And I agree.
After all, I was the American Ambassador to Malaysia when all of these things happened the first time around.
As people know, the American Embassy has many sources of information.
Just ask Wikileaks.
Malaysians love to talk….

In 1998 – the first time around for Anwar – my Embassy heard and reported lots of things. We knew the truth. Because Malaysians – at the highest levels -- told us.
When I was in KL, Najib’s personal think tank was called the Malaysian Strategic Research Centre, or MSRC. MSRC basically was two people, Rohanna Mahmood and Razak Baginda.
Neither Rohanna nor Razak are government officials, so I am not violating any US laws by revealing what they told me and my Embassy in those days.
A secret pact
Rohanna told me that Najib and Anwar had reached a secret agreement. When Mahathir was gone, Anwar would be PM and Najib would be Deputy PM. That was the deal.
That never happened, of course. When the going got tough, Najib stood by, and let Anwar go to jail.
What about Razak Baginda?
He told a senior Embassy officer, “The decision has been made. They are going to “nuke” Anwar politically for all time to come. “Until he can never stand up again politically.”
100 years
Meaning, it was all a political decision – to destroy Anwar.
That is what Razak – now in self-imposed exile in London -- said.
After that, a senior officer in the Special Branch told an Embassy officer, “We are going to keep filing charge after charge after Anwar so he will be in jail for the next hundred years.”
Can there be any doubt about what was going on then – and what is going on now?
- Malaysia Chronicle
- John Malott was the US ambassador to Malaysia from 1995 to 1998 and is now the president of the Japan-America Society of Washington D

Malott drops a bombshell: A secret pact between Najib and Anwar
Written by John Malott, Malaysia ChronicleToday I read Anwar Ibrahim’s statement from the docket.
benarkah Najib dan Anwar ada pakatan sulit?
ReplyDeleteada saja spekulasi yang muncul sekarang ni. apa pun tidak perlulah mempercayai sebarang pekara yang tiada bukti..
ReplyDeletekabar angin seperti ni tak perlulah kita nk percaya.
ReplyDeleteSukar nak cakap sama ada ataupun tidak. Hanya mereka dua orang saja yang tahu.
ReplyDeleteFrom a pact became a backstab? In politic, is it common.
ReplyDeleteMereka yang terlibat saja tahu akan kebenaran di sebalik semua ini.
ReplyDeleteJohn Malott patut terbitkan buku untuk dedahkan apa sahaja yang dia tahu berkenaan dengan politik di Malaysia..
ReplyDeleteRasanya semua ini cuma khabar angin supaya orang salah sangka dengan PM kita. Jadi jangan mudah percaya dengan apa yang dikatakan. Kerana tidak semua benar.
ReplyDeletePolitical too complicated.