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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MP: Budget didn’t address Sabah pressing issues

TAWAU: The member of parliament here, Datuk Chua Soon Bui, has referred Budget 2012 as a one-off budget which alleviates the burden of the people for a few months without any long-term impact.

"None of the pressing issues facing the people of Sabah had been addressed.

"For example, illegal immigrants and foreigners who make up more than a quarter of Sabah's population. No measures to curb the escalating cost of living, especially in the rural areas, no employment opportunities for young People, no sustainable measures to reduce poverty in Sabah which is still the poorest state in Malaysia despite having natural resources of oil and gas, eco-tourism products and contributing 35 per cent of Malaysia's total Palm oil production," she said during the debate on Budget 2012 in Parliament.

Chua also said the budget did not give any mention to the 300MW natural gas Power Plant in Sabah where power supply vis-a-vis requirement has reached a critical stage.

She claimed that Sabah would be excluded of any transformation or investment programmes when power outages occur frequently along with the cabotage policy continuing to reign and eat into the people's pockets with unfair higher prices of goods in Sabah.

"The 2012 budget appears more like an election handout. But there are still a large number of poor and hard-core Poor families in Sabah who will not benefit from it. They are too poor to send their children to school. How then will they have access to the RM100 meant for every school child? How will the poor families with earnings of RM500 or less Per month, have never paid income tax and left out of any welfare assistance going to get the RM500 handout?" she questioned.

Chua described the repeal of the Internal Security Act and other related legislations as a transformation towards greater liberalisation and democracy.

She however said the banning of "UNDILAH" and the Chinese edition of Siasat "I want to go to school" by NTV7 is a step backward against liberalisation and democracy.

Both programmes have been banned from public viewing and no reason has been accorded for the ban.

Meanwhile, the NTV7 programme attempted to show the slow development in Sabah where 20 per cent of the people have never received any formal education.

According to Chua, there are real instances of rural native children having to walk from 3 am to reach their school on time.

"What is the rational of this? Is the image of the government more important than the Sufferings of the natives? Why is the government still trying to hide these real issues facing Sabah with media control through political interference?" she asked.

Chua also made a plea to the Ministry of Education to Provide teachers to the primary and secondary schools at Kampung Serudung Laut.

She said although they are mission schools but the children are all Malaysians and taught the official curriculum since 2005.

No trained teachers have been sent to the schools after six years of their inceptions and no educational assistance has been given to the schools.

She went on to say that if Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak could announce the allocation of RM15 million to 15 schools in Penang derived from the community chest, there is no reason why the educational and welfare needs of the native children in Sabah should continue to be ignored and neglected.

With the recognition given to the role of the Chinese community in education and the encouragement given to Malays and Bumiputeras to learn the Chinese language, she doubted the capability of the Ministry of Education to deal with a situation where there will be a surge of children attending Chinese-type schools in the face of a current shortage of Chinese-trained teachers.

"Has the ministry any plan to train more Chinese teachers?

"Has the government any plan to increase the allocations for government-aided schools in Sabah?" Chua asked.

In a lengthy speech, she also touched on how basic infrastructural requirements of electricity, water and roads continue to be neglected in Sabah despite repeated promises made to the people.

"I urge the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water to tell the people of Sabah when are their sufferings going to end."

Chua said Tawau in particular had long suffered from substandard roads and urged the Ministry of Works to make up for the deficiency. She also requested for the construction of a coastal highway in Tawau as the traffic jam affecting the town has reached an intolerable stage.

Touching on the proposed electoral reform, Chua claimed that despite numerous guarantees made by the Election Commission (EC) that the electoral lists have been cleaned up, there are still discrepancies found.

She drew the attention of the EC that there are 666 voters in P.190 Tawau above the age of 90 with the eldest being 127 years old. There are numerous instances of deceased people holding MyKads on the electoral list.

"Why the sudden surge in some areas of voters of dubious background possessing newly issued Mykads?

"Has the EC the authority to query such voters or do we just leave our sovereignty to rot in front of our eyes?" she said.

Touching on the amnesty programme for illegals, Chua expressed worry that among 62,000 illegals registered under the amnesty were minors, with 40,500 children under 12 years old, and 21,656 aged between 13 and 18 years old.

"How many of these are in West Malaysia and how many in Sabah? How many of these are stateless kids, how many are the second or third generations of the illegals?" she queried.

Chua said the recent Census Report published by the Economic Planning Unit on Population and Housing for 2010, proved the seriousness of illegals problem in Sabah. In the report, the population Sabah was quoted at 3,206,742, out of which 72.3 per cent comprise Malaysian citizens and 27.7 per cent or 899,799 people are foreigners.

"But what is even more shocking is the fact that in Kinabatangan 78.3 per cent of the total population of 150,327 are foreigners," she said.

"With this scenario, how are we to ensure real electoral reform?" Chua concluded.



  1. Hope that the budget will cover Sabahan needs and the development cost needed.

  2. Sabah is a large state with high populations and many of these populations are not even locals. Therefore we need more investments to bring this state up.

  3. illegal immigrants and foreigners who make up more than a quarter of Sabah's population. No measures to curb the escalating cost of living, especially in the rural areas, no employment opportunities for young People, no sustainable measures to reduce poverty in Sabah which is still the poorest state in Malaysia despite having natural resources of oil and gas, eco-tourism products and contributing 35 per cent of Malaysia's total Palm oil production,"

    This is the long outstanding issues could not solve those matters over the budget.
    It takes time and the government is studying and investigating and ractify whenever necessary .

  4. I'm afraid I gotta be agree with this.

  5. Masih banyak lagi masalah yang membelenggu.

  6. Still, PTI is the worst case.

  7. Kalau la ada peruntukan untuk petani2 di pedalaman, kan lebih baik?

  8. masalah PATI pun belum selesai, masalah lain lagi sudah timbul.

    siapa yang UNDI UMNO = SOKONG PATI

  9. only opposition will deny that the government is actually listened to the people's needs and problems and translated them into the 2012 Budget and various other incentives..

  10. Little Miss ChocolateOctober 19, 2011 at 2:08 PM

    Kita tengok dulu pelaksanaan bajet 2012 tu macam mna, belum lagi dilaksanaan sudah bising2.

  11. memang sukar untuk memuaskan hati semua pihak..apa pun yang dilakukan pasti ada yang mengkritik..

  12. apa pun, yang penting perlaksanaan bajet itu nanti perlu dilakukan dengan sebaiknya agar semua mendapat manfaat..

  13. pembangkang ni belum apa2 sudah bising.

  14. bajet tersbut pasti akan digunakan dgn sebaiknya untuk kepentingan rakyat.

  15. "Has the ministry any plan to train more Chinese teachers? Has the government any plan to increase the allocations for government-aided schools in Sabah?"

    Kerajaan seharus memperbaiki sistem pendidikan di negeri Sabah yang masih kekurangan. Peruntukan yang mencukupi seharus diberi kepada pembangunan pendidikan di Sabah terutama penduduk pedalam yang masih tidak bersekolah. Pastikan bekalan guru yang berpengalaman dan berkelayakan untuk mengisi kekosongan di Sekolah Sabah.

  16. Bujet 2012 tidak berkemungkinan bermanfaatkan semua golongan. Peruntukan untuk projek pembangunan di Sabah seharus dikaji agar jumlah perlu ditambah supaya lebih banyak projek dapat dijalankan secara keseluruhan.

  17. "How many of these are in West Malaysia and how many in Sabah? How many of these are stateless kids, how many are the second or third generations of the illegals?"

    Betul kata beliau, jumlah PATI di Sabah menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan populasi. Masalah ini akan mengakibat kesan yang amat negatif jika berterusan tiada perubahan.

  18. "She however said the banning of "UNDILAH" and the Chinese edition of Siasat "I want to go to school" by NTV7 is a step backward against liberalisation and democracy."

    Kerajaan berhasrat menghala negara yang 100% demokrasi, tetapi apakah sebabnya "UNDILAH" & "I want to go to school" dihentikan siarannya? Adakah kerajaan cuba menyembunyikan kebenaran dari semua rakyat?

  19. Banyak masalah di Sabah masih tiada perkembangan yang berkesan, masalah PATI juga makin membimbangkan semua penduduk. Semoga ahlijawatan kuasa Musa dapat menyelesaikan masalah dengan keputusan yang memuaskan.

  20. Only umno puppets will praise their malaya master @ umno budget as long as they got their share from corruption. Allahku tahu!

  21. "But there are still a large number of poor and hard-core Poor families in Sabah who will not benefit from it. They are too poor to send their children to school"

    The parents will not going to pay any school fee anymore, which means the students will going to school, free of charge. This is something that also going to ease the burden that parents has to bear, especially those who has many children enrolling in schools.

  22. isu2 kritikal di Sabah memang tidak dapat ditangani sekaligus dengan peruntukan yang sudah dibentangkan oleh kerajaan. apapun, diharap kerajaan terus menyalurkan bantuan kepada rakyat.

  23. PATI juga salah satu punca kemiskinan yang dialami rakyat Sabah. apa yang telah diberikan oleh kerajaan turut dikongsi oleh golongan PATI ini.

  24. mungkin sebaiknya Sabah diberi kuasa autonomi agar mereka dapat membuat keputusan ke atas penyelesaian sesuatu isu dengan lebih cepat dan berkesan.

  25. We must not be forgotten!!

  26. Sabah should be mention in the budget or else how are gonna get money to develop and make Sabah a better place?

  27. Somehow it's hard to satisfy every state. We have to wait for our chance i guess.

  28. I bet the oppositions are as hot as angry bird now. HAHAHAAA

  29. Boleh kah saya setuju dengan artikel ni.. hehehhee

  30. Tak dinafikan bajet ada diperuntukkan cuma tak pasti sejauh mana bajet itu dapat mengubah keadaan Sabah.

  31. Apapun, harap bajet yang diperuntukkan nanti mencukupi demi pembangunan Sabah:)

  32. the govt will consider this...

  33. memang banyak perkara2 yang membebankan sabah tidak dimasukkan dalam bajet 2012 seperti PATI..diharapkan akan ada suntikan dana dari kerajaan persekutuan berikutan 95% hasil minyak sabah diperolehi oleh kerajaan persekutuan.

  34. sometimes i think Chua is more rational and reasonable than her president, YTL..

  35. apa2 pun, yang penting ialah perlaksanaan...kita lihat sama ada bajet 2012 ini mampu dilaksanakan atau hanya sekadar retorik.

  36. pemimpin2 sabah harus mendesak kerajaan persekutuan untuk mempeuntukkan lebih banyak sumber kewangan kepada sabah pada bajet2 akan datang..ini kerana sabah berhak mendapat lebih..

  37. Saya yakin jika bajet yang disediakan dijalankan sebaik mungkin rasanya ada juga perubahan positif yang berlaku.

  38. Sama-samalah kita harap yang terbaik dan jangan terlalu fikir -ve nanti makin banyak pula masalah yang timbul.. hahhaa

  39. betul..kita harap yg terbaik untuk Sabah...telampau fikir negative nnti susah mau maju...

  40. Masalah tidak akan selesai jika semua pihak tidak berkejasama..di harapkan dengan penubuhan jawatankuasa MA dpt mengurangkan masalah PATI ini..

  41. di harapkan bajet 2012 ini dapat dilaksanakan dengan sebaik mungkin...tunggu dan lihat hasilnya nnti.

  42. Jadi apa cadangan2 yang konkrit untuk selesaikan masalah2 serius di Sabah ini?

  43. "NTV7 programme attempted to show the slow development in Sabah where 20 per cent of the people have never received any formal education. According to Chua, there are real instances of rural native children having to walk from 3 am to reach their school on time."

    Rakyat berlayak untuk mengetahui hal sebenar seluruh negara, cuma dengan ini bantuan dan perhatian dapat diberi. Golongan kanak-kanak yang mash tidak berpeluang ke sekolah harus diberi perhatian yang wajar. Sistem infra dan perkhidmatan bas yang tidak berkesan harus diperbaiki agar kanak-kanak tidak perlu berjalan jarak jauh untuk bersekolah.

  44. Bujet 2012 lebih bermanfaatkan pekerja kerajaan. Semoga peruntukan untuk projek pembangunan di Sabah dilaksanakan dan berterusan sebab Sabah masih banyak berkurangan.

  45. kami menyeru kerajaan membangunkan ekonomi di Sabah, cuma kestabilan dan perkembangan yang berterusan yang berkemungkinan menyelesaikan masalah kemiskinan. Peluang pekerjaan turut bertambah dengan perkembangan sektor yang berlainan.

  46. Sistem pendidikan di Sabah memang kekurangan. Golongan besar dari populasi masih tiada peluang bersekolah. Jika keadaan ini berterusan, Sabah tetap negeri yang termiskin dan mundur.

  47. Kerjasama semua pihak amat diperlukan untuk membasmi masalah kemiskinan di Sabah. Kerajaan harus berusaha untuk pembangunan ekonomi dan perkembangan industri yang berpotensi tinggi. Rakyat Sabah seharus berdikari untuk mencari pendapatan untuk menampung perbelanjaan. Sikap teramat bergantung kepada cuma membebankan kerajaan dan tidak produktif langsung.

  48. Pembangkang cuma mencari isu untuk di panaskan sahaja... memanglah ada yg penting..Sabah tidak dilupakan..

  49. kemiskinan di Sabah memang masih ada tp lebih baik daripada dahulu, hasil daripada program2 yg dijalankan oleh kerajaan...

  50. Mungkin bajet untuk Sabah dimasukkan dalam bajet lain yang dibentangkan. Kita tunggu saja apa yang ada pada Sabah nanti.

  51. Memang kita lihat bajet lebih menumpukan kepada negara berpendapatan tinggi, tapi jika negeri lain tidak menikmatinya maka tidak ada guna juga semua ini dilakukan. Sperti Sabah sendiri masih banyak tempat tidak menikmati kemudahan asas seperti bekalan air bersih, bekalan elektrik dan juga kemudahan jalan raya.

  52. Jika dilihat mungkin ada belanjawan khas untuk Sabah pada akan datang. Mungkin buat masa sekarang ini untuk menumpukan kepada Negara. Pembangunan Sabah tidak akan dilupakan. Kita cuma mahu penduduk pendalaman merasai pembangunan, pada masa sama ekonomi Sabah juga perlulah dipertingkatkan lagi.


    UMNO BN adalah puncah semua penyakit,BUNUH sahaja penyakit ini kita akan aman damai.


  54. Sabah is known to be the poorest state in Malaysia, therefore the focus should be put more on Sabah.

  55. How sabah is suppose to be on par with the other states when there is lack of support and allocation given to Sabah in the budget 2012.

  56. The PATI issue has been bugging Sabah for a long time already. This has to stop now.
