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Sunday, June 12, 2011

DAP's mischief exposed: Herbert

Kota Kinabalu: Opposition DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang is a double-faced politician for criticising the proposed RM470 million multipurpose dam in Tambatuon, Kota Belud, near here.

Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Vice President-cum-Kadamaian Assemblyman Datuk Herbert Timbon Lagadan said Lim was purposely politicising the Tambatuon dam for hidden agenda.

"In the backyard of his (Lim) son's government in Penang, they are building a RM1.2 billion dam to meet the water requirements of Penangites in the event of drought.

"So why did Lim ask the Sabah Government not to proceed with the dam construction in Sabah?

The people of Kota Belud also deserve to have guaranteed water supply during drought just like Penangites," he said, Friday.

Herbert, who is also Community Development and Consumer Affairs Assistant Minister, said based on a reliable source, the owner of the land in Penang was paid an exorbitant RM600 million.

"Sabah DAP Chairman Jimmy Wong must ask Lim if he has percentage shares in the land cost as well as from the dam project.

"Perhaps Jimmy would like to sponsor air tickets from Singkui and a dozen more from Tambatuon to help stage a demonstration in Penang against the planned dam at Sungai Mengkuang in Penang," he said.


  1. DAP and UMNO are the 2 x 5 party. All are involve in CORRUPTION.

    The people of Sabah will show all the party MALAYA the EXIT DOOR in the coming GE13.

  2. And Herbert Timbon Lagadan is a Pastor turned politician that not only double-faced but dominated by greed. nothing to be proud for to this man.

  3. Bodoh punya Herbert.Sabah bukan Penang.Di Penang orang setuju tapi di Sabah orang kampung bantah.Lagi pun mungkin ada 'udang di sebalik batu' dalam rancangan ini.
    Herbert 'Pak Turut' ini tak habis-habis buat bandingan dengan negeri dibawah Pakatan Rakyat.Cakap saja lah kenapa Sabah memerlukan projek tersebut.Pemimpin PBS ini nampak nya semua sudah antik dan perlu di tukar mungkin.

  4. Sabah DAP always used Penang as their role model but in fact Penang DAP also the same like UMNO in just 3 years involve in lop sided deal.

    You bunch of DAP's blind supporters were merely a stooge for your master from malaya without discern what is right or wrong to mislead the people of Sabah as if your DAP is holy than thou which utterly rubbish!

    Its the time for all the people of Sabah to see the true color of DAP greediness and they are no difference from UMNO.

    Coming G13, All the Sabahans will see Sabah DAP buried themselves and NOT EVEN ONE SEAT they can win in Sabah.

  5. I guess that if DAP cannot even win one seat then it can only mean that UMNO/BN will win by a landslide.
    SAPP stooge therefore beware! Their party will be flushed into the toilet and into the backyard drain of Musa Aman.

  6. All the people of Sabah will support our local party SAPP to kick all the party malaya and their PUPPETS out from Sabah for good.

    We as the Sabahans have our own pride and dignity but not like those party malaya puppets in Sabah can sell everything to their malaya master just for their own self-benefits.

    We have been cheated by party malaya UMNO for the past 48 years and we will not repeat our mistakes again to let party malaya like PR to rule as again for another 48 years.

    To those party malaya PUPPETS, I hope you people to redeem your pride and proud to be Sabahan instead of to become the slave for your party malaya master which is WORST than a DOG.

    Shame on you as a Sabahan!

  7. DAP or UMNO will be wiped out from Sabah history in the coming GE13.

    Party malaya PUPPETS better to prepare your boat in order to get lost from Sabah.

  8. But there are only less than 10 chinese seats in Sabah so how can SAPP become govt? You think SAPP can win in moslem and kadazan areas ka?

  9. SAPP ini bermimpi saja.Dullie,Amde,Datuk Mohd Noor Mansor semua akan kalah kalau bertanding.

  10. SAPP is a NON RACIAL party and will contest not only in chinese area like typical chinaman party DAP from malaya.

    SAPP is the government in waiting.

  11. Susah juga mahu cakap. Yang itu di Penang. Isu sekarang di Sabah. Harap keputusan yang terbaik dapat dicapai dan mengambil kira kepentingan penduduk berdekatan.

  12. opposition always like that..

  13. di penang pun ada rm1.2 bilion empangan yang mahu dibina..pasal apa pula DAP mahu bising2 pasal di tambatuon? pasti ada muslihat DAP ni..

  14. apa2 pun harap isu ini akan selesai..bosan sudah mendengar dan membaca petikan pasal isu ini..

  15. nampaknya DAP ada agenda tersembunyi berhubung dengan isu dam tambatuon..

  16. aiyer, cannot be trusted la DAP.

  17. When GE13 comes, you know what to do people.

  18. yang penting kepentingan rakyat perlu diambilkira dan dijaga engan sebaiknya.

  19. Sebaiknya beri sebab utama kenapa empangan itu perlu. Jika tidak sudah pasti ada pihak lain seperti DAP akan memainkan isu ini dalam politik mereka.

  20. DAP tahu putar belit isu sahaja.

  21. Berhati-hatilah bila menilai orang.
