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TAWAU: The member of parliament (SAPP) here, Datuk Chua Soon Bui, supported the call of the Parents Action Group for Education (PAGE) to the government to let parents choose the language they want their children to be taught in Science and Mathematics.
Commenting on the PPSMI (Science and Mathematics in English) issue yesterday, Chua said he parents should have the alternative or choice whether to have their children learn the two subjects in English or Bahasa Malaysia.
"We do not want every time there is a change of education minister, there is a change in policy. It is not fair to our children," she said.
"Firstly, if our country wants to be globally competitive, with such policy changes it is bad for our country. Every few years there is a change. especially by 2020 we want to be a developed, competitive and high income nation," she said.
Chua said it could not be denied that English is one of the important languages used globally and in the internet.
"It is the common language, globally it is still English," she pointed out.
However, she said in view of the limited number of English teachers, the government could maintain the two subjects to be taught in English where the English teachers are ample, especially in the urban areas.
"I am sure in urban areas, parents will opt for English compared to rural areas. For the Chinese primary schools, we like to maintain and strengthen their English so when they go to secondary school, they can capture the language," she said.
"It means in our multi-racial society our young people will be equipped with various languages and skills and be more competitive in the global arena," she said.
Chua added the country has more than one million expatriates working overseas and a majority of them are weII verse in English.
"I urge the Ministry of Education to set a total policy, not today the director says something new and the minister says something new they should do it with practicality," she said.
Ibu-bapa patut diberikan peluang memilih sama ada menggunakan bahasa Inggeris ataupun bahasa Melayu dalam pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik.
ReplyDeleteHarap Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia akan membuat pertimbangan yang terbaik dalam isu ini.
ReplyDeletekementerian pendidikan kena membuat keputusan yang terbaik untuk memartabatkan pendidikan negara.
ReplyDeletesistem pendidikan yang baik akan melahirkan pelajar yang cemerlang.
ReplyDeleteBagaimana kementerian pelajaran membuat keputusan tentang PPSMI ini? Adakah pandangan ibu bapa, pelajar, dan orang awam diambil kira?
ReplyDeletePPSMI akan berlangsung sehingga 2016. Mungkin sepanjang tempoh tersebut akan terdapat perubahan keputusan dan mengekalkan PPSMI.
ReplyDeleteHope the situation will be getting better, from time to time.
ReplyDeleteThe most important is the student manage to adapt the changes and not too affecting their performance.
ReplyDeletesekolah2 luar bandar perlu dibekalkan dengan guru2 yang dapat menguasai BI dengan baik. seboleh-bolehnya di kalangan rakyat tempatan sendiri bukannya diterbangkan dari Semenanjung.
ReplyDeleteyup.. baik gunakan sahaja kedua2 bahasa.. biar pelajar atau ibubapa itu sendiri yang buat pilihan samada mahu menggunakan BM atau BI bagi kedua2 mata pelajaran itu..
ReplyDeletekeputusan ini bukannya bermakna meminggirkan kepentingan BI. BM ini dilihat memudahkan lagi pelajar untuk menguasai mata pelajaran Sains dan Matematik memandangkan kebanyakan masih ramai pelajar yang ketinggalan semasa pelaksanaan PPSMI.
ReplyDeletemembenarkan Ibubapa membuat pilihan adalah keputusan yang paling tepat sekali memandang ada pihak yang membantah dan ada juga pihak yang bersetuju..
ReplyDeleteapa pun keputusan yang dibuat pasti ada yang bersetuju dan ada yang tidak..apa pun, yang penting keputusan yang dibuat baik untuk semua..
ReplyDeleteharap pencapaian pelajar dan kualiti akan meningkat.
ReplyDeleteTidak payahlah mahu pilih-pilih lagi. Biar kita guna satu bahasa saja untuk Sains dan Metametik.
ReplyDeletePemansuhan ini seharusnya kita terima sebaiknya. Ini bagi meningkatkan pencapaian para pelajar diseluruh malaysia.