On June 7th 2011, Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission (MACC) had detained Datuk Richard Christopher Barnes a senior lawyer, a confidant of Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman on links to Micheal Chai and his alleged smuggling of 16 million cash out of Hong Kong airport. 5 MACC officials went to Richard Barnes legal firm, Shelley Yap Leong Tseu Chong Chai and Co in Kota Kinabalu, and took away boxes of files in relation to this case. As of now, Richard Barnes is in remand for 5 days in the MACC office in Putrajaya.
Yes, Premier Najib Tun Razak’s fight against corruption is closing in on Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman.
Initially, the Premier was in a quandary and was unwilling to pass a routine political directive for the arrest and prosecution of Musa Aman’s cronies for the allegedly involvement in illegal foreign currency dealings and the smuggling of 16 million cash out of Hong Kong airport by the adopted brother Micheal Chai. But not for now.
Premier Najib Tun Razak is going after one by one, all of Musa Aman’s timber cronies and nominees and so far 14 have already been roped in by the MACC. Well done!
In Malaysia no arrest or prosecution takes place without Premier Najib’s sanction and this is a fact. It is a political formality that the police or MACC and Attorney General adhere to.
The MACC’s criminal investigations department started to investigate Musa Aman’s close allies, for flouting exchange control regulations and running Mafia-type shelf companies in Hong Kong, Switzerland and Singapore which runs to hundreds of million. Most of the money is under-table payments from timber kickbacks from Yayasan Sabah Concession areas made to Hong Kong-registered companies said to be linked to Musa Aman.
These companies would buy and trade foreign currency on the black market with money from the timber kickbacks. Micheal Chai and GANG then made weekly transfers involving millions of dollars which amounts to sabotaging our economic reforms by trading on the black market and flouting the Exchange Control Act in both Malaysia and Hong Kong, an offence punishable with jail time or a fine.
Since Mahathir’s pegging of the US Dollar in the late nineties, when the exchange rate was fixed, several business people, timber tycoons, hoteliers and bankers have been arrested for illegally dealing in foreign currency. However, it appears that no one had the guts to go after Musa Aman’s Cronies, Micheal Chai and Gang of 14 including Freddy Lim— whom many have dubbed the Godfather of murky foreign currency dealings in Malaysia. Freddy Lim was at one time put under the Internal Security Act ISA for economic sabotage.
The Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) revealed that a docket was opened last year and handed to MACC for action. But no political directive was forthcoming, so MACC put an end to the investigation.
I was reliably informed that a second probe was conducted by the MACC only after the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) officials came to Sabah to investigate Musa Aman personally last year. Sometimes January this year, the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) officials had informed their Malaysian counterparts that if they do not act on the individuals link to the money laundering in Hong Kong, the ICAC Hong Kong would get a arrest warrant in Hong Kong for the arrest of the Chief Minister Musa Aman as his name had been implicated in the smuggling of the 16 million cash out of the Hong Kong International Airport.
The docket was made available to the MACC by a high-ranking source in the government of Hong Kong. It is all there.
License to govern does not mean license to be corrupt and Musa Aman has to learn this the hard way.
One wonders when there will be enough awareness in this country that citizens would learn to question the ‘civilised robbers’, question them, fight them and fix them. Newspapers in the meantime will be busy with Anwar’s sodomy or Ketuanan Melayu debates or New Parliament in Putrajaya, while this nation is being robbed by those who are supposed to be guardians.
In Malaysia no arrest or prosecution takes place without Premier Najib’s sanction and this is a fact. It is a political formality that the police or MACC and Attorney General adhere to.
The MACC’s criminal investigations department started to investigate Musa Aman’s close allies, for flouting exchange control regulations and running Mafia-type shelf companies in Hong Kong, Switzerland and Singapore which runs to hundreds of million. Most of the money is under-table payments from timber kickbacks from Yayasan Sabah Concession areas made to Hong Kong-registered companies said to be linked to Musa Aman.
These companies would buy and trade foreign currency on the black market with money from the timber kickbacks. Micheal Chai and GANG then made weekly transfers involving millions of dollars which amounts to sabotaging our economic reforms by trading on the black market and flouting the Exchange Control Act in both Malaysia and Hong Kong, an offence punishable with jail time or a fine.
Since Mahathir’s pegging of the US Dollar in the late nineties, when the exchange rate was fixed, several business people, timber tycoons, hoteliers and bankers have been arrested for illegally dealing in foreign currency. However, it appears that no one had the guts to go after Musa Aman’s Cronies, Micheal Chai and Gang of 14 including Freddy Lim— whom many have dubbed the Godfather of murky foreign currency dealings in Malaysia. Freddy Lim was at one time put under the Internal Security Act ISA for economic sabotage.
The Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) revealed that a docket was opened last year and handed to MACC for action. But no political directive was forthcoming, so MACC put an end to the investigation.
I was reliably informed that a second probe was conducted by the MACC only after the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) officials came to Sabah to investigate Musa Aman personally last year. Sometimes January this year, the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) officials had informed their Malaysian counterparts that if they do not act on the individuals link to the money laundering in Hong Kong, the ICAC Hong Kong would get a arrest warrant in Hong Kong for the arrest of the Chief Minister Musa Aman as his name had been implicated in the smuggling of the 16 million cash out of the Hong Kong International Airport.
The docket was made available to the MACC by a high-ranking source in the government of Hong Kong. It is all there.
License to govern does not mean license to be corrupt and Musa Aman has to learn this the hard way.
One wonders when there will be enough awareness in this country that citizens would learn to question the ‘civilised robbers’, question them, fight them and fix them. Newspapers in the meantime will be busy with Anwar’s sodomy or Ketuanan Melayu debates or New Parliament in Putrajaya, while this nation is being robbed by those who are supposed to be guardians.
This country does not belong to its people anyway. she is belong to the umno/bn-led government. so there is no point of arresting this big tycoon. by the way, our mr. prime minister hold almost everything. well, he is premier. and our 'black-clothed dog' are under hishamuddin control. so bear in mind that as long as this current government does not ousted, whatever you do, please think first bcoz, you'll ended up in jail for sedition act, police act, isa act or emergency act. they can use any act on you. even if the act not relevant to imposed on you. so people of Sabah, mana sudah kamu punya kesedaran? penyokong kuat musa yg buta, apa kata kamu? jangan2, bila ICAC Hong Kong keluar waran tangkap antarabangsa terhadap pemimpin kesayangan kamu, apa tindakan kamu? kenalah pada batang hidung.
ReplyDeleteIn order to earn the respect of the International community,all Malaysians and particularly Sabahans Najib must act beyond Richard Barnes.In other words all those connected and implicated must be brought to justice immediately so that Najib's credentials and respect amongst the populace remain intact.
ReplyDeleteThis is a simple move if Najib really wants to do it.Think of protecting Musa and companies and lost support of all Malaysians or act and be credible again.
Musa mungkin tunggu Anwar jadi PM untuk membawa nya ke muka keadilan.Kalau harap Najib susah lo.Tapi hairan mengapa ICAC Hong Kong tidak keluarkan 'waran tangkap' saja terhadap Musa.Tunggu apa lagi?
ReplyDeleteI think this issue should be put to rest. There is no evidence linking this to our beloved CM. Or is there any? Maybe they're just good friends. Even if this is true just close one eye la. Everybody just trying to make a living ma. Kan?! ALL of our previous CM has never been proven to be involved in any sort of corruption before...maybe a corrupt act like gambling but thats not really serious its just really stupid, doing something bad then got caught LOL.
ReplyDeleteAnyway the present CM will FOREVER be YOUR CM as stated by Hisham who speaks as if he owns the land. And thats for your 2 cents vote.. :|
musa is a sapu habis man...he walloped all kinds of businesses, lands, concessions and everything he could think of to amass his wealth. The rakyat just watch aghast of his pacman game.
ReplyDeleteI heard alot of corrupted politician will die with CANCER eventually. They will struggle and fight with CANCER and used up all the money they cheated just for the cancer treatment.
ReplyDeleteI heard musa also has cancer! Is that true?
Will musa also suffer such fate?
Oh Wahai Najib,kenapa kah engkau bersubahat dengan pencuri di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteBagaimana dengan siasatan daripada HK ICAC?
ReplyDeletemereka mengaitkan Musa Aman, tapi tak ada bukti. hentikanlah membuat spekulasi yang tiada asas ni.
ReplyDeleteI don't musa involved in this case.
ReplyDeleteThis article has been written & posted by Selvaraja Somniah last year, but being reposted here with some changes & alteration...
ReplyDeletenoted that at the beginning of the articles, it stated "On June 7th 2011"...this article actually wrote on JUNE 9th, 2010....bare in mind that this is an obsolete articles & only wrote based on rumors & hearsay...
The original author even has changed his stance now, writing more positive articles about Musa Aman...
Kalo macam tu ni article lama la nie. ada pihak yang cuba menjatuhkan Musa. Lagi pun ini hanya la kabar angin.
ReplyDeleteisu ini cumalah isu lama yang cuba ditimbulkan kembali.
ReplyDeletetiada bukti Musa Aman terlibat dalam penggubahan wang haram ni. tak perlu timbulkan lagi isu ini.
ReplyDeleteBila PRU semakin hampir, cerita lama dibuka semula untuk menjatuhkan pihak lawan. Lumrah politik.
ReplyDeletekerap-kali dikaitkan dengan musa aman..padahal tidak terbukti..
ReplyDeletesejauh mana sudah siasatan ICAC dan MCAC? seharusnya jika masih dalam siasatan, sebarang pendedahan tidak boleh dilakukan..hairan bagaimana sesetengah pihak yang mendakwa kononnya mendapat maklumat dari dalam? apa jua yang disiarkan tidak harus dipercayai bulat2..
ReplyDeleteisu ini ditimbulkan semula..ternyata ada agenda tersembunyi di sebalik semua ini..
ReplyDeletebarangkali ada orang jeles dengan musa aman pasal tu lah mereka sengaja mencetuskan propaganda dan provokasi..
ReplyDeletecerita lapuk dibangkitkan semula..tiada cerita baru kah?
ReplyDeleteyang buat artikel ini pun tidak berani bertanggungjawab dengan hasil tulisannya sendiri..jika si penulis tidak berani bertanggungjawab dengan hasil tulisan beliau, patutkah artikel ini dipercayai? ini semua propaganda pihak2 tertentu..kalau berani, letak nama di bawah artikel untuk menunjukkan bahawa kamu adalah benar..palui punya orang..
ReplyDeleteI don't see how MA is linked to Micheal Chia case.
ReplyDeleteOnly solid proof could prove that MA is connected to this case.
ReplyDeleteIts better to wait till the investigation come up with some evidence. I just hope those who are involved will be caught for good.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Richard had detained by MACC last year, not this year.. pembohong betul la..
ReplyDeletebagaimana ICAC mahu menangkap Musa jika bukti tidak ada dan mencukupi. Ini sudah menyatakan bahawa Musa tidak terlibat dalam hal ini.
ReplyDeleteMula lagi kes ini dikeluarkan. Nampaknya ini menjadi isu politik PRU13 yang akan datang untuk menjatuhkan KM Sabah. Rasanya isu ini tidak kemana pun, memang nyata KM tidak ikut sama dalam kes ini maka tidak perlulah memberikan khabar angin lagi dengan kes ini. Rakyat Sabah sudah bosan mendengar kes ini berulang-ulang. Biarlah pihak MACC dan ICAC menjalankan siasatan mereka.
ReplyDeleteMusang bin tidak aman mesti dipecat secepat mungking sebelum PRU13 untuk mengelakan umno makan telur dalam pilihan raya nanti di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Shapie Apdal sememangnya lebih qualify menganti musang bin tidak aman yang palui.
Why all news above hardly to read from local news paper? How true it is when all news regarding or accusation toward CM only can find in the internet?
ReplyDeleteIt happen many years ago, thought already no case. Now bring up again. What exactly happen then?
ReplyDeleteNow the question is where is this SGD16 million now.
ReplyDeleteHave heard hundred of the same accusation aiming to our CM but he still our CM and never heard that he have been detain or under investigation.
ReplyDeleteReally Richard Barnes was detained?
ReplyDeleteAs we all know all of the news agency in Sabah are controlled by Musang Bin Tidak Aman.
ReplyDeleteYour excuses about our malaysia newspaper did not carry the news is simply naive and absurd.
Luckily we have ONLINE NEWS PORTAL to reveal the Truth of those corrupted politicians especially Musang bin tidak aman.
People of Sabah do not need such corrupted and yet in competence CM who proudly brought us to be the POOREST state in Malaysia. Get Lost!
So sad that Sabah is the poorest state in malaysia.
ReplyDeleteOnce we are the richest.
Richard Barnes was release last year. Arrested again?
ReplyDeleteAre you sure?
Cerita lama balik-balik diungkit lagi. Apa yang dia orang mahu?
ReplyDeleteKes masih bawah siasatan, bikin cerita cuba kerohkan keadaan.
What a nice story. Can be use in movie or drama making.
ReplyDeleteMovie company should consider the possibility of using the story line.
So daring to accuse without proof.
ReplyDeleteIf able to present some document to support will be better.
Why when the ketua Pengarah Sabah MACC Puan Latifah wanted to open file to investigate Musang Bin Tidak Aman but she was being asked to transfer back to WM immediately?
ReplyDeleteYou think the people of Sabah are Stupid and do not know what Musang Bin tidak aman doing?
Why didn't the HK ICAC say anything?