The government is still awarding the building contracts of hospitals to obscure and inexperienced companies.
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), Kota Kinabalu, Sabah (October 2008)
There was infrastructure failure in this hospital which was caused by poor maintenance and planning, which led to the intensive care unit (ICU) and surgical units being shut down. A few hundred of the hospital’s patients were transferred after three blocks were declared unsafe by structural engineers. The hospital’s management had reported the deteriorating conditions as early as 2000. The Health Ministry was supposed to have carried out maintenance and repair work on the hospital from time to time through its concession company, Syarikat Faber Mediserve Sdn Bhd.
Pekan Hospital, Pahang (March 2007)
This hospital located in the parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak was scheduled for completion in 2003 but was only finally handed over to the Health Ministry in March 2007. Among the defects were leaking pipes, collapsed ceilings and problems with the main water tank.
Sultan Ismail Hospital, Johor (April 2007)
In September 2004, the hospital which cost RM550 million was shut down for 17 months due to a fungus problem. Two years later, large sections of the ceiling had to be removed due to structural problems. The company responsible for maintenance work was Pantai Medivest.
Sultanah Bahiyah Hospital, Alor Setar, Kedah (March 2007)
Built at a cost of RM550 milion, the hospital was opened four years after its scheduled completion date. The then health minister, Dr Chua Soi Lek, stated that the contractors lacked the necessary expertise.
Sultan Abdul Halim Hospital, Sungai Petani (February 2007)
Human faeces was found to be overflowing from a toilet and this forced an ICU unit to be closed temporarily. This hospital, built at a cost of RM450 million, was hailed as a state-of-the-art hospital. Another leakage had also occurred in the hospital cafeteria due to a defective sewerage pipe and there were also collapsed ceilings.
Ampang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur (March 2007)
This hospital was scheduled for completion in 2004 but it only opened its doors in 2007. The pediatric ward was ridden with fungus and the ceiling was similarly infected besides having the usual problem of leaking sewerage pipes. Then health minister Dr Chua Soi Lek commented that teething problems were to be expected in new buildings!
Despite the existence of such problematic hospital projects, the government is still awarding the construction of public infrastructure projects and building contracts of hospitals via direct negotiations, often to obscure and inexperienced companies. This practice is absolutely unacceptable and has resulted in losses amounting to billions.
None of the above contracts was awarded based on open competitive tenders and the cost of these “rent-seeking and patronage” is now taking a heavy toll on the nation’s economy. And what is worse is that the government still has the audacity to expect the rakyat to pay for its faults, follies and foibles by introducing new and higher types of taxes such as the credit card tax, the real property gains tax and the soon-to-be implemented goods and services tax (GST).
One special hospital project that should be mentioned here is the Shah Alam Hospital that has an “Ali Baba” twist, where the main contractor for the RM482-million project did not even lift a finger to do any work at all and yet made a bountiful profit.
This hospital project was awarded to Sunshine Fleet Sdn Bhd, a company which had no experience whatsoever in the construction of buildings, not to mention the highly specialised skills required in the building of a public hospital. The construction and commissioning of the hospital project was then fully sub-contracted to a financially-distressed Isyoda Corp Bhd in November 2007. In the letter of award, it was stated that RM451 million would be given to Isyoda while Sunshine Fleet would receive RM482 million from the government. This means that the main contractor gets to make a net profit of RM31 million, making it clearly an “Ali Baba” project. Despite the Works Ministry having the knowledge of such information and that it goes against the existing government policy of open tenders, the Works Ministry has refused to take any action against Sunshine Fleet.
However, Isyoda was unable to complete the project and it filed winding-up proceedings against Sunshine Fleet. The case was settled out of court in May 2009 and the project was subsequently awarded to GM Healthcare Sdn Bhd. Sunshine Fleet terminated this sub-contractor in August 2010 and till today the building of the hospital has been temporarily halted.
What was most damning was the fact that Isyoda had issued a letter to the chairperson of Sunshine Fleet promising a payment of RM46 million to her personally. In the letter it was stated that the unconditional payment was in consideration of Sunshine Fleet’s “efforts to procure the letter of award to be issued to us in further consideration of your future contribution and co-operation to ensure the smooth operation and success of the project”.
What do you call this type of payment?
Lackadaisical attitude
As these documents have been in the public purview and in the hands of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), it is extremely disappointing to note that no action whatsoever has been taken by MACC to investigate this matter and bring the relevant parties to book. PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad has also lodged a report with MACC on this hospital project as it is located in his parliamentary constituency.
Despite the ongoing legal tussles between GM Healthcare and Sunshine Fleet, Works Minister Shaziman Abu Mansor had claimed in Parliament in June 2010 that the project is right on schedule. GM Healthcare has filed a petition to wind up Sunshine Fleet over a RM10 million debt but the Works Minister told Parliament that the government is only responsible to the main contractor and has no authority in regard to payments to the sub-contractor. Shaziman also informed Parliament that the Public Works Department has not detected any breach of contract by Sunshine Fleet.
The poignant question to ask is, why is Sunshine Fleet given such special “privilege” by the government?
The above examples only go to show that the BN federal government is negligent, to say the least, and that is only the tip of the iceberg regarding the workings and goings-on in only one ministry.
The time has come for Malaysians from all walks of life to take the government to task over its lackadaisical attitude in managing the nation’s finances, which is also the rakyat’s money.
So much of 'sicks' add here 'sick attitude','sick professional','sick politician','sick driver','sick enforcer' etc....what a big lists?
ReplyDeleteLook around and we can see so much examples.
And if you get sick even you will see 'sick doctor'...I mean they will just do a routine at hospital asking a few fast questions and in hurry to you go with some medicine that is! Some because of religion do not even wish to look at you more closely but keep a distance from the patient!!!
I doubt the real sick really seen by doctor or they go to see the doctor?
Then when they found really sick too late and no wonder we are always short of doctors or more dying!
We are going to have many of these trust it alright or just drop by as a patient in public hospital today.
'Sick city committee' or how to call it as you look at so many 'sick extension roof or seats blocking pedestrian walkway at shops around city!
So sick even 'sick pasar malam' few hundred stalls at behind shops nearby Sinsuran area but not at any open area.Why? And in case if fire breakout is that not sick without backlane accessibility for fire escape.What a 'sick bomba rule' in the city and DBKK.How can there do this in the city with those pasar malam stalls without complying safety.
Sick sick whenever anyone just like to do it like little napoleon specially in Sabah because of getting support from 'sick pasar malam' scheme pocket in side income.
Sabahan youth go and take a shot to reveal the truth!
'sick roads' around in the city whenever driving in blur which lanes you are in because of unclear road marking!
ReplyDeleteWhile you drive please see carefully when come to little 'sick roundabout' a few of them in the city KK too!
So please 'sick city engineer or city planner' do a check and make sure the road marking is clear specially at night! Also not to forget all the 'sick turn in and out' at junction as we have many 'sick driving' in Sabah too!
Some sick people driving extremely slow on the right lane like that lane owned by his father. Why NO POLICE summon?
ReplyDeleteSya tidak 'sick' sebab dapat letak kereta suka-suka dekat taman di KK.Paduli ko tiada saman bah!
ReplyDeleteSya tidak 'sick' kalo di bandar KK bulih parking dekat simpang atau di bulatan mana-mana saja!
Sya tidak 'sick' masih bulih dapat 'rokok pirat' harga murah tanpa berhenti kereta tapi beli saja dari 'budak-budak' di KK!
Sya tidak 'sick' bulih pakai 'BBerry' phon set murah atau 'CD' RM2 dijual dekat KK!
Tapi 'sick' dipikir macam PTI bah....hahaha!
This article fails to mention the biggest conmen responsible for all these wastages and destruction ----the dungu doctors of the planning division at the Ministry of Health....these fellows are greatest culprits....
ReplyDeleteThis nation has been able to build bridges, towers, tunnels, etc....but when it comes to hospitals, any contractor in town will tell you he has to deal with some of the dumbest doctors, matrons and nurses in the world all housed at the Liow's Planning Division.....the same nutcases are responsible for the escalating costs that have now made healthcare bloody expensive for the average Joe...
The same docs, when in government ask for a Rolls Royce Xray machine, but when they join their own private practice down the road ensure they get a cheap/reasonably priced one....
If it was China, all these crooked doctors responsible for these disasters including Liow would have been shot right right their heads....but what to do...in Malaysia they get to stay on a create even bigger disasters..
If you are in PJ just look at the disaster the University Malaya doctors have done to UH....you can get a heart attack trying to get a parking space, its an absolute disaster...
I am not in PJ but...
ReplyDeleteTrouble is the wealthy known KM and Healthy Liew Tiong Lai never bother Lahad Datu Hospital without any CTScan for patience!
What the hack is 1Sihat in Sabah?
I cannot but disagree with your comment on the real property gain tax.In fact I think that the property gain tax should be very much higher---like previous downwards cascading % with the number of year after purchasing.
ReplyDeleteLook at the prices of house after 2009(when the govt introduce 5% flat gain tax??). There are too much speculation (some by rich syndicates even)by those who can afford it . If you just come out of the university, you think you can afford to buy a landed property (house) now?? The best you can afford is a flat !!
Bear in mind that FOOD, CLOTHING, TRANSPORT & HOUSE are the most basic daily necessity & this, the govt must ensure that most,if not everyone ,can afford them.In this respect,our govt fails miserably in housing.
Some of our top leaders even equate cost of living with standard of living---that is , the higher the living cost, the higher living standard. I am not an economic expert, but I am disappointed with the quality of some of our leaders.
Remember ,the govt of the day has every means to ensure no excessive speculation in the market but they are doing it due to some reason best known to themselves.
I hope we have a housing situation in the near future like US now.Only then the govt will be serious.
People still struggle with 'sick standard of living' to coup with low paid salary income but very high spending just like here in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteThus how far it can go for Malaysia to become develop?
Is this so-called 'transformation' by experts in the nation?
Make sure that all these projects will be completed in time as stated within the contracts.
ReplyDeleteContracts should be given to those contractors who are truly qualified and trustworthy.
ReplyDeleteHarap kerajaan ikhtiarkan bagaimana menyembuhkan projek2 sakit tu.
ReplyDeleteGovernment should take these all into consideration. Better result if a country managed wisely.
ReplyDeleteFind suitable 'medicine' to heal the 'sick'.
ReplyDeletekotraktor yang gagal melaksanakan tugas dengan baik perlu dikenakan tindakan..
ReplyDeletekontraktor juga perlulah melakukan tugas mereka dengan bertanggungjawab..
ReplyDeleteprojek2 yang dianggap sakit tersebt harus diperbaiki.
ReplyDeletejgn biarkan ia terus sakit.
ReplyDeletelain kali setiap projek besar minta kontraktor dari jepun yang buat.. kontraktor tempatan bagi projek yang cikai2 saja..
ReplyDeletelagi bagus jika kerajaan dapat melakukan sesuatu bagi membolehkan pihak kontraktor menanggung segala kos kerosakkan bangunan dalam tempoh lima tahun atau lebih..
ReplyDeleteperlu pandai memilih kontraktor2 yang layak untuk laksanakan projek2 besar seperti yang dinyatakan. sebab ramai kontraktor yang lebih utamakan keuntungan dari kualiti kerja.
ReplyDeletejangan salahkan kerajaan jika lebih mengutamakan kontraktor2 dari luar sebab kontraktor2 tempatan/bumiputera tidak pandai buat kerja.
ReplyDeleteHarap semua bersabar dengan projek hospital yang belum siap ini. Kerajaan telah berusaha untuk memastikan projek ini siapa pada tempohnya. Tidak apalah yang penting kos tidak lagi kira baguslah. Itu yang kita mahukan. Biarlah lambat yang penting nanti selamat digunakan oleh orang awam.
ReplyDeleteSudahpun 4 kali tertunda tempoh siap projek ini sebab UMNO yang RASUAH!