The hospital building was built in 1981 at a cost of RM20milion and after a mere 17 years after completion, it was declare unsafe by the Minister of Health Datuk Liow Tiong Lai by the end of October 2008 and it was then evacuating patients and hospital staff later that month. Services were then distributed throughout other district hospitals.

This campaign also serves as a reminder that the government had failed to ensure that there will be a referral hospital for the 500,000 citizens of Kota Kinabalu resulting the city to suffer 1,110 days without hospital, and hopefully only until 7 December of 2012 which was the expected date of completion announced.

This campaign had been taking place since the 100th, 300th, 700th, 900th and now the 1110th day.
The public's response shows support during the campaign and also agree with the objective of the campaign SAPP would also like to express deepest gratitude to the public who joined and agree our struggle.
SAPP Central Youth Chief Edward Dagul and SAPP Info Chief Chong Pit Fa also showed up to show moral support to the youth and public. Also Attended are KK Youth Chief Chester Pang, Luyang Youth chief Yong Yit Yoong, Likas youth chief Woo Choon Vun, Api-Api Youth Chief, Conan Teo, Tanjung Aru Youth Chief Lum Kong Fui.
Such crazy but playful fancy dressed costumes just let public see how serious a campaign from Youth as well as the party!
ReplyDeleteFurther more fanatic and silly to imitate with joy like OKU or injured patience just not right but disgrace to those suffer from sicks.
Hope SAPP take it seriously to reflect its sincerity to help rather than just train up a group of jokers as our future leaders for Sabah.
This is too much and humiliating!
ReplyDeleteShame you.
"Trust and integrity of the leaders are fundamental to the future of a country or a government or, in our case, SAPP as a serious political party of the future"
ReplyDeleteThe statement is well written in SAPP official blog by the president!!!What's your opinion then?
Believe everyone is taking it seriously as a matter to defend our future but not degrading the future young instead.
Why didn't SAPP hold it the next day, so it makes 1,111 days.
ReplyDeleteHope that the QEH will be completed and open for the people's use soon.
ReplyDeleteberapa banyak hasil keuntungan sapp hasil dari jualan baju, topi, badge dan sebagainya??
ReplyDeletemasa sapp mentadbir negeri ini, semua projek kerajaan siap tepat pada masanya ka??
ReplyDeleteharap QEH akan siap dan akan memulakan operasi secepat yang mungkin.
ReplyDeletemacam-macam gaya pula dalam kempen ni..macam sekadar mau berseronok saja.
ReplyDeleteLantak la. yang penting ada juga usaha. tunggu saja ba ada juga tu semua.
ReplyDeleteWe still have SMC baaa...
ReplyDeleteBut i do hope the new QEH, will be ready to used soon.
ReplyDeletehrap QEH baru akan siap segera.
ReplyDeleteteruskan kempen anda.
ReplyDeleteGood luck.
ReplyDeleteHarap QEH akan siap dalam masa terdekat..nnti ini lagi isu yg jadi panas..
ReplyDeletestill have hospital likas baa...x jg sensara..hehehe
ReplyDeletehow is the people suppose to take this campaign seriously if the crew are looking like a clown.what a joke!
ReplyDeleteneway, i hope that the hospital will be ready soon.
ReplyDeleteHarap hospital ini akan disiapkan tidak lama lagi, sudah lama rakyat menunggu ni.
ReplyDeleteTapi tidak fahamlah apa signifikan ahli SAPP berpakaian seperi badut.
ReplyDeletenampak macam berparty saja dorang ni. kenapa ada pakai rambut macam clown pla..
ReplyDeletetema kuning macam Bersih 2.0.
ReplyDeleteGood to remind the date line of completion but hope it is not part of the political agenda for SAPP.
ReplyDeleteI bet nobody has listened.
ReplyDeleteTunggu dan lihat.
ReplyDeleteTahun ini macam famous sangat lah warna kuning. hehehe
ReplyDeleteDari pakaian pun nampak macam party... Tapi mungkin ini cara dorang untuk dekati golongan muda kot.
ReplyDeleteEntah ada tak orang dengar atau sahut seruan kempen ni. Paling pun mungkin ramai join sebab nak enjoy:P
ReplyDeleteNamun lain orang lain pandangannya, so terpulanglah pada penilaian individu masing-masing.
ReplyDeleteYang penting rakyat harus bijak menilai:)
ReplyDeletePTI making full use of our hospitals, depriving the locals the medicals. Now withour the general hospital. KK people suffer more. The federal government never plan for Sabah except to plant more new citizens to safeguard their selfish political interest.
ReplyDeleteDo they have to do that :O
ReplyDeleteI'm sure the government will finish the projects on time. Let's wait and see.
ReplyDeleteRakyat haruslah memberikan sokongan kepada kerajaan untuk memastikan projek-projek dapat diselesaikan pada masa yang ditetapkan.
ReplyDeleteWow, they even used yellow again....they are so obvious with themselves.
ReplyDeleteHope the building can be finish in time. People are waiting for it.
ReplyDelete"SAPP Youth feels the need to urge the developer and the government to ensure that the new building's project does not fall behind schedule like the other flyovers, roads etc."
ReplyDeleteProjek harus mengikut tempoh yang ditetapkan dan kualiti pembinaan harus diutamakan agar tidak merisikokan pesakit.
Pembangunan harus dijalan dan disiapkan dalam tempoh untuk mengelakkan pembaziran dan berlebihan kos.
ReplyDeleteHoping the new building complete with high technology facilities that can help the patients.
ReplyDeleteGood reminder from SAPP. Hope all project done within the time frame and start giving the best treatment and services to the people.
ReplyDeleteEverybody eying to the projects, surely the project will complete on time. Hope the new building comform to the quality.
ReplyDeleteQuality of such building needed to enhanced.
ReplyDeleteUntuk kebaikan masyarakat khas pesakit yang memerlukan perhatian, harus juga hospital disiapkan dalam masa yang dihadkan.
ReplyDeleteBaik juga ada parti pembangkang memantau perkembangan projek tersebut untuk mengelakkan kegagalan dan penyelewengan.
ReplyDeletePenalti harus dikenakan terhadap kontraktor yang gagal melaksanakan mengikuti kondisi agreement.
ReplyDeleteSAPP bertujuan untuk memastikan projek dijalan dengan lancar dan mencapai kejayaan yang seratus peratus.
ReplyDeletekita tengok sampai bila kempen ini akan berlangsung dan juga sokongan kepada mereka.
ReplyDeleteBiarlah SAPP dengan diri mereka. Yang kita tahu Kerajaan telah berusaha yang terbaik untuk QEH ini disiapkan.
ReplyDeleteTidak lama lagi siaplah itu hospital..Dulu masa bangunan retak bising tapi bila buat yang baru lambat siap pun bising juga. Susah betul juga mahu buat hati pembangkang ini puas hati.
ReplyDeleteMasa itu penting.. Jika ada kelewatan berlaku seharusnya penjelasan perlu kenapa perkara ini berlaku.
ReplyDeletePAstikan kualiti pembangunan diutamakan... Jangan cepat siapa tapi setahun dua mahu roboh sudah.. Jadi kepada para pembangkang bersabar yer..
ReplyDeletejangan jadikan isu QEH untuk mendapatkan pendapatan sampingan..
ReplyDeletemungkin niat SAPP baik, namun dari segi cara dan penyampian kempen adalah tidak sesuai...
ReplyDeleteapa2 pun, pihak kementerian harus memastikan QEH ini siap mengikut jadual yang ditetapkan dan selamat untuk digunakan..
ReplyDeleteSAPP youth chief semua cina...SAPP parti cina atau campur2?
ReplyDeleteyang penting kualiti dan keselamatan bangunan baru QEH yang dibina terjamin..
ReplyDeleteQEH - kualiti tidak memuaskan dan masa sudah lewat...
ReplyDeletejap - sapp youth semua cina??double check pls..
ReplyDeleteKempen beraneka ragam ini adalah untuk menarik perhatian..
Tiada pungutan dari jualan...
ahli SAPP mcm badut suda sa tinguk..agak2 jg la..hehee
ReplyDeleteHarap hal QEH tidak akan dijadikan isu..sma2 kita harap akan bangunan baru ini akan siap dengan segera..
ReplyDeleteHarap bangunan baru QEH akan siap dengan segera dan lebih banyak kemudahan yg disediakan..