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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gerakan not winnable: Ghapur

Kalabakan MP Datuk Ghapur Salleh today urged the PM, Dato Sri Najib Tun Razak, who is also the BN Chairman, not to field Gerakan to contest in Sabah in the coming general election. “It will be a crying shame if we do that,” he said during the debate in Parliament on the Budget this afternoon.

He said that  "Gerakan has been uprooted in their home soil in Penang and it will have no relevancy and impact in Sabah. It will be further uprooted in Sabah as the voters, especially the Chinese, despise and do not welcome Gerakan in Sabah,”

“PM talks about winnable candidate. We must also remember we must have a winnable political party because people vote for party who has intergrity, reputation and clean image. Gerakan is not a winnable political party at all. It is a liability to BN as a whole. All the YBs from Sabah now in Gerakan are “frogs” who are there so that they can keep their cabinet position. They do not get any respect from the people of Sabah. None of them is a winnable candidate.” claimed Ghafur.

“About two weeks ago, the President of Gerakan came to Tawau to officiate an opening of the party’s office. There are many Bumiputras supporters coming from my area who were paid RM300.00 per person to attend. Some of them are UMNO members. This is really a shame because Gerakan who claims to be a Chinese based party and lured these UMNO supporters by giving them money to come and attend Gerakan event, ” he further said much to the amusement of the MPs who were present in the House.

Koh Tsu Koon, the President of Gerakan, has been facing a barrack of criticisms both from outside and inside of his party and a weak leader. The ex-President Lim Keng Yeik had openly criticised him for taking up the Federal cabinet post when he had lost every single Gerakan’s seats in Penang. Lim had in the past urged Koh to pull out from BN so to have a chance to bring back the Chinese confidence in Gerakan. Koh has been dilly-dallying and not doing anything about it.

Even the Independent MPs from Penang notably from Tan Tee Beng from Nebong Tebal, and Zaharain Mohd Hashim from Bayan Baru had also openly asked for his head to roll saying the Koh is no more relevant in Penang and should retire completely from politics completely.

Just two days ago, even the Gerakan Wanita head Tan Lian Ho asked for her President to buck up or step aside as she is embarrassed by Koh’s weak leadership.

Over the last two days, Koh was reported to have said that he will make a few important decisions in the next few days. It is rumoured that he is contemplating to heed to his ex-president’s advice by pulling out from BN.


  1. Malu lah Gerakan.Malu lah Menteri Sabah dari Gerakan.Syabas Datuk Ghafur kerana membongkar rahsia mereka di Sabah.Katak O katak kenapa engkau lompat?Kenapa ku tak lompat habuan aku besar.

  2. parti import dari seberang biarpun umno atau gerakan kedua-dua pun 2 x 5.

    Dalam pru13, rakyat Sabah akan kasih kamurang kurung tikar dan halau kamurang balik ke malaya. Tidak payah kamurang bersibuk di Sabah nie.

  3. Untuk dapat pangkat menteri,projek besar dan kocek penuh wang ringgit jual maruah pun tidak apa lah.
    Perkara katak lompat ini bukan baru.Ianya dari zaman Tun Mustapha lagi.Yang ada sekarang ni semua nya murid-murid yang ikut jejak katak si katak lompat zaman dulu.Mereka ni semua nya mahukan wang saja bukan ahli politik sebenar tapi berpolitik untuk mendapat habuan besar dan boleh pencen dengan senang-lenang sebagai jutawan.Kita rakyat semua.....seperti biasa lah,kais pagi makan pagi,kais petang makan petang.Tidak lama lagi kais sekali sehari sajalah pasal harga ayam sudah naik $11 sekilo.Terpaksa lah makan telur ayam saja kerana ayam nya tidak mampu sudah.

  4. Gerakan was rejected from Peninsular voters, can they get West Malaysian support?

  5. Leave it to the people to vote whos goona be win..

  6. Wait and see, what will happen to Gerakan. But i gotta say "All the Best"...

  7. Gerakan kini makin lemah. gerakan harus perkukuhkan kedudukan mereka.

  8. mgkin kepimpinan gerakan kena berubah untuk kukuh.

  9. This fellow kah MP talking?
    Checked back what he had said in last few elections.
    He is a typical UMNO man bah!
    Be careful...very careful.

  10. whatever la, but you still need winnable candidates, not winnable political party.

  11. Therefore, who is winnable?

  12. kepimpinan Koh sudah tiba masa untuk ditukar. ramai yang tidak menyokongnya lagi.

  13. Laluan yang sukar buat Gerakan nampaknya.

  14. nampaknya Gerakan di Sabah pun kurang disenangi.

  15. jangan2 si Ghapur ni takut Kalabakan kena ambil oleh Gerakan..

  16. itu pendapat Datuk Ghapur Salleh sendiri..

  17. sekarang ni semua pihak perlu memberikan fokus terhadap isu-isu yang lebih dekat kepada rakyat.

  18. For it depends with PM to select the candidate for general election.

  19. Wah! Ini Ghafur Salleh memanglah lantang betul sekarang. Macam org tidak tahu dia inilah dalang yg memasukkan Orang2 Bugis ke Sabah sama dorang si Taufik Abu Bakar Titingan. Sudahlah asal PTI dan membawa masuk beratus2ribu orang Bugis taik kantut ke Sabah, rampas tanah dan segala sumber kekayaan Sabah, sekarang berlagak macam Hero konon ini si PTI Ghafur. Sudahlah, bagus kau balik Indon bawa rakyat lu.....Penyangak! Hidup PR!
