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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Anti-apostasy rally dangerous and will sow tensions

Unlike Bersih, Himpun gets super-fast permit but denies Umno links

Despite denials of being linked to Umno, Himpun organisers were given super-swift access to a permit to hold their Gathering of a Million Muslims on October 22 inside a stadium in Selangor.

This is in sharp contrast to the long drawn out saga involving the Bersih 2.0 rally for free and fair elections, which was outlawed and ended up with Prime Minister Najib Razak reneging on his promise to allow the rally to take place in a stadium of Bersih's choice.

"The government is going to get into serious trouble for showing so much unholy haste in granting Himpun a permit because there is bound to be comparison by Malaysians and by the international community to the way it responded to Bersih's application for a permit to walk to a stadium," Christian lay leader Ramon Navaratnam and past president of Transparency International told Malaysia Chronicle.

"I support the right of Himpun to hold any peaceful gathering. However, the granting of the permit when Bersih was denied one shows the blatant double standards. It proves the Home Minister and the police do abuse their power. It also proves that BN approves of this rally and pro-BN groups are behind it," PKR vice president N Surendran told Malaysia Chronicle.

Ibrahim Ali, Ezam, Zul not involved

Police have confirmed the Himpun permit was approved last week. OCPD Asst Comm Zahedi Ayop insisted the event would be 'safe' as it would be held most likely inside the Shah Alam Stadium. Police officers would be stationed in and outside the stadium to ensure no untoward incidents occurred, he added.

"We have taken into account all aspects of security and approved their application," Star reported Zahedi as saying on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, Himpun organizers insisted they had no "hidden agenda" and the even was solely a Muslim gathering of a religious nature without links to politicians such as Perkasa's Ibrahim Ali, Umno Senator Ezam Mohd Noor and Kulim Bandar Baru MP Zul Noordin.

“I will not allow this initiative to be sullied with hidden agendas from any parties, and will take a firm stand on this,” Himpun chairman Mohd Azmi Abdul Hamid said in a statement.

“Zulkifli, Senator Ezam Mohd Noor and Ibrahim Ali are not involved in the leadership of Himpun. Neither are they speaking at the event. Any statements issued by them regarding the event does not represent the organisers."

Unable to allay fears

Mohd Azmi also insisted he would not allow the event to be hijacked to pit the different races and faiths at each other. But his strident tone belied his words.

“I would like to also remind all that the evangelist movement has been on the rise globally, regionally and nationally. The efforts to approach Muslims to get them to change religions cannot be denied,” he said.

The Himpun chief also asked Christian leaders to accept that proselytizing even in the name of evangelising was "unacceptable" in the "context of Malaysia and the federal constitution. We cannot belittle the fact that there has been a rise in incidents of ‘planned apostasy’,” he said.

And although, Mohd Azmi admitted that proselytization took place also because Muslims did not understand their own religion well, he blamed it on the government's "liberal attitudes".

“This resulted in poor policies and liberal attitudes taken by the authorities and the national leadership which still refuse to implement the teachings of Islam as a whole,” he said.
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The efforts by the Himpun chief are unlikely to allay any fears, especially when they seem to be more provocative than reassuring.

"What we see is a flare-up and surge in narrow religious thinking in many parts of the world that can be alarming. We should show the quality and level of our adherence to our religion by refraining from any action that can create further animosity amongst the various faiths," said Ramon.

Written by  Melissa Lee


  1. Totally "DOUBLE STANDARD"!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Hope that the good relationship between people of all races will not be affected.

  3. What happen to the people, nowdays?

  4. Please la, no more rally !

  5. "I am studying but not you"!
    Same matter, "I am believing but not you"!

    So what's big deal except if in stadium Merdeka within the KL city then another matter.Remember what boss said before in Selangor stadium is 'controllable' if any outbreak or chaos on gathering!Who care in the oppostion state?

    What's opinion from Selangor state government?

  6. harap tidak ada lagi perhimpunan yang boleh mengganggu ketenteraman awam.

  7. since there is no politicians involved in this gathering, so don't worry and let them run this Himpun without interference from any political party.

  8. kenapa perhimpunan yang dikaitkan dengan agama dibenarkan sedangkan Bersih yang hanya menuntut pilihanraya bersih dan adil pula diharamkan?

  9. Even without others evangelizing them, some of them are willingly to convert. Face the fact.

  10. negara kita amalkan kebebasan beragama.

  11. Another hidden political agenda to ruin the peace among multi religious people.

  12. jgnlah ada pihak cuba wujudkan kekecohan dalam negara.

  13. there is no double standard since the Gathering of a Million Muslims was carried out at the Stadium.

  14. Negara kita tidak bebas beragam terutama pada penganuy agama lain. Kalau agama lain masuk islam no problem, tapi kalau islam masuk agama lain, satu Malaysia naik minyak? Itu bukan bebas beragama. Itu namanya kukubesi! Tdk adil.

  15. ketenteraman awam dan keharmonian perlu dijaga dengan sebaiknya,.

  16. apa pun yang dilakukan pastikan ianya tidak menjejaskan keharmonian.

  17. Our Malaysian doesn't like rally.. We don't mayhem
    and ruins.

  18. Dgn himpunan Sejuta Islam ini maka terjawablah teka teki UMNO selama ini yg mengaku PERFECT! Katanya UMNO anti perhimpunan! Nah meludah ke langit terkena muka sendiri! Hahaha. Nah kalau perhimpunan BERSIH dulu ianya bermotif politik dan dilakukan secara berani oleh multiracial. Kalau Himpunan Sejuta Islam ini pula ia adalah perkauman kerana ia menggunakan agama islam. Kenapa, tak cukupkah sembahyang jumaat tempat berkotbah yg diselitkan juga dgn politik? Hari Raya, Maulud Nabi dan Khotbah Perdana untuk mengukuhkan akidah Islam? Atau ini gimik untuk melawan PAS? Hahaha...Bengong tul. Ini macam kempen berpusat besar2an oleh UMNO dengan menggunakan agama untuk memancing undi orang Islam kerana takut orang Islam berpaling kepada PAS. OK. Kalau begitu yang beragama Kristian pun mahu buat Himpunan sejuta Kristianlah. Kita berpusat di Sarawak. Yang beragama Budha juga buat Himpunan Sejuta Budha di ....? dan seterusnya agama2 lain. Najib2. Kenapa tolol sangat ni hah? Nampak sangat sekarang yg UMNO ni memang anti pada agama lain. Dia mahu agama Islam saja yg selesa dan bebas buat apa saja yg dorang lakukan asalkan itu ada kepentingan politik. Sudahlah tu! Ketara betul ketidakadilan dan keangkuhan.

  19. UMNO memang jahat. Sekarang sudah terbukti pulasisiknya. Sikit2 guna agama. Sepatutnya orang yg beragama lain yg berhimpun untuk menuntut keadilan kerana dianaktirikan dalam kebajikan agama. Cuba fikirkan wahai para penganut islam di Malaysia. Orang bukan islam dipaksa masuk islan dengan dibeli dgn wang. Orang asli dan orang beragama lain diberi dakwah untuk tujuan masuk islam. Gereja tidak dibiayai tapi masjid surau wah apa lagi!Beerlambak2 Apa yg orang islam takut sangat orang islam masuk agama lain . Itu masing2 umat punya pilihanlah. Dia sendiri yg tanggung. Masing2 tanggung. Heran ya, apa nak ditakutkan orang islam murtad jika para pemimpin serta ajaran islam itu yg terbaik tidak ada yg perlu dirisaukan kecualijika ajaran yg mereka terima tdk betul. Cuba lihat, kalau islam, disekolahpun ada belajar agama tapi agama lain apa ada? Apa itu belum cukup untukmantapkan akidah agama islam kpd umatnya? Hahaha...Ketara ini memang cara cari pasal, bikin panas dan kerana takutkan PAS. Ayuh sokong PAS. PAS adalah orang islam yg baik kerana para pemimpinnya betul2 ikut ajaran islam yg baik itu.

  20. Saya merasa pelik bila Sultan dikaitkan dengan isu isu kontrovosial sengan seperti ini.Adakah Sultan betul ada menyatakan DEMIKIAN? Kalau lah Sultan memang ada bertitah sedemikian makan Sultan itu BODOH DAN TOLOL.Sultan tidak sepatutnya menjadi alat UMNO BN saja.Sultan adalah untuk RAJA kepada semua.

    Sultan adil,sultan disembah dan SULTAN ZALIM SULTAN DISANGGAH.

    Ingat Hang Jebat DERHAKA kerana PERBUATAN SULTAN.Sultan kehilangan kerajaan MELAKA.Jangan ulangi perbuatan ini.Semua BN UMNO bikin baik semua.

