalai peperangan ini.Kalau jujur sangat PKR and DAP sebagai pembantu sahaja...kalau tidak juga buang PKR dan DAP pegi laut dalam..tanding di sana sama UMNO...

  12. pemimpin BN terutama umno takut sangat sama SAPP. Banyak pribumi Sabah sokong parti temptan SAPP.

    Najib tahu umno tidak boleh diharap lagi di Sabah sebab ada seekor musang bin tidak aman yang kuat KOREK KOREK KOREK! Tidak percaya, tanya Datuk Shafie Apdal.

    Musang mesti dipecat secepat mungkin. Kalau tidak umno akan kalah teruk di Sabah.

  13. SAPP must make a strong stand should lead the pact.

  14. SAPP tidak boleh dipercayai..YTL hanya pentingkan agenda peribadi beliau dengan mempergunakan SAPP sebagai alat politik..

  15. SAPP akan bekerjasama dengan PR? boleh kah mereka bekerjasama sedangkan sebelum ini SAPP cakap, TOLAK parti semenanjung..

  16. rakyat tahu menilai..

  17. Politic is the art of the impossible.Friends can become foes and foes can be friends tomorrow.There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies in politics.
    So go ahead SAPP and work with Pakatan.

  18. hawk, kalau SAPP tidak boleh dipercayai, siapalah boleh dipercayai. komen kau tidak berasas

  19. hawk, kalau SAPP tidak boleh dipercayai, siapalah boleh dipercayai. komen kau tidak berasas

  20. Nampaknya SAPP tidak yakin dengan diri sendiri lagi sehinggakan ingin bersama dengan PAKATAN.

  21. Berbincanglah dengan baik.

  22. Sebenarnya, tiada seorang pun yang betul-betul boleh dipercayai.

  23. PR?SAPP?Berbincang untuk bersama?Apa sudah jadi dengan SAPP sekarang ini. Mari kita tunggu apa yang SAPP akan lakukan. Maknanya SAPP cuma menyimpan dendam sehingga bersatu dengan PR? Inikah parti SAPP yang sebenarnya?

  24. Kita tunggu sajalah apa perbincangan SAPP dan Pakatan. Harap SAPP tidak akan tertipu lagi.

  25. Nampaknya SAPP bersungguh2 untuk mencapai kejayaan.

  26. Well, sometimes we need a break.

  27. Pag muliampag muliodung is tontog

  28. Bila SAPP kerjasama PR lawan BN. Saya picaya UMNO boleh tutup kedai.

    Kaki pengampu umno ini semua akan lari ke pilipin sebab banyak kes rasuah!

  29. PKR Ansari is under UMNO payroll. SAPP need to be careful with this trojan horse!

  30. SAPP dan DAP akan bekerjsama, nampaknya mereka tak inginkan persaingan 3 penjuru tapi inginkan satu lawan satu, kita lihatlah bagaimana hasilnya nnti.

  31. Last time PR wanted to have one to one with BN during the Batu Sapi by-elections, but SAPP does not want to comply.

  32. Last time SAPP wanted to have 1 on 1 against BN at batu sapi but PR doesn't want to comply.

  33. BN must be very scare when SAPP and PR to work together.

  34. Good Luck! let see the result from the negotiation..

  35. SAPP should take 60% of the state seats and Pakatan take up 75% of the parliament seats.

  36. Let Sabahan decide Sabah's future, not Najib, Anwar or Lim Kit Seong.

  37. If Sabah CM have to take instruction from Anwar or Lim Kit seong or Nik Aziz, what is the different from taking instruction from Najib??? we are back to square 1..

  38. Dari segi strategik, ini lebih baik... nanti bila Pakatan sudah menang di Sabah barulah patut SAPP cari idea macamana mau kasi mati parti dari luar..hahah

  39. Will PKR let go and allow SAPP to go One to One with BN?
