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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Anwar predicts election this year

Michael Kaung

The 38% increase in native votes in favour of the opposition in Sarawak is a 'clear' indication of change, says the PKR chief.

KOTA KINABALU: PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim has a gut feeling that the ruling Barisan Nasional (BN) leadership will call for a snap general election in July this year.

“With all these issues – religion, sex video, my court case and abduction threat to my daughter Nurul Izzah – it is a clear message that the election is coming very soon,” he said.

The former finance minister urged party leaders to work hard and update their respective election machinery in preparation for the 13th general election.

“We must get ourselves ready in facing the coming general election which is expected to be held in July this year,” Anwar told a news conference after meeting with top party leaders from Sabah at its headquarters in Penampang near here yesterday.

Anwar arrived here on Saturday for a series of public talks and meet-the-people sessions in Pitas, Kota Marudu, Kota Belud and here.

After meeting with Sabah PKR leaders, Anwar left for Sandakan.

He said that it was the responsibility of PKR under Pakatan Rakyat to fight for the people in getting back their ancestral land that had been taken away from them.

Anwar also touched on the on-going discussion among the opposition parties, particularly between Sabah PKR and Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), as part of their preparations in taking on the ruling BN in the coming general election.

“We’re hoping the negotiation will go on smoothly as long as the decision does not breach the PKR constitution,” he said.

Changing voter trend
 On the recent Sarawak state election, Anwar said the outcome of the election indicated a wind of change in favour of the opposition.

He said the 38% increase in votes from the natives in certain areas in Sarawak was a clear message that the voting trend had changed and was now favouring the opposition.

He attributed this to the corrupt BN’s politics.

Anwar also pointed out the need to review the existing Petroleum Development Act (PDA) 1974 to allow Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan and Terengganu to control 20% of their own oil and gas.

“We want this 20% for these four states. We want to change the Act and every single contract must be transparent and open to all Malaysians; the decision is not with the prime minister alone.”

Anwar said it was clear that under the existing law only the prime minister has the right to approve any contract in Petronas and the company did not even have to report to the finance minister.

Also present were PKR Kota Kinabalu divisional chief Christina Liew and Darell Leiking, who heads the Penampang division


  1. Sabah should deserve 50% oil royalty because Sabah is damn POOR. Poor Infrastructure, Poor Utilities, Poor management by Barisan Najis, Poor people, Poor Illegal Immigrant and what not.

  2. Be prepared to vote.

  3. When anwar became a fortune teller? His prediction mostly all wrong!

  4. Maybe, maybe not. Let's just wait and see.

  5. ALl parties will need to make an early preparation to face the election.

  6. No lah...too much issues need to be address by the bn-led government this year...Pm Najib will not going to be dared to hold the election this year...i bet the election will be held next year, once the world oil price is stabilize and some minor issues resolve or being forgotten...

  7. belum tahu lagi bila PRU akan diadakan..tunggu sajalah...

  8. rasanya ia tidak akan diadakan dalam waktu yang terdekat ni. BN mahupun Pakatan menghadapi pelbagai isu kebelakangan ini dan keadaan yang tidak stabil ini pasti menyukarkan pilihan raya dijalankan dengan lancar.

  9. Saya pikir pun, PRU13 tidak akan dalam masa yang terdekat. Mungkin dkat ujung2 thn ka thn depan. Jadi, semua parti bersiap siap la. Yang mengundi pun bersiap siap juga.

  10. Bila pun Pilihanraya itu, semua kena bersiap sedia dari sekarang.

  11. Jika awal dan lambat, tidak akan memberi kesan kepada rakyat.

  12. anwar pun jangkakan PRU tahun ini...demikian juga dengan ramai pemerhati politik..apa2 pun, tunggu saja pengumuman rasmi dari najib..itu yang betul..

  13. just wait for formal announcement from najib himself.

  14. semua parti politik nampaknya bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi pilihanraya..persediaan awal adalah perlu kerana ura2 banyak mengatakan bahawa PRU akan diadakan lebih awal.

  15. Anwar predict the election this years? wrong predict. Election will not be for this years.

  16. Bila-bila saja PRU ini akan diadakan. Harap rakyat bersiap sedia.

  17. Tidak secepat itu. Saya juga setuju yg banyak isu2 hangat yg membuatkan GE13 ini akan diadakan lebih lewat. Paling awal hujung tahun ini dan selewat-lewatnya pertengahan tahun depan. Itupun bergantung kepada keberhasilan umno/bn memanipulasi isu yg berkemungkinan boleh menyebabkan mereka kecundang terutamanya isu subsidi, isu kaum dan yg paling penting isu agama yg tengah hangat diperkatakan.

    Mereka sekarang sedang berusaha utk meyakinkan rakyat berkenaan isu subsidi yg nampaknya memeningkan mereka kerana reserve kekayaan kerajaan hampir kering oleh ketidakcekapan mereka menguruskan negara ini. kerugian negara yg dianggarkan mencecah 28 bilion menurut audit yg dijalankan dan membuatkan mereka berasa gusar. jadi utk menutup ketirisan tersebut, mereka memeras utk menarik subsidi2 kerajaan dgn alasan ia membebankan negara.

  18. dalam keadaan politik sekarang, rasanya PRU13 takkan diadakan dalam masa terdekat. kena pastikan benar2 bersedia baru PRU13 akan diadakan.

  19. Be prepared to vote.

  20. awal atau lambat, kalau malas turun padang selesaikan masalah rakyat, tetap kalah juga tu.. baik PKR jangan buang masa bermain teka teki tentang tarikh pilihanraya..
