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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Overseas Malaysians plea for right to vote

Malaysians working in Brunei yesterday made an impassioned plea to the parliamentary select committee (PSC) on electoral reform to be allowed to vote overseas.

At a PSC hearing in Sabah, its representative Ng Kinn Sing read out a petition on behalf of one Teo Ai Im, recollecting the experience of Malaysians who witnessed overseas voting in action by neighbouring countries but who themselves had no chance of voting for their own country.

"This year, Thailand had their general election in July. As early as May, the Thai embassy in Brunei started contacting every Thai citizen here to inform and encourage them to go and register to vote, right here in Brunei.

"My Philippine and Indonesian colleagues, just like the Thais, were allowed to vote in their respective embassies. Why can't our Malaysian government do that?... Is our government more backwards than its neighbour?"

He later submitted a petition signed by 38 Malaysians working in Brunei, many of whom are Sabahans and Sarawakians, demanding the right to vote overseas, to the panel.

The PSC public hearing was held in Kota Kinabalu.

Later, Sarawakian and activist Lau Shu Shi, who works in Kuala Lumpur made a similar plea for Sarawakians and Sabahans working in peninsular to be allowed to vote there, and for peninsular Malaysian to be able to vote in Sabah and Sarawak.

"To go back to vote is really costly for me. Last election in Sarawak, when I went back to vote, it cost me a quarter of my salary.

"If I need a quarter of my salary, I cannot imagine how much people living in villages have to spend. There are many Sarawakains working in factories. They will not be able to spend so much."

'Ban ex-civil servant from EC'

Meanwhile, Tindak Malaysia activist Wong Piang Yow who had flown from the peninsula, recommended several measures to the PSC to improve the Election Commission based on his experience as a polling agent, counting agent, barung agent (Pacaba) trainer.

Testifying in his personal capacity, he called for appointments of EC officials to exclude those who have served in the government service.

"It is like a World Cup Game between Germany and Brazil and having a referee coming from either country. That would not be acceptable to the football fans."

Malaysia, Wong said, should emulate Indonesia, which has an EC Oversight Board.

"The Oversight Board will monitor the EC and impose sanctions on the EC should they be derelict in their duties."

He added that EC should be empowered to punish election offences on its own, as the current system puts the final say on the public prosecutor.

'Lifetime ban for quitters'

However, the PSC panel led by Maximus Johnity Ongkili was stirred when Sabah Community Welfare Organisation (Perkemas) preisdent Mohd Marsidi Katong called for by-elections to be replaced with appointments from the winning party if the prior results were won with large majorities.

"We also suggest MPs and state assemblypersons who resign without any appropriate reason to be blacklisted forever, including their family members."

"Even their brothers and sisters?" asked a stumped PSC member Mohd Radzi Sheikh Ahmad.

"Yes, until death. But there could be an exception for their cousins," replied Marsidi.

Several other private citizens, including Sabahans Dr Jurin Gunsalam, SM Muthu and Verus Aman Sham and Sarawakians June Rubis and Marita Adang Muda recounted their experience of electoral corruption and provided recommendations that were similar to electoral reform groups Bersih 2.0's eight point demands.

However, PBS testified again at yesterday's last day of hearing, this time  from its representative Roony Rusikan from Sook, Pensiangan, to provide a rural perspetive to electoral reform.

"We suggest that the serial number on the ballot papers be abolished. This is threatening rural voters because our numbers are small. When there is serial number our vote is not secret," he said.

When met after the conclusion of the hearing, PSC member Dr Hatta Ramli said the preliminary report of the panel's findings will be tabled in Parliament on Dec 1.

The third session of public hearing will commence on Dec 8 to 9 and will take place in Kuching, Sarawak.

By Nigel Aw


  1. Di Sabah, puluhan ribu rakyat Indonesia mengundi di pusat2 mengundi di seluruh Sabah atas pengawasan konsulat Indon walaupun sebahagian besar dari mereka sudah menjadi warganegara Malingsial, tapi kerana mereka masih sayangkan negara mereka maka mereka sanggup mengundi untuk negara mereka kerana mereka sedar bahawa menjadi rakyat Malingsial bukannya kehendak mereka tapi kerana ditawarkan=dipaksa.

    Mereka dilayan bagaikan menantang minyak yg penuh oleh BN/UMNO kerana tapa mereka Sabah takkan jadi FIX DEPOSIT BN/UMNO.

    Jadi MCA tidak mahu rakyat Malingsial di luar negara mengundi kerana MCA tahu rakyat berbangsa Cina di luarnegara akan mengundi DAP pada PRU13.

    Para pemimpin BN/UMNO pula sibuk ke hulu ke hilir melawat pelajar2 Malingsial di luar negara dan memujuk mereka dengan ganjaran wang dan sebagainya demi untuk mengalih perhatian mereka agar tidak menyokong pembangkang.

    Mengundi adalah hak rakyat, kenapa harus disekat? Jangan cakap UMNO mahu buat undang2 melarang rakyatnya di luar negara untuk mengundi!

    MCA/BN/UMNO, bullshit!

  2. semua rakyat Malaysia tak kira berada di mana berhak mengundi

  3. harap pengundi rakyat Malaysia yang berada diluar negara juga boleh mengundi.

  4. mungkin pekara ini akan dipertimbangkan dengan sebaiknya.

  5. harap jawatankuasa yang ada akan dapat menambah baik sistem pilihanraya sedia ada...

  6. hopefully PSC will solve your problem..

  7. All citizens have the right to vote no matter where they are.

  8. kalau di luar negara takkanlah mau balik semata2 untuk mengundi. susahlah kalau tiada duit apa lagi golongan pelajar yang sedang belajar di luar negara. kalau ada peruntukan bolehlah mungkin.

  9. PSC kena buat keputusan yang terbaik untuk PRU-13 nanti.

  10. PSC must make wise decision.

  11. Whatever it is, we the rakyat just want a clean and fair election.

  12. Teruskan mengundi parti yang boleh memerintah.

  13. Teruskan membuat siasatan dan kajian bagi menambah baik PRU akan datang.
