The discovery of oil and gas in Sabah has not brought home the wealth the state deserved, says an assemblywoman.
Citing reliable sources, Luyang assemblywoman Melanie Chia said that much of Malaysia’s 83 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of proven natural gas reserves, as of January 2009, came from offshore Sabah and Sarawak.
Debating on the state budget 2012, she said that by virtue of Sabah’s significant contribution to the nation’s coffers, the state government should be getting more to help develop what is one of the more backward states in the country.
She took the Sabah government to task for backing away from demanding higher royalty from the federal government for oil and gas extracted from the state.
She said the discovery of many more new oil and gas fields off Sabah this year, including the discovery of an oilfield near Kota Kinabalu, had been large enough to be significant for Malaysia and national oil company, Petronas.
“Sabah, especially with the new-found (oil and gas) fields, should therefore enjoy the benefits of this natural endowment,” she said.
The state currently receives a fixed oil royalty of five percent from the federal government.
“As a reminder, the federal allocation for 2012 is only RM1,520.76 million for development, which is less than 3% of the total development budget of RM51 billion for the whole country.
“In a federal budget amounting to RM232 billion, what Sabah gets is so insignificant,” she said.
She also said that oil and gas in the state’s territorial waters would not last forever.
“The day the oil wells run dry we will get nothing. Therefore, the Sabah government should pursue the task of getting higher petroleum royalty. We should ask for a revision of at least 20%,” she said.
O&G hub in Johor
Reports indicate that based on the projected capacity of known oilfields in the country, Malaysia could turn into a net energy importer by 2015 based on its current trend of consumption if oil and gas (O&G) production did not improve.
The national Economic Report (2011-2012) revealed that the country’s oil production could fall further to 600,000 barrels per day this year.
Total oil production for the financial year ended March 31, 2011, had fallen to 2.14 million barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) per day, from 2.27 million BOE per day in 2010.
Chia also criticised the BN government for not capitalising on the state’s position as an oil and gas producer to develop the sector unlike non-oil producing states like Pahang, Malacca, Kedah and Johor.
In Johor, a RM60 billion refinery and petrochemical integrated development petrochemical complex is being built in Pengerang.
The federal government made the announcement last year when it said Petronas would play a major role in the development of Johor’s southeast areas of Teluk Ramunia and Pengerang by turning it into an O&G hub in the region.
The petrochemical complex is expected to create at least 20,000 jobs during the construction phase and 4,000 potential jobs for highly-skilled workers.
In addition, a RM5 billion independent deepwater petroleum terminal is being built in Pengerang, which will be the first deepwater terminal in Southeast Asia.
Oil and gas hub in Johor
But Chia asked why is Johor being turned into an oil and gas hub when Sabah, together with Sarawak, contributes 40% of the country’s revenue.
“We only want a fair deal from what is produced in our state.
“We are not even talking about what we lost in oilfields Block L and Block M and that Petronas recently entered into a joint production sharing contract with Petroleum Brunei.
“Petronas will start drilling for oil in Brunei waters and also in Block M. This joint production sharing will give Petronas billions of ringgit in contracts and income and what do we get?”
Chia said that it was even sadder to note that Sabah youths have even had to leave the state to find work in Johor.
She warned that another opportunity to develop the state could be lost the same way it wasted its timber resources if the state government did not get its act together quickly on the oil palm industry.
Currently, there is little value-added to palm oil produced in the state.
Despite the vast potential for palm oil downstream industries, estimated to be about RM100 billion, the only sign the state government is trying to tap this resource is the much ballyhooed Palm Oil Industrial Cluster (POIC) in Lahad Datu, which critics say is merely a glorified real-estate sell-off.
It is beyond doubt that Sabah UMNO, and the gang of 4, namely PBS,PBRS,UPKO and LDP have betrayed Sabahans big time.
ReplyDeleteindeed corrupted Sabah umno & the gang of 4 are the biggest traitors and they have betrayed Sabahans by given away all natural resources & let Federal siphons all our oil and gas out of the State.These corrupted leaders are only interested to enrich themselves with the ill gotten wealth while the rakyat has to suffer with highest cost of living & uncertain future.
ReplyDeleteDatuk Pairin,kamu tipu semua rakyat Sabah.Dulu kamu tentang itu PATI tapi sekarang kamu pura pura lupa.Jenis pemimpin apa kamu?
ReplyDeleteDatu Lajim sekarang senang senang di Federal (biarpun cuma Satu Injin saja),Bernard Dompok dan Joseph Kurup apa kamu buat untuk Sabah? Kamu Maximus Ongkili,bikin habis beras saja tidak guna langsung,Tidak pernahpun membela Sabah.
Sabah deserves a higher oil and gas royalty.
ReplyDeleteThe Sabah Oil and Gas Industrial Park in (SOGIP) Sipitang is expected to attract investments worth RM12 billion with the potential to offer 30,000 job opportunities when it is fully developed, says State Industrial Development Minister Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah.
ReplyDeleteSOGIP, which was approved early this year with an acreage of 4,000 acres, has been attracting investors from the oil and gas and related industries.
Sure Musa is trying to get a higher % on royalty or getting similiar in Kind if possible.You can not change the things overnight.
Musang should be sacked. UMNO must be kicked out from Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabah was flooded by PATI was because of UMNO.
”Sabah government to task for backing away from demanding higher royalty from the federal government for oil and gas extracted from the state.“
ReplyDeleteWe Sabahan deserve more oil loyalties. We urge Petronas fulfill our requirement. Hope the state government will strike for us too.
“This joint production sharing will give Petronas billions of ringgit in contracts and income and what do we get?”
ReplyDeleteSemoga Petronas akan menunaikan hasrat rakyat di Sabah agar memperbaiki loyalty tersebut supaya duit ini diguna dalam projek pembangunan yang membawa kemajuan ekonomi juga.
Kerajaan negeri harus mempertahan dan memperjuangkan apa yang terbaikuntuk rakyat di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteState Government is waiting an assessment report on the impact of its liberalisation by the Maritime Institute of M'sia
ReplyDeletePerjuangan pertambahan loyalty harus diteruskan. Pasti Petronas akan membuat yang terbaik untuk kami.
ReplyDeleteKenapa Sabah masih termiskin dengan sumber semulajadi yang begitu lumayan dan berpendapatan tinggi? Seharus kami berkembang pesat seperti Selangor, Penang dll.
ReplyDeleteHoping the policy will be abolish.
ReplyDeleteRM323 million has been channelled so far to finance Sandakan POIC’s first phase
ReplyDeleteconstruction. Expecting investment figures to rise further when marketing
strategies go full swing after the first phase is completed next year.
4,000 employees were required to operate the SOGT which was expected to have a positive impact on the economic well-being of the community.
ReplyDeleteMusang and UMNO must be kicked out from Sabah.
ReplyDeleteNO to UMNO by importing their PATI to flood Sabah.
Sabah byk sumber, Sabah sepatutnya menikmati sumber2 yang ada.
ReplyDeletesemoga Sabah mendapat apa yang sepatutnya.
ReplyDeleteApa yang diterima harus setimpal dengan apa yang disumbangkan. Jangan ada istilah berat sebelah. Kalau negeri lain mahu maju, Sabah pun mahu maju bah.
ReplyDeletePemimpin Sabah harus bijak dan berani menuntut apa yang Sabah berhak dapat.
ReplyDeleteThe oil royalty agreement was made by human, so the agreement can be revised by human too.
ReplyDeleteKalau bukan isu pati, isu minyak jadi 'bahan gosip'
ReplyDeleteSudah lama berlalu, namun belum ada tanda-tanda hal ini dapat diselesaikan.
ReplyDeleteSaya percaya orang Sabah juga mengharapkan sumber dari Sabah dapat membantu Sabahan meningkatkan taraf kehidupan dan bukannya asyik meminta dari pihak lain utk membantu.
ReplyDeletePerjanjian yang dah dimetrai mungkin sukar untuk diubah lagi, namun saya yakin asalkan ada usaha isu ini pasti dapat ditanggani dengan baik.
ReplyDeleteJusteru, saya harap agar hak Sabah sentiasa dipertahankan dan dalam masa yang sama kerjasama daripada semua pihak haruslah ada.
ReplyDeleteMusa should propose for a revision of the oil agreement which was signed more than 30 years back with the discovery of new oil fields,otherwise the federal Government will
ReplyDeletetreat Sabah as a dumbful state with no demands
to show. Who is stupid enough to raise the oil
royalty if there is request for an increase?
the gov must tackle this issue once and for all, and not forgetting the pati issue.
ReplyDeleteThe Federal Government and Petronas should give attention on the royalties issue. Sabah deserves a fairer share on the oil profits.
ReplyDeletekalau tidak dapat bagi royalti lebih tinggi, bagus minta peruntukkan yang lebih besar dari negeri2 lain di semenanjung..
ReplyDeleteWhen UMNO being kicked out from Sabah in this coming GE13 and be replaced by local party SAPP. We will see light after the tunnel.
ReplyDeleteYou can talk until the cow come home but the fact is PATI issue will never be solved as long as party malaya still controlling Sabah.
Sarawak NO PATI issue because NO Party import from malaya.
sebarang isu yang timbul harus ditangani dengan sebaiknya.
ReplyDeletepetronas perlu sentiasa menyumbang kepada pembangunan Sabah.
ReplyDeletePetronas perlulah mengembalikan royalti minyak yang setaraf untuk Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHarap pemimpin kita akan berusaha memperjuangkan hak minyak Sabah.
ReplyDeleteSabah should get more from this.
ReplyDeleteBagus tanya Petronas.
ReplyDeleteOil royalty is a hot issue to be debated in Parliament.
ReplyDeleteSabah harus memberi yang terbaik.
ReplyDeleteHonestly we need more.
ReplyDeletemusang bin tidak aman must be sacked by making sabah the poorest in malaysia.
ReplyDeletePATI lah penyebab kemiskinan di Sabah. kalau tiada PATI dan warga asing mesti peruntukan untuk Sabah cukup. tengoklah belanja untuk pelarian, untuk bagi makan banduan warga asing di penjara pun tiap tahun kerajaan keluar wang berjuta2.
ReplyDeletekalau isu royalti tu rasanya perlu semak semula Akta Petroleum 1974. lagipun nampak tidak relevan sudah kalau ikut keadaan sekarang.
ReplyDeleteLoyalti yang diberi oleh Petronas telah berabad lamanya, seharus juga dikaji dan membuat adjustment.
ReplyDeleteKerajaan negeri harus memperjuangkan yang terbaik untuk seluruh rakyat di Sabah.
ReplyDeleteJika kerajaan Sabah memprihatinkan anak negeri Sabah, loyalty ini harus diperjuangkan.
ReplyDeleteIndeed we should by right enjoy more benefits. We hope Petronas will do the best for us.
ReplyDeleteThe increment of the loyalties are good for development purposes.
ReplyDeleteMengenai royalti untuk Sabah.. Memang 5% itu rasanya tidak mencukup untuk pembangunan Sabah. Tapi perlu ingat, Petronas menjalankan semua kerja pasti memakan bajet yang sangat besar untuk mencari gali. Pada masa sama subsidi diberikan, bantuan pendidikan diberikan..pembangunan projek dan bantuan ehsan kepada penduduk Sabah juga petronas berikan. Nampak banyak sumbangan dari petronas cuma kita saja yang tidak nampak dikaburi oleh fitah dari pihak pembangkang.
ReplyDeleteBetul juga apa yang dikatakan oleh Waxiran itu.. Mungkin kita ini termakan godaan dari pihak lain sampai kita tidak pernah memikirkan perkasa sebegini.
ReplyDeleteWazxiran..Kadang-kadang itu kita lupa perkara sebegini. Tapi biarkan saja itulah pendapat dan pandangan setiap orang.
ReplyDeleteSabah berhak mendapat Royalti lebih.. Tapi buatlah perbincangan dengan pihak pengurusan mengenai perkara ini.
ReplyDeleteTeruskan membangunkan negeri Sabah ini supaya menjadi antara Negeri yang termaju di Malaysia. Kerajaan Negeri pasti dapat membuktikan bahawa mereka akan dapat memerintah dengan baik dan berjaya.
ReplyDeleteroyalti minyak wajar dinaikkan...dewan negeri harus mengemukakan usul ini kepada persekutuan..
ReplyDeleteakta petroleum yang digunapakai sekarang sudah tidak relevan dan harus dikaji semula..
ReplyDeletetuntutan royalti minyak yang lebih tinggi harus diperjuangkan...kita berhak mendapat kepunyaan kita..
ReplyDeletepolisi kabotaj harus dihapuskan...polisi ini menyusahkan rakyat..diminta najib segera bertindak sebelum PRU13.
ReplyDeletePaquin said...
ReplyDeleteKalau bukan isu pati, isu minyak jadi 'bahan gosip'
November 30, 2011 10:08 PM
sebab isu2 ini merupakan bebanan kepada sabah...maka adalah wajar isu2 ini terus disuarakan..
Precious said...
ReplyDeleteState Government is waiting an assessment report on the impact of its liberalisation by the Maritime Institute of M'sia
November 30, 2011 1:33 PM
then we wait and see...
Let's wait and see.
ReplyDeleteIsu minyak semakin di perkatakan.. harap kerajaan negeri akan dapat selesaikan masalah ini..
ReplyDeleteSetiap orang ada pendapat masing2..terpulang kepada rakyat untuk menilai...
ReplyDeleteRoyalti minyak harus di naikkn bagi kepentingan negeri Sabah..
ReplyDeleteharap isu ini akan segera selesai dengan semua pihak berpuas hati..
ReplyDeleteHarap Kerajaan Negeri akan memperjuangkan hak rakyat Sabah untuk kepentingan semua..
ReplyDeleteHancur kan UMNO dari bumi SABAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!