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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Shareda objects to 30 pct low-cost house proposal

KOTA KINABALU: The Sabah Housing And Real Estate Developers Association (Shareda) strongly objects to the government’s proposal for private developers to build 30 per cent of low-cost houses in new housing schemes in urban areas of Sabah.

Its president, Datuk Susan Wong, said development cost would go up and this would increase the burden of  medium cost and above house purchasers.

“The 30 per cent low cost concept will add more subsidy burden onto the project cost and this will push up price of houses further, causing more economic distortions to the already chaotic situation because of uncontrollable inflation in the economy,” she said in a statement yesterday.

Susan pointed out it is incompatible to mix medium and above cost development with low cost in the same urban project location because of high conflicting management culture.

Low-cost housing dwellers mostly rely on government subsidies.

However, she said Shareda is willing to assist the government to work out a practical and timely solution to address the low-cost housing issue within the state.

The government’s Sabah Housing and Town Development Board (LPPB) and Syarikat Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB) should focus on building low-cost housing in line with the government’s objective of providing low-cost housing to the people, instead of building high-medium cost houses, she said.

Susan added the government should build more low-cost housing for rental instead of encouraging ownership as a social responsibility from government revenues.

Local Government and Housing Datuk Hj Hajiji Hj Noor Minister announced during the state assembly sitting last week that housing developers in Sabah may soon be required to allocate 30 per cent of their new housing schemes for low-cost houses.

He saidthe move was to help ensure the low-income group could afford to buy houses in urban areas.

“In fact this policy is nothing new. It has been in force in Peninsular Malaysia for some time and found to be effective in helping the low-income group own houses,” he stressed.



  1. How could you build a LOW COST housing in Bukit Bintang KL? You stupid fool umno minister.

    Use your brain lah before you talk like a fool

  2. Low cost housing to help the poor la.Only the rich have monopoly over the urban areas ka and the poor lives in Kinarut and Beaufort?Where is your brain Susan.Its all about money and profits.No social responsibility.How did you get your Datuk eh?Fluk ka?

  3. Better ask her to build houses for the rich and famous only then she can 'potong' and make huge profits.And then be a hypocite and start visiting chinese schools to make small donation.Who knows another title will come.Go fly kites you great pretender.

  4. Economic sense that we cannot build a low cost house in a premium land area...cost of land will be definitely higher than the cost of a low cost house.

  5. Hope that the government will make the right decision is this.

  6. rumah kos rendah harus lebih byk dibina untuk membantu penduduk yang berpendapatan rendah.

  7. kerajaan patut membina lebih banyak rumah kos rendah bagi rakyat yang berpendapatan rendah dan sederhana.

  8. rumah kos rendah sememangnya penting untuk menampung keperluan golongan yang berpendapatan rendah.

  9. semoga keperluan rakyat akan dapat dipenuhi dengan sebaiknya.

  10. whatever proposal made by govt, I just want to see more low cost houses to be build in this state..

  11. gaji rendah, mau bayar sewa bilik pun susah di area2 bandaraya KK ni. apa lagi kalau mau beli satu buah rumah. jadi, sesuailah kalau perbanyakkan lagi rumah2 kos rendah.

  12. Tolong2 la bah orang susah...banyak sudah bah yang dimonopoli oleh orang2 kaya..

  13. rumah kos rendah perlu diperbanyakkan lagi.

  14. Jika dilihat sekarang jualan kos rumah sangat tinggi di sesetengah kawasan. Orang yang berkemampuan saja yang dapat menikmatinya. Maka kita harap perbanyakkan lagi rumahu kos rendah untuk mereka yang kurang mampu.
