Where has the billions of ringgit which the federal government claims was spent on Sabah infrastructure gone?
PENAMPANG: Billions of ringgit have been spent on infrastructure projects in Sabah but there is little to show for it, especially in rural areas.
This has prompted a veteran political operative in Sabah to accuse federal government leaders of having an “evil” and “racist” attitude towards Sabah and Sarawak.
Fredoline Edwin Lojingki, 71, claims that by denying the two states similar infrastructure enjoyed in the peninsula, the federal government has kept the people in two states impoverished and deficient.
Lojingki, once an activist in the defunct United Kadazan National Organisation (Unko) and now a coordinator in Borneo Heritage Foundation (BHF), said each year both the federal and state governments trumpeted that hundreds of millions of ringgits would be spent on Sabah alone for rural development but it was astonishing that little is accomplished.
“Each year billions of ringgits are allocated for infrastructure with a focus on basic infrastructure.
“What astonishes me is that little is felt here in many rural areas in Sabah.
‘I have travelled to many parts of Sabah in recent times and I found it scary to claim that those billions were ever spent in Sabah.
“Not even small bridges or roads have been built in many of those places I visited. Even in Penampang, Inanam, Papar, Kota Belud, Keningau, Tambunan, Kudat, not to mention Nabawan, Sook, Banggi and some of the remote places in Ranau, Pitas, Kota Marudu.
“Very little has been done to upgrade public amenities like kampung roads and tracks, pedestrian bridges and even small wooden bridges have been left to rot.
“Don’t talk about drainage in the kampungs … it is almost non-existent,” he said.
Endangering lives
Lojingki said Chief Minister Musa Aman and his deputy Joseph Pairin Kitingan must explain why thousands of suspension bridges in the rural areas, especially in Kadazandusun-Murut kampungs are left unattended for decades.
He said the failure to ensure such facilities are safe was endangering the lives of many, especially schoolchildren who used them on a daily basis to get to and from school.
“I pity our people being taken for granted so easily and cheaply, duped into believing they are well taken care off by the governments who pour in billions of ringgits every year.
“In reality, the situations in the rural has become relatively worse in term of development now compared to the 1970s and even 80s, when not as much money was spent on Sabah by the federal government.
“Those younger people must raise their voice and learn to be bold to demand from their YBs, the district officers and all the top civil servants who are in the decision-making team.
“They must ask why their roads are not tarred or upgraded, or why their balai rayas are dilapidated, why no new infrastructure has been provided?
‘They should demand to see how the district office and YBs spent their allocation?” he said.
Sabahans can issue ultimatum
As citizens, he said, Sabahans can issue an ultimatum to the government and political parties that their support is not a given one and they can reshape the political landscape any time.
“There is no point in the Auditor-General stating every year that money has been misspent when the people, the real beneficiaries of this public money, are denied the right to participate, plan and monitor how the yearly allocation are being spent in each district or constituency,” Lojingki said.
The lack infrastructure in the state has been an unending lament for decades.
The issue is only hurriedly addressed prior to an election when roads are given a new layer of asphalt whether they need it or not, drains cleared and a dash of paint applied.
Indeed, rural folk mock that an election must be around the corner whenever they notice some maintenance or development taking place.
The government, on the other hand, makes no effort to hide the fact that the people should in fact be happy that they are noticed.
Many note that preferential treatment is given to some communities, pointing out that infrastructure development in those areas they reside are far ahead of those dominated by communities not on the ‘A’ list.
This imbalance has caused political and social friction in the state and further divided an already fractured society.
By Luke Rintod FMT
Ever since Sabah be part of malaysia,Federal govt has never have any intention to develop Sabah in its infrastructure and State economy. History has clearly shown that Federal Govt under umno/bn will continue to implement national policies that will make Sabah to always rely on Federal govt for development fund and any decisions on State matters, the State will have to seek approval from Federal.Over the past decades, the Federal govt has developed such a situation that fund allocations under national budgets will be given to develop malayan states first while their main intention is to keep Sabah in backward stage, and in poverty.
ReplyDeleteAlthough billions of ringgit were promise and so called'mega' projects to develop Sabah but eventually all these turn out to be empty promises and a big liar.
Federal govt as a colonist, is only interest to take control of all Sabah's natural resources --esp oil & gas, all revenue collected from Sabahans to develop Malaya, etc.
Sabahans should be wise enough to decide in the coming GE13 to vote out the umno/bn govt for the sake of the future generations. Federal govt will never listen and consider the real needs of the rural poor people as the one saying said 'when you bark they will only throw you a crust to keep you silent', but not Sabahans. We can not depend on those local parties under bn nor those malayan parties to fight for our rights.
After all these years, Sabah is still lack of basic infrastructure and is the poorest State is an insult to all Sabahans despite it has a vast natural resources given by God but stolen by Federal govt.
ReplyDeleteThe huge presence of illegal immigrants are one of the reasons why Sabah is poor.
ReplyDeleteSabahans must be give more autonomy to rule the state with minimum Federal government interference.
ReplyDeleteWhat more can I say?
ReplyDelete"PENAMPANG: Billions of ringgit have been spent on infrastructure projects in Sabah but there is little to show for it, especially in rural areas."
ReplyDeleteKerajaan harus membuktikan bahwa projek pembangunan dijalankan dan mencapai 100% kejayaan. Banyak projek dibuktikan tertunda.
We need to continuely strike for Sabah autonomy.
ReplyDeletePastikan peruntukan untuk pembangunan infrastuktur diberi dan diterima 100% untuk projek. Mengelakkan golongan yang mengambil kesempatan.
ReplyDeletePembanguan di Sabah tidak wajar, banyak kawasan perkampungan masih berkurangan walaupun cuma keperluan asas seperti elektrik, air, jalan dll.
ReplyDeleteSistem infrastruktur merupakan unsur utama menarik lebih banyak pelabur asing, harus kerajaan menumpu perhatian membaiki sistem tersebut.
ReplyDeleteHarap peruntukan yang diberi sampai terus ke projek2.
ReplyDeleteHarap kebajikan rakyat terpelihara dan sentiasa diperbaiki segala kemudahan.
ReplyDeletemasih byk pembangunan infrastruktur yang diperlukan Sabah terutamnya di kawasan luar bandar.
ReplyDeletepembangunan kena dilakukan segera dikawsan yang mundur.
ReplyDeletewhy don't you make your research about how much money needed to provide and improve all the infrastructures throughout the state?? do you think that the funds given by fed govt before is enough?
ReplyDeletekeadaan geografi Sabah juga merupakan satu penyebab kenapa peruntukan yang diberikan masih tidak mencukupi bagi membangunkan kawasan2 yang mundur.
ReplyDelete70% kawasan Sabah merupakan kawasan luar bandar. pastinya memerlukan masa yang panjang dan peruntukan yang banyak untuk membangunkan kawasan ini. saya cadangkan alternatif lain ialah menambahkan kadar royalti minyak. saya pasti ia akan membantu pembangunan di Sabah ini.
ReplyDeletemasih banyak yg boleh dilakukan untuk kawasan luar bandar..mungkin ini akan mengambil masa yg panjang, ini disebabkn, kadang2 ada kg yg tidak mau menerima pembangunan..
ReplyDeleteCan hardly see any development in rural area.
ReplyDeleteWe can't fully blame the gov too cuz there are cases where people are resist to changes.
ReplyDeleteIts all about "management of change". People may sometime resistance to change, but all these needed to compromise and tolerate from all parties.
ReplyDeleteuntuk membangunkan sesuatu kawasan ianya memerlukan masa dan peruntukan yang besar..semoga usaha pembangunan sentiasa diteruskan.
ReplyDeletePerkembangan harus lebih keseluruhan termasuk kawasan bandar dan luar bandar. Jika tidak, akan menyebabkan ketidakstabilan ekonomi dan taraf hidup.
ReplyDeleteharap usaha-usaha pembangunan yang dilakukan akan menjadikan Sabah menjadi lebih membangun lagi.
ReplyDeletebetter infra encourage more investment.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan diberi tetapi projek tidak dapat dijalankan dengan sempurna, apakah yang terjadi? Banyak projek berjuta-juta sangkut, apakah penyelesaiannya?
ReplyDeleteKerajaan harus memperkembangkan keperluan asas terlebih dahulu terutama kawasan perkampungan.
ReplyDeleteWalau apa pun, pembangunan di seluruh negeri haruslah seimbang lebih2 negeri yang menjadi tumpuan pelancong yang mempunyai keindahan alam semulajadi di Borneo.
ReplyDeletePastikan setiap projek dipantau kualitinya. Peruntukan yang diberikan harus sampai ke targetnya, bukan ke dalam poket orang persendirian. Kerajaan perlu lebih tegas.
ReplyDeleteWhy Sabah has been left out?
ReplyDeleteSabahans must work hard to free themselves from poverty, don't just depend on the government's handouts.
ReplyDeleteNot only the government is responsible to reduce poverty, the people themselves should be driven to bring themselves out of poverty.
ReplyDeletePeruntukan yang diberikan seharusnya digunakan sebaiknya. Janganlah membuang peruntukan yang telah disediakan kearah perkara yang tidak sepatutnya.
ReplyDeleteI wonder why...
ReplyDeleteWell, we can't rely on others to help us to change our lives.
ReplyDeleteGovt should always be fair in managing the country, sigh so disappointed.
ReplyDeleteThey should keep their word.
ReplyDeleteBetul tu.
ReplyDeletekerajaan sentiasa bersikap adil..
ReplyDeleteSabah harus dibangunkan lagi supaya semua rakyat merasai nikmat pembangunan.
ReplyDeleteK/kala hairan juga peruntukan ada tapi projeknya entah p mana... hhmm...
ReplyDeleteHal ini patut diberi perhatian demi memastikan setiap plan yang dibuat berjalan lancar.
ReplyDeleteSiasat hal ni dan perjelaskan mana sudah itu duit...
ReplyDeleteDalam masa yang sama pastikan Sabah terus membangun demi kebaikan semua.
ReplyDeleteutamakan kawasan luar bandar, mereka lagi memerlukannya..
ReplyDeletediharapkan pembangunan di Sabah akan lebih maju terutamanya di luar bandar, dan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup penduduk..
ReplyDeleteharap Sabah akan terus membangun dibawah pimpinan CM kita..